🌹 Rose Giving Gliese 1061

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Red rose for @Theodore Nightray

There were seemingly a lot of students that Callie just did not know. She had read the name and been persuaded they might've been a slytherin but she'd been directed to the gryffindor common room. She glanced at the name and stopped someone to ask them to go fetch the student.
After one of the most eventful days of the year thus far, Theo had been ready to conk out for the rest of the afternoon in the dorms only to be stopped by another student because a girl was asking for him outside. Of course, that was enough to get him rushing out of the Common Room only to find an unfamiliar Hufflepuff. "Why hello there, heard you were looking for me, I'm still looking for a date to the Valentine's Dance that I hear you guys have." He was of the firm belief that there was no harm in asking.
Callie blushed a little at the question as she pulled out a red rose. "Might wanna check if this person has asked you first," she told him, giving him the note that went along with it. She hardly wanted to end up in another situation where another party was keen to break her up with whatever boy she was with.
<3 A.
"That's not a no," Theodore said grinning as he took the rose, "Hold that thought," he said as he looked at the note and instantly recognized who it was from. Such a sweet friend he had. "Just a friend darling," he said as he pocketed the note. "Now about that dance?" he asked brow raised as he tilted his head at her before looking down at his rose and checking it for thorns. "May I?" he asked as he gestured if he could put the rose on her ear because he thought it would look pretty on her.
Callie blushed deeply, both at being called darling and then the second offer to the dance. She felt the blush deepen somehow as he offered to put it behind her ear. She wasn't sure she should say yes to it. Wasn't sure she should do anything of the sort. "Okay," she said to all of the things he'd said.

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