Glad to see you all

Rosie Woods

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Dead people doesn't have WAND!
Keeping up with her children's isn't the best thing she can do that's why Rosie owl them to meet her at the obsidian harbour for some family time even though the two are at Europe to study. She decided to have a lunch at the leaky cauldron and shop at the shops as well. Beside her walking was her daughter Carmina, her nanny was on the leave for today so no one will take care for her. Spotting a bench at the park, they take a sit and waited for the two to collide at the harbour while she gave Carmina some drawing notebook.
Demeter was the first to arrive at the Harbour. She was wearing cut up jeans with a white blouse and ugh boots that wanted up to her knee. Her hair was tighten up into a bun, while her bangs were set lose in front of her. Swinging a bag at her side she looked descent enough to meet Ms. King. This would be their first meeting since they both left up north, still Deme wasn't sure if needing a guardian was necessary anymore. She wanted to talk to Ms. King about that, she was thinking of going back to Salem even if Sebastian insists that she stayed. Deme was in right mind to just reject and go home. "Hello Ms.King" she greeted the woman. "How are you?"
Rosie smiled as she spotted Demeter going towards them, she smiled to her. "Hello, Demeter. I'm fine, how's school?" Rosie can't put up her face steady as she's really sad for the Dallamoor kids about what happened to their parents. She doesn't know how to put up or say this to them, "I owl you and your brother because of a news but let's wait for your brother." Rosie sigh and slowly looked at Carmina whose busy coloring.
Deviant arrived by portkey that S-B gave him the last time he was here. He landed on his knee with patches of grass stains covering his knees. He didn't fuss about as he got up to dust himself off. Pocketing the portkey and grabbing for the skateboard, he headed towards the meeting area that Ms. Kings wanted them to meet at. Hoping onto his board he started to skate weaving up and down the streets of the Harbour. He was going at a great deal of pace by the time he could even stop he collied with someone walking by nearly knocking them down completely. "Oh my bad dude you know how it is" Deviant shrugged getting up helping the old man. He was cursing up a storm walking away from the young juvenile. Deviant laughed getting onto the board again brushing his shoes against the pavement till he finally reached Ms. Kings. "Ms.Kings and sis." he gave Demeter a whatever look than poke little King tummy. "Hey you haven't seen you in a while" he grinned at the little girl. "You miss me? Here what I got for you" he took out a big lolly and handed it over to the girl. "Hope you like it"
Carmina was busy coloring her drawing when she heard a girl's voice, she looked up and saw Demeter. She smiled to her but after it continued her coloring, the least people she couldn't get along was her sister, sister because she lives with them and treats like one. And there's her twin brother Deviant who she likes best, when someone poke her tummy, Carmina smiled as she looked up and saw Deviant. "Yup, I missed you. She said on her cute voice and hug Deviant on the neck, then Deviant took out a lollipop and gave it to her, "Oooo, lolly. Thank you." Carmina thanked Deviant and took the lollipop from him.
After a while Deviant came, as usual with his skateboard. "Hey." She greeted her as Deviant talked to Carmina. Rosie smiled as he gave her a lollipop, "Okay, everyone's here. I have some very important disturbing news." Rosie told them slowly and sigh, she couldn't tell them the truth like that, slowly she thought. "Why don't you sit first you two." Rosie suggested. She stood up from the bench for them to sit beside Carmina, "I know how you miss your parents back at Salem ...." She trailed off, licking her lip with her tongue as it became dry the moment she started talking. "... But .. you can't see them right now. Or at vacation ... I don't really know how to put this up ..." Her eyes becoming watery now.
Deviant brushed little Carmina hair before sitting down. He kicked up his skateboard, than looked up at Ms. Kings. "What's wrong?" she seem sadden and he didn't like it. Did something happen at home that the twins weren't aware of? Deviant continued to listen. By the usage of her tone of voice this wasn't good news.
"School been okay" Demeter shrugged while proclaiming a seat. She was going to tell her that she wanted to go back home but Ms. King started to say something important. Deme was clueless, instead she smiled at Carmina till Deviant showed up arriving on his skateboard. Demeter greeted her brother than look back at Ms. King. Demeter hated bad news, she could never bare them. They were like getting rejected or somewhat the same. She just hope whatever Ms. King had to share wasn't something serious.
"Here it goes ..." Rosie trailed off at first and sigh, "You can't see them because ... they're dead." Rosie can't help it and tears started to flow down her cheeks, "I'm sorry if it is so sudden .. I'm really sorry." She told them and walked towards them to hug. She couldn't be that bad even though she's a death eater.
Deviant couldn't believe it but he heard clearly. Whatever happen to his parents? Ms. Kings fail to provide what happen but he was a little disturbed by the news it shut him down completely. He wasn't going to believe it till he went to the funeral till he saw that they were dead. Not words from someone he hardly knew, he looked away at Ms. Kings. This was the worst place possible she could tell them, if it was true.
Unlike her brother tears immediately poured down her eyes. She told herself this couldn't be happening and that it was just a mistake. She believed more than what her brother was denying and felt like dying the worst death possible. She wanted to leave this place and never look back. If her parents were in fact dead she still wasn't going to last here forever. If she had to she would runaway and go find other family members that wanted her. If Deviant wanted to stay that was on him, Demeter didn't want anything to do with New Zealand no more. "I want to go home" she clearly stated.
Rosie looked from Deviant to Demeter, "Kids, I don't care if you believe me but that's what I heard from your Aunt and uncle." She sigh again, if the kids wants to go back to Salem then she will arrange it. And that's what Demeter have just said, Rosie sat beside Demeter and comfort her by tapping gently her back. "Don't worry, I'm going to arrange your portkey." and then kissed her hair. If she could just adopt this kids.

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