Give In Your Rat's Arses

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Artemis Tuuri

Well-Known Member
(I'm not sure if that's an appropriate topic title, but spelling it the proper way always makes it sound dirtier, so maybe it's just me. Anyway.) I did mention at some point that I did a mad character culling, didn't I? Well I was going to toss 'em but they wouldn't be deleted from the system. They'd be sitting. Staring at me. Waiting in the inactive section like a flock of vultures trying to devour my main character's time ...

So why don't you have them? ^_^ That's right, beautifully set up characters, complete with relationship pages, backgrounds, themes and banners. Most of their pbs are unique too, if you're into that sort of thing. Want any? Stuffed if I'm going to give you a great long spiel about keeping-to-their-personality or whatever. You can turn them all into females for all I care, but if you like the look of one of these charries, you know who to call. ;) Voila! Behold!

The List

Firr Micheva - Firr is a modern day wannabe pirate and a single mum. Before she became pregnant, Firr sailed over the oceans in her scrappy houseboat in order to steal from every corner of the globe, be it from the pockets of muggles and wizards alike, or in one-woman raids of old houses. She is extremely eccentric with a sunny personality and a surprisingly tender side in regards to her son, Archturus Engel. Both she and her son are up for grabs.

Don Hickory - Don is a wild escapee from St. Mungo's psyche ward. Which is a little bit scary, but he's a real doll and a sweetheart. Don has problems with anxiety and tends to lash out in fear when he feels threatened, hence his high-level treatment, but he really is lost without his mother (and a wand, for that matter). Either way, he's in a perfect position for someone to make something of him in the world, learning to trust and to love.

Elizabeth Blackmoore - CLAIMED

Gustav Girard - CLAIMED

Iulian Pisces - CLAIMED

I can give you everything you'll need to take on these two characters (although neither have a formal background page so you're free to change whatever you want with it). I even have files of the best photoshoots for their banners too, to get you started. Interested? Post here or send a PM to Fabian Bartholomew.​
Ooh, would I be able to have Iulian Pices? Sounds like a cool character :)
Good stuff :)
I'm going to hesitate to hand him over straight away, not because I'm being picky with whom I'm giving my characters away to because frankly I'm not, but I'll see who needs a Death Eater specifically for a plot or a family group before I hand him over. It'll be like this with the rest of the characters as well. You should have an answer within the week. :) (I hope you understand)
I see, I understand as well :)

I was going to use him for a few plots. I have an ex death eater, Julie Finnigan. I was hoping that he could get her back into the death eating world and possibly have a fling with her. Julie is a pureblood, so I dont think that there would be any problems with that. If you need more details let me know :)
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