Closed Girls night in

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
29 (1/8/2034)
Willow was often busy. she worked more than she should, worked out more than she should, and somehow tried to have a life amongst all of that, from nights partying to weekend adventures to family dinners. one thing she did miss out on was time with her siblings. She saw them at dinners of course. but she hadnt had one on one time with tara for a while and despite the age difference they did get on well. tonight the younger girl was coming over to her flat and they were just going to have a girly night in. something that they hadnt done in a while. she ad wine and snacks and bad movies all ready as well as menus from the local take aways she put on her big fluffy ugly jumper that tara had got her last year as a joke and that she now insisted on wearing when they hung out together (and often when not as it was very warm) and opened a packet of crisps tipping into a bowl and steeling a couple at the same time while she waited for tara to arrive.
Tara had been a bit restless after school had ended. She'd finished like her brothers had wanted, but now... well, now she'd just been hanging out at the farm, learning what it was Briar did for a living and trying to figure out her life. But at least even when she wasn't sure what was going on with her life, she always had her siblings to hang out with. Willow had invited her over for a girls night, so she'd slipped into her favorite pjs, picked up her favorite trash house wine, and made her way to her sisters place. She didn't even bother knocking, just throwing open the door. "I'm heeeeere," She announced, letting the door swing shut and skipping in before falling onto the couch.
Willow was just crunching on a particularly crunchy crisp when her door burst open with a crash. Before she could think her instincts honed from hours in the training gym took over and her wand was in her hand before she could even think that it was probably Tara. Thankfully she managed to change her spell last second and a stream of coloured bubbles came out of her wand instead of a jinx. tara. How many times do I have to warn in don’t just burst in she said heading over to flop on the sofa next to her sister. im glad you are here. I hope that you Ready for a girls night of bad movies and junk food.” she added feeling bad for snapping at her and for nearly jinxing her.
Tara smiled, leaning back against the cushions. She rolled her eyes, smiling. "I was invited and you knew I was coming. And besides, what's life without a little risk?" She teased, conjuring up a pair of wine glasses. "You want some?" She asked, even though she'd already poured them both a glass and was holding out the other one to her sister.
Willow rolled her eyes at her sister and smiled. "just because i knew you were coming didmt mean that i knew you were the one coming in" she said though she was already getting tired of the debate. It seemed tara was too as soon a couple of glasses appeared in the air and tara filled them with wine. "of course" she said when asked if she wanted one. she settled herself on the soft one of her feet tucked under her as she angled herself facing towards tara. "So what is going on in the life of tara?" she asked. before summoning the crisps over from the kitchen and getting them to land on the coffee table next to them.
Tara just completely ignored Willow's arguement, and instead just tossed her legs over Willow's lap uninvited, sipping on her drink. "Oh, you know, running around and howling at the moon," She teased, tossing her sister a wink. "Snogging my boyfriend in the woods, pissing people off, being a general menace, you know how it goes," She laughed. "What about you, tell me there's something more exciting than just training all day long," She pouted a bit.
Willow listened as Tara spoke about her life. The way she framed it it sounded fun. Though she had a feeling there was more to each of the points under the lighthearted surface. well someone is having fun she said. Flicking her slightly oh rub it in. if only we had boyfriends to make out with in the woods said before taking a mouthful of her wine.
. She rolled her eyes at the asumption that all she did was training all day long I do other stuff. They actually make me do work from time to time for starters. It isn’t all playing in the gym, unfortunately she said. I go out with friends. Make out with strangers in bars. I went snowboarding the other week she said. As though snowboarding was all that different from a work out.
Tara listened to Willow go on, alternating between swirling and sipping on her wine. She smiled at her older sister, laughing lightly. "We should take you out on more nights," She offered, summoning over some snacks. She nibbled a bit, thinking. "What kind of strangers are you in to?" She gave him a playful wink. "Come on then, spill all your secrets."
Willow groaned as tara said that they should take her out on more nights out. "gooood, yesss please" she said. they were her break her fun time between the seriousness of work and just being an adult.
she took some of the crisps that Tar had summoned over from the bench and put one on her mouth chewing as the salt and vinegar twang filed her mouth. "oh you know, the classic, a guy who likes a bit of fun, knows how to laugh, nice eyes, and a bit of mischief in his smile" she said. thinking of one guy she had spent an evening with a few weeks ago who certainly had that mischievous grin and mischief about him. not that it would ever be anything serious. but the fleeting spontaneity of it had made it better.
Tara laughed lightly, already plotting different outings in her mind. "God I need to set you up with someone," She countered, sipping on her wine. "Someone with enough energy to keep up with you," She mused, shifting through her list of contacts. "Are you strictly into guys?" She asked, just wanting to double check as she mentally worked through her contact list. There had to be someone for Willow out there. "Or we just need to take waaay more adventures and find us some good adventerous types." She laughed lightly.
willow rolled her eyes as tara said that she needed to set her up with someone. "and who do you know who is available and old enough and a good guy?" she teased although she could already almost hear the cogs wiring in taras brain trying to think of someone. she sighed and gave her sister a slight shove at her question. " Yes. tara. just Guys" she said
at taras next suggestion she rolled her eyes again. "or we could stay here, watch cheesy from coms and gossip about our siblings" she suggested after all that had been her plan for the evening.
Tara laughed, and smirked. "I mean, I could set you up with Basey," She teased. Her oldest brother was still single, and certainly fun loving. "And you have to admit, he is cute," She winked playfully. She laughed at Willow's suggestion. "Mmm, tempting. Do you have anything with Will Smith?" She asked, sipping her wine. He was certainly scrumptious. "Or maybe Keanu Reeves," She relaxed into the couch, encouraging Willow to go on.
Willow looked at Tara a slightly bemused expression on her face. "are you intentionally trying to keep setting your siblings up with each other?" she asked. she knew how keen tara had been behind setting lin and cas up, a campaign that she had started before it had come out that they were siblings. but her and basil? that just seemed weird. "and. can you not call him cute. he's your brother. its weird" she said. though she was right. he did have that surfer boy cuteness going for him. when tara asked if she had anything with will smith or keanu reaves in she shrugged. the names were familiar but she wouldn't be able to say what they had been in. "I don't know. have a look and pick something" she said what she had was a mix of muggle dvd's a technology that was so out of date that she could get movies cheap from junk shops a love of old muggle movies was something she shared wth her siblings just like she shared the disks with them. so what she had in her pile was always changing.
Tara laughed. "I mean, hey, who's better for you guys than each other?" She offered. "But in my defense, Cas and Lin were already a thing- they just needed a push, you know?" She chuckled, standing and stretching before moving over to the movies. "And I shall not stop calling him cute. He is a cutie pie. Just like you're beautiful and Cas and Lin are cutie patooties too," She laughed, teasing her sister. She eventually pulled out the Lakehouse and moved back to the couch. "What about this one?"
Willow rolled her eyes at tara. "I am sure there are more to date outside of the family. and I thought he was seeing someone" she said. she couldn't remember ever being told that, or being basil with someone but she had just got that impression. "Tar, Lin was dating Lucas and he and cas were best mates before you started pushing them" she said "not that I mind Cas is better for him than Lucas was" she said. "and Lin is good for cas" she said. there was no denying how much cas had grown into himself since they had got together and Lin always seemed to be smiling especially every time cas came into his line of sight. it was both sweet and slightly sickening.
she laughed at her sister's comment. " Where do you even get those names from" she asked. as she watched Tara rummage through the movies until she found one. it was not one she had seen before but the blurb sounded interesting if not a little sad "it sounds good put it in" she said. her mind still laughing at cutie patooties. "do you want to order something to eat or just live of chips, chocolate and popcorn? she asked. opening a bag of chips for them to share.
Tara shook her head. "Nope! Basie is woefully single," She confided like it was some big secret, chuckling at the rest of it. "And sure there are more people, but where's the fun in that?" She teased with a playful wink. She rolled her eyes as Willow pointed out Lindens unspeakable ex, shaking her head. "Oh, please. When I came along, they were pining and they didn't even know it yet." She shook her head again. "I remember that breakup- and how heavily he leaned on Casper for it, too. Trying to get those two past that," She rolled her eyes.

When Willow asked where she got her names, Tara flipped her hair dramatically and tapped her temple, an impish grin curling her lips. "I'm just smart like that," She winked playfully. She turned away, though, getting the movie going and laughing at Willow's question. "And what's wrong with chips, chocolate, and popcorn?" She teased, falling back onto the couch. "Though, of course, you know life is always better with some good takeout," She gave her sister a mischevious grin.
Willow looked at Tara confusion knitting her eyebrows. are you sure. I could have sworn he was seeing someone, she said. It seemed she was a little behind on the gossip train. Willow raised her eyebrow when tara described the breakup. "They would have got there without your meddling. And I don't know what you saw, but they seemed to be attempting to avoid each other after it not leaning on each other" she said. clearly, tara hadn't known them before as well as she had.
she chuckled as Tara asked what was wrong with chips chocolate and popcorn. "Nothing is wrong with them. but they aren't noodles or pizza" she said. What do you want she asked though she had a fancy for pat Thai or something along those lines.
Tara laughed. "Absolutely positive. He's been going on an odd date here and there but he's not with someone, you know?" She offered. She waved away he protests about Casper and Linden and let the conversation move instead to dinner. "I'm starving, so I'm thinking like, chinese food," She countered. "I want some deluxe fried rice," She gave Willow an easy smile. "How about you?"

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