Girls Cause Me Nothing But Pain....

Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
Theodore slowly made his way into the Hospital Wing and clutched his back lightly, Aleyha was probably right behind him but at the current moment he wasn't so worried about her, a few moments ago he had his back slammed onto the ground roughly by Nicolette...and boy did it hurt. So far woman had been doing nothing to him but putting him in pain or getting him in trouble....he was seriously starting to regret ever breaking out of his shell.

"Owww.....I hope your happy, I always end up injured when I'm around you." Theodore gasped then hissed in pain when he felt another sharp pain in his back. He walked over to a random bed and carefully sat down so he wouldn't hurt his back again.
Aleyha followed Theodore into the hospital wing, and for once, she was not thinking about attacking him. She simply walked, her eyes distant and dreading the detention waiting for her after she gets fixed up. Good thing too, she did not think she could stand the pain in her legs and her stomach for much longer. Hiding this was almost as bad as hiding her past. It was just painful. Without thinking, she took the bed next to Theodore, and she rested her throbbing head upon the pillow. She stared at him, and felt no compassion or sympathy when he hissed and gasped.

"Not really. I would have been happier if I wasn't in pain here. I tend to get hurt when I'm around you as well. So the feeling is mutual. Stop being such a baby and take it like a man." Aleyha was happy that she wouldn't have to be sent off to her grandfather's. That was the worst punishment ever for her.
Theodore leant back against the soft Hospital bed and snorted, girls were getting more and more violent by the years, maybe that explained why he was always getting attacked. With a small sigh Theodore shifted around to try and make his back feel more comfortable than it currently was.

"God forbid how your children will behave.....are you even capable of being nice?" Theodore asked as he turned his gaze onto her softly, although it was gruff and probably not that noticeable...they were having somewhat of a normal conversation.
Aleyha rolled her eyes and sighed, "I don't ever plan on having kids. They are nuisance and nothing but trouble." Aleyha narrowed her eyes slightly. At age twelve, she never planned on her future. Just to be a loyal servant to the good. Or what ever was good in her eyes. She wanted to dispose of muggles and muggle-borns. Anything that acted remotely like them. Her reasons of course were private as her mind. It was hard to tell what was running through the Slytherin's mind.

She glanced at the floor and she nodded, "I can be. Only to those who are worthy of such treatment. If you think I don't have friends, you are terribly wrong." Aleyha had ice to her voice, but it was nothing threatening. Just...speech. She could do nothing that could take away that edge in her voice.
"Sure. You say that now.....I'm sure one day you'll want tons of kids....that look and act just like you." Theodore said knowingly, even if girls denied it he knew they all secretly wished she could be a mother someday, it was like a goal in every woman's life. He wasn't going to even bother teasing this one with marriage though

Snickering lightly Theodore brought a hand to push some of his hair out of his face. "I know, I've seen you around with friends....I see you around a lot when you think I'm not looking." Theodore grinned as he teased her.

Aleyha snorted, "Well, at least I would be a better mother than mine ever was. I promise though that my kids will never exist though." Aleyha shook her head and she closed her red eyes for a moment. Aleyha did not want to be a mother. But then again, without her, where would the Parselmouth gift go? It would die with her. She had to pass on such a marvelous gift. It kept Aleyha going, and it kept her somewhat sane.

Her eyes shot open, and she gave an odd stare to Theodore, "Are you a stalker or something? But I doubt you followed me enough to know who my friends are, and who my family around here is. Or else you would know that Professor Styx happens to be my uncle. Jeez, don't you have another hobby other than follow around first years?" Aleyha thought that he was being serious. It would explain how he happened to be in the library when I was today...
"I bet you'll have at least two or three..." Theodore muttered casually as he continued to let a small smirk grace his soft features. No matter how much she denied it he refused to believe that she'd live her whole life without. Lifting his hands to rest them behind his back he continued to look at Aleyha, it was interesting enough that she had talked to him for five minute's without attacking him, but now she was even sounding slightly civil. When Aleyha began to talk about him stalking he laughed loudly.

"I was totally kidding, I see you around but not that much." Theodore said through chuckles, he couldn't believe that she actually believed him, he hadn't even said most of it with a straight face. "Professor Styx is.....your uncle? Sheesh I feel bad for you." Theodore added on once he stopped laughing.
Aleyha grew stubborn and she shook her head, "No. If I have any, then I just want one. And that is it. Not two...three...four..." She shuddered when she thought about having that many kids. The last thing she wanted was to be a mother. "Being a mother isn't in my future plans. I plan on being a D-" Aleyha stopped herself before she said too much. Aleyha fake coughed and she smirked slightly. Hopefully he didn't know what she was wanting to be. Maybe he would assume doctor or something.

Aleyha gave him a mean look before laughing softly, "Oh good. I was afraid I might have to hire a body guard or something." She shivered when she thought of someone following her. It was just creepy. However, she knew that she could handle herself better than most girls her age. Aleyha nodded, a soft smile that added to her features making her look more like an angel than a devious girl she was on the inside, "Yeah, probably the best uncle around. If you think he is bad now, just wait until you see him out of school."

Then something occurred to her. He wasn't as bad as she thought. However, she kind of enjoyed fighting him too. It was almost pleasant to have a challenge in the school.
"You were going to say Death Eater weren't you...." Theodore drawled on after a moment, she seemed to fit the description of a future one well. Besides that she also stopped in mid it was either a Death Eater or a Dirty Dancer and the latter sounded a bit ridiculous. Theodore continued to rest his hands behind his head as he thought about what Aleyha said, it was possible that Professor Styx was a very different person outside of school. "Your uncle doesn't seem that bad....Niccy seems to know him somehow." Theodore said as he recalled the friendly greeting she gave him, then again she was nice to everyone.

Theodore blinked for a minute before he grinned once again; "You should smile more, makes you look more cute and less evil...." Theodore said in a slightly teasing voice.
Aleyha rolled her eyes, "Just forget what you ever heard. Tell anyone, and it will be the last thing you will ever say." Aleyha meant every word. She didn't like the fact that she almost spilled the beans right in front of a stranger! "I could have meant doctor too, you know." Aleyha felt relieved that no one was around at the moment to have heard her. Who knows what sort of trouble she could be getting into. Besides, she just wanted to be like her grandfather and maybe the Patriarch of the family one day. Though it was unlikely, for she was not pure-blood.

"Probably school or something back in the stone age. You don't know him like I do. I think he and Jaken used to get in fights..." She was actually calling Kalif old, because well, he was. He had many children, one being the twenties, right? And he had a really bad anger issue. Aleyha rolled her eyes a bit, and laughed. She reached for a free pillow, and slung it over to Theodore. It wasn't hard, more like a playful toss than anything because she wasn't strong arm-wise. "Shut up! That reminds me of...a friend of mine." The last part came out in more of a hiss, and Aleyha resumed her natural blank expression and turned her gaze in the other direction.
Theodore shrugged his shoulders; "I know what you meant. Don't worry about it, My dads a Death Eater, and so is that woman that came here today, I might even be one someday." Theodore said boldly, he wasn't sure it if was a good idea to mention it to her. But it's like the Aurors could take him for stating he wanted to be one, just as he was about to turn and make fun of her a pillow was lightly shot into his face and he froze for a moment.

"Your throw like a wussy....and whichever friend said that cannot possibly be as awesome and I am." Theodore stuck his nose in the air as if he were pretending to be snobby for a second before he laughed and hurled the pillow back at Aleyha lightly
Aleyha glanced around and she murmured, "You are brave for saying that. But I have four in my family. Though the strongest is my grandfather, Asparuh Zhefarovich. My dad was too much of a wuss to join them like a real man." Aleyha adored and feared her grandfather at the same time. Especially that temper of his. He was around since the very beginning. It was amazing. He knew the Dark Lord. Aleyha smiled in content once more thinking about it. She was proud to be from the Zhefarovich family. Better than being from any other family in her eyes.

She laughed and she responded, "You might be right, I'm afraid. He stooped low enough to kiss a hufflepuff. And I make up for my strength in my legs, thank you!" Aleyha gasped in shock when the pillow came back at her. She wrapped her arms around it, and glanced up just in time to see the nurses arrive. After that...detention...

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