Girlfriend - Fill the void!

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This is Scott, a 25 year old soccer, rugby, and general sports enthusiast from Hull. He has a young son (Cayden) from a previous relationship and and older sister (Rachel) who is in the Manchester police force. He lives in Warwickshire and spends his free time caring for his son and playing sport for local teams. He works part-time (but does a lot of overtime) at a popular local cafe.

As he is written, Scott has a girlfriend already. Problem is I don't have any details for her and I would love someone to fill that gap to add further depth to his character.
It would be great if she had some level of shared interests, or maybe they just met through work/customer/kindergarten or something.
It would definitely help if they had a liking of children, with the possibility to start a family later on.
They would already roleplay as though they had been in this relationship for a couple of months or so, and it's up to you if they stay together, how long, and if your character remains faithful/treats Scott with respect.

The character filling the part of this girlfriend would need to be AT LEAST early twenties, probably no older than early thirties. Scott doesn't mind older women but he would never date one more than five years his junior.

I am happy to do this via PM or posting in this topic. Any other plot ideas please post away! :D

Also, I would love some friends for Scott, male/female/muggle/magical, etc. Co-workers would be great. Maybe someone to play his manager even.

Thank you to those who respond! :D
Hey :)

I can offer Rue here as a friend. She's a part goblin who works in a muggle primary school (she puts her height down to a 'birth defect'. Anyway, that would give them a reason to meet, if you'd like them to be friends ^_^
Rue is very shy, though gaining confidence now due to her job. She's been through a lot, had cancer in school and then had a miscarriage, so she's a bit fragile xD
She would love someone who was gentle/kind, I'm not really sure what Scott is like.
Oh woah that's a bit heavy going D:
Scott is loving and gentle but he tries to remain manly with it. He wont be caught wearing skinny jeans or anything like that and he loves sport. His idea of a good relationship would be one where he could spend time with the other person and his son with the tv on or going to the play park. He will always put his kid first though so if she didn't get on with Cayden then he'd have to try and see her on the sly.
We could always test them out as friends and see where it goes? :) Maybe the school she works in has a kindergarten nearby and thats how they meet?
I will start something if you want :)
I will link here when I'm done
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oh oops you said muggle primary school er.. could she be doing some brief part-time shifts down in the kindergarten section?
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