Giovanni Ruth De Luca

9" Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair, Whippy
<COLOR color="midnightblue">Full Name:
- Giovanni Ruth Benenati De Luca

Giovanni: My first name is Italian, and in Italy it is a name for a male. It means, 'God is Gracious'. I like my first name, and I am often called 'Gio' by close friends and family members. 'Vanni' is also a name I am called. I prefer that people call my Giovanni though. I like to hear how my whole name rolls off of people's tongue.

Ruth: My middle name is Hebrew. It means, 'a companion' or 'friend'. Whenever I acted up when I was a young girl my mother and father called my by my middle name. I like my middle name, and I think it is very pretty. I don't tell people my whole name for safety precautions. Unless I am in a situation where I have to tell my whole name.

Benenati: This was my last name when I was married to my husband. It is an Italian name, and it means 'son of Benenato'. My husband is now dead, so I do not hold this name anymore. I have gone back to my maiden name, but my son has his father's last name.

De Luca: This is my maiden name and it is Italian. It means 'son of Luke'.

Date of Birth:
- April 18, 2008

Current Age:
- 23

Basic Appearance:
- I have tan skin. My skin is smooth and soft. My eyes are dark brown and almond shaped. I am 4'10", and I am always wearing high heels just to be taller than my natural height. I am 110 pounds, and healthy. In the warmer seasons I wear jean shorts and long, one shoulder shirts. In the colder seasons I usually wear robes, long sleeved shirts, and long sweats or pants. On the cold days I stay at home in my PJ's with Timmy. My hair goes down to upper back and is curly. It has some red in it, and I usually wear it down. My hair is soft, but I have a lot of it. Sometimes I find it very difficult to handle. It gets tangled often, so I have my son comb it out because he loves doing that.

- I am a very mature and bright person. I am smiling most of the time. I get angry when people tease me for my height, especially when women are starting to get taller nowadays. I am very helpful. I love helping people. I am very protective as well. I don't like people who make trouble and hurt people because it is fun. When it comes to my son I get very serious, as my son is different from other children. I get very concerned and sometimes worried about my son, like a mother should. I am good at setting goals. When I set my sights on something I am devoted to that one thing, unless my mind is changed for a good reason. When I am going to do something, I will do it. It is hard to try and to convince me otherwise. I usually get along with people very well, but I don't like talking to people that don't seem interested in talking to me. I don't know how much time I have left on the Earth, and I do not want to waste my time with people who don't want to hang out with me. I make friends easy enough. Most people find my shortness to be adorable.

- Mother: Francesca Dolores De Luca (nee Willow)
Status: Living and Healthy
Blood: Half-Blood
Relationship: My mother and I have a good relationship. She lives in Italy with my father, my sister, and Papi. I visit her with Timothy Jr. sometimes. She was very sad and depressed when Timothy Sr. died. She had stopped eating for a while, but my sister helped us both get over my husband's death

Father: Eligio Rafaelle De Luca
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Status: Living and Healthy
Relationship: My father and I are on good terms. He was against me marrying a muggle, so I cut off contact with him when I married Timothy Sr. When I was pregnant with my son, we started to talk again. My father was always angry that Timothy put my dreams of becoming an Auror on hold. It was a love/hate relationship between my late husband and my father.

Sister: Vivianna Ester De Marti (nee De Luca)
Blood Staus: Mixed Blood
Status: Living and Healthy
Relationship: My sister and I are best friends as well as sisters. I will always be there for my sister and vice-versa. She is married, but has not bore any children, yet. Her husband and I get along okay. When Timothy Sr. was still alive my brother in law teased him a bunch. It pissed me off a lot. She is much taller than me. about 5'5".

Son: Timothy Benenati Jr.
Blood Staus: Half Blood
Status: Living and Healthy
Relationship: My son does not talk a lot. He has not started talking in full sentences yet. He communicates mostly with gestures and single word sentences. He currently attends Hogwarts New Zealand as a Hufflepuff. He has autism, which hinders his ability to form relationships with others, his speech, and ability to learn certain concepts. Timothy drawing abilities are beyond that of mine and any other adult greatly. It is something he is confident in, and it is his way of learning different things.

- We have a orange tabby cat named Fickles. Fickles is usually a good kitty, and is good at keeping Timmy company.

Area of Residence:
- Auckland, New Zeland

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood

- Italian

Special Abilities:
- N/A

Interests or Hobbies:
- - Shopping
- Dancing
- Knitting
- Keeping up with the news
- Speed dating

Additional Skills:
- N/A

- Protective
- Serious
- Fun
- Mature
- Sweet

- Worrisome
- Naive
- Over Protective
- Possessive
- Tense

Describe your character in three words:
- Fun, Mature and Fun

Favourite place to be:
- At home with Timmy and Fickles.


Hogwarts House:
- Beauxbatons

Beauxbatons Hopes and Ambitions:
- While at Beauxbatons I was anti-bullying, so I always tried my best to stop bullies and people with bad intentions. I was on the Quidditch team most of my year at Beauxbatons as Seeker. In my 7th year I took all the classes necessary to become an Auror, but I did not because I fell in love with my late husband, and he thought that he would lose me if I became an Auror.

Best school subjects:
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Potions
- Charms
- Herbology
- Ancient Runes
- Muggle Studies
- Transfiguration

Worst school subjects:
- Astronomy
- History of Magic

Extracurricular Activities:
- Quidditch, Holyhead Harpies Seeker

- 2025

Current Job:
- Holyhead Harpies Seeker

Plans for your future:
- Maybe to become an Auror.

Your Patronus:
- My patronus does not take the form of anything. It is just a silvery mist.

Your Patronus memory:
- My patronus memory would be when I got married to Timothy Sr.. It was a big and beautiful wedding. I took a huge and life-changing step in my life. It makes me so happy that I was able to take that huge step without knowing what would happen in the future. I felt so brave when I said the words, "I do.", to my husband. The day of my wedding will always be my most favorite memory. It is a strong enough memory to help me produce a silvery mist.

Your Boggart:
- My son dead. Losing my son would be like losing my husband all over again. My son is my life and if I do not want to lose him.

Your Animagus:
- Mountain Lion because if I have power over someone I will not use it to boost my own ego. Mountain lions are strong, and I believe that I am strong in my heart and mind because I went through and am going through a lot. I am self-confident, and I do not need to make people feel bad about themselves to feel powerful or confident in myself. I like it when people all hove equal power and one is not stronger than the other.

Mirror of Erised:
- I see me and my husband. I miss him so much. I wish he did not have to die and leave behind my son and I.

A page from your diary:
Diary Entry said:
Dear Diary,

My son is very different from other children. He does not like being touched by anyone, and he says his clothes are too scratchy. He likes playing the piano at Papi's house. I hope that by the time Timmy is six he will be wearing clothes. I don't even know if he will be a wizard when he gets to be that age. Nothing strange happens when he throws temper tantrums or pouts. He likes playing with Fickles. He hardly ever shows emotion. It worries me a lot. I wish that his father were here. He would probably know what's going on in our son's head. Timmy has not even spoken a whole sentence yet. I do not know what to do, but I am sure that I will figure it out. I hope I do. I know that Timmy wants me to try and understand him , but I am just trying to figure out myself how to do that.

~Giovanni Ruth De Luca

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