Gifts for Bro's

Finn Lockley

Mischievous • Curious • Softie
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
His best mate, partner in crime had made the team as a fully blown player and that was something that had to be celebrated. Last year he was an alternate, but now he got a base position. Finn was happy for his friend and brought a high tech practice snitch in Diagon Alley. He would have given it either way, but the outcome had luckily been positive. The shops assistant had packaged it nicely for him. Finn wasn't being that nicely and also brought a fake gift that when opened would dump some fake snow on you. Which was way funnier.

Finn grinned and walked towards the pitch were he knew Flynn's training would come to an end soon. He waited for the other boy, it wasn't like he had much to do between practice and lessons. Who was studying or making homework when you could do way other things. He had both gifts in his bag and Finn couldn't wait for the snowy one to get unwrapped.
He couldn't actually believe at first when they had wanted him back on the team. And not just as an alternate, they were willing to let him be their full-time seeker. It was just a bit daunting, but Flynn had already spent too much time wallowing in his own self-pity about the previous loss in the finals. This time he would do it right, so he was throwing himself completely into the practices in the hopes to get better so he might be able to hold a candle up to Blake before their first match.

After a hard practice, he was feeling pretty exhausted, breathing heavily as he left the pitch, running a hand back through his slightly sweaty hair. But that's when he saw Finn, smiling slightly as he approached his friend. "Hey dude," he greeted when he was a little closer, "What are you doing out here?"
Finn spotted Flynn and a major grin appeared on his face. ''Hellow'' Finn said with a lopsided grin. ''I was actually waiting for you'' Finn said to his best friend. ''I brought you something to celebrate you making the team'' Finn handed over the two presents. ''Congratulations, you played like a mad lad last year, you deserve this'' Finn was proud of his mate. After the Quidditch debacle with him, he lost interest in the sport at a schools level, but he was still a fan. ''The small one first'' Finn said mischievously. It was hard to prank a prankster, so Flynn would probably spot the trap in the making already. Finn didn't care the preparations had made him giddy already.

''The other one is something to help you hone in those seeker skills'' Finn said to his best friend.
He was just a little surprised when Finn seemed to have come to find him, even more so when he pulled out a couple of boxes which were supposedly presents for him. Flynn felt his cheeks got a little red as he swallowed, "I only played in one game as we didn't even win. I think you're being a little dramatic." He didn't deserve anything and had still be sure that someone else better was going to come along and take the position instead. Though he had made the team, but wasn't so sure it was the best decision and he was no doubt going to end up doing badly. Their first game was against Slytherin and he really didn't see himself beating Blake.

Cautiously he too the two boxes, shaking them somewhat suspiciously. "If the second one is for my seeker skills, then what's the first one for?"
Finn loved the dramatic and was sometimes a tad bit theatrical. ''Well you did show some epic manouvres and that is probably why they let you onto the team'' After the last year debacle he didn't want to be found near the pitch, but he did watch their last match. ''Well, you got the most important job in the team now'' He had the power to end a game, the power to take the win home.

''Its for missing you over the summer break'' Finn said with a lopsided smile. It would erupt in a fake cloud of powdered snow. Harmless, but definitely a prank item. At least he spend a lot of money on the other one, he didn't need to buy Quidditch gear so he could spoil his mate now.
His stance had become somewhat deflated as he looked between the two gifts in his hands and Finn. "I really didn't do anything that special," at least, he had been pretty sure he hadn't done anything which could be classed as an 'epic maneuver. And then Finn just had to bring up how much pressure was now on him and Flynn heaved a sigh, "Don't remind me." It still all seemed pretty surreal to him and he didn't want to think about how much people were going to be relying on him. He still wasn't convinced he would be able to pull it off.

"You got me a present because you missed me?" he gave the smaller box a strange look, shaking it a little more. Well, that smelled like a prank if he had ever heard one. "If you want me to believe you, you're going to have to come up with a better excuse than that."
''You will be great mate'' Finn was sure and had faith in his best friend. ''And since you joined early you will probably be unstoppable in your sixth and seventh year'' Finn wasn't lying, he was sure Flynn was going to be awesome. Finn made a mental note to try to attend most of the games. He had already stuffed Slytherins colours on his face so why not Gryffindor.

A lopsided smile appeared on Finns face, he should have known better than buy his mate a prank gift. ''Nah ill confess, that box is a major prank'' Finn grinned ''The other one is a real legit present'' Finn said to the boy, ''I used my old Quidditch money since I am not going to need it anymore'' He just hoped Finn was going to like it.
At least someone seemed to believe in his skills, even if Flynn constantly kept playing them down and thinking he wasn't even that great. "If I even manage to make it that far," he did have to offer with a hollow laugh, trying to make it sound like some lighthearted joke. But it was not a stretch of the imagination to see him getting expelled or something. Or just kicked off the team for being so bloody terrible.

But when Finn just openly admitted that the smaller box was just a prank, Flynn did laugh out loud. "You didn't even try and deny it," he shook his head, grinning before tossing the smaller prank box back towards Finn, "How about you open that one for me?" Then his attention turned to the actual gift, carefully pulling the lid off the box and blinking at what was inside. "Dude," he breathed, pulling the snitch out of the box with two fingers and holding it up, "You sure about this, man?"
Finn was sure they would keep Flynn, he had heard they kept way worse seekers in the past. The team was pretty loyal to each other. ''You will'' Otherwise they would use different measures, something like blackmail or something. Finn would think of something and Flynn would probably help he was grant with thinking of stuff.

''Nah, I know how good you are'' Finn said with a grin. Finn opened the little snow in a box present and made sure they were both doused in the white fluffy stuff. ''See its pretty harmless'' Finn laughed with his hair filled with white pieces of fake snow. ''Yeah its yours, maybe we could practice together and use it sometime, but its mainly to hone in those skills of yours'' Finn never really had someone to look out for him and Flynn was everything for him. ''I never had a best friend or any friend and you deserve the best'' Finn didn't get emotional, but he did mean what he said.
Finn seemed to have much more confidence about it than Flynn did, but he chose not to press the matter any further. His future in quidditch was not really something he wanted to be spending too much time thinking about.

"Hey!" He was rather quick to complain when he was showered with fake snow when Finn opened up his prank box, "I didn't mean open it near me." Though he did have to admit, it was a pretty harmless prank and he was even laughing a little as he ruffled a hand through his hair to try and shake as much of the snow out of it as possible. "I've always said that friends are overrated anyway," and it was something he had tended to stick to, Finn being the only real friend he had. "But thanks, dude."
Finn grinned when Flynn complained about the snow, It was grant. Finn shook his head like a wet puppy and a bunch of the snow fell out. ''Guess it suddenly became a snowy day today'' Finn said to his friend, ''We should go to Gambol and Jape's on the next Brightstone weekend, get some inspiration for pranks'' They didn't have to buy anything, watch the pro's and repeat was good as well. ''The decoys like smoke bombs are pretty cheap there too.'' Finn smiled, he couldn't think of a Hogwarts without his one legged pirate.

''I wonder if the Professors try to search our bags when we return if we smuggled in some contraband'' Like Finn normally didn't buy anything so he didn't look very suspicious.
"Arse," he grumbled with a small laugh, shaking the rest of the fake snow out of his dark curls. But he supposed it was not that big of a deal, a bit of fake snow never hurt anyone and he could appreciate a good prank. Even if it wasn't much of a prank anymore as Finn had simply admitted what was in the box. "But yeah, alright. Though I'm a bit low on change or anything," it just came with the territory of being an orphan and not getting anything in the way of pocket change. It sucked, but there was little he could really do about it.

He shrugged, "It wouldn't surprise me if they tried."
It wasn't that his mother was wealthy or that his family was. But ever since giving up on his Quidditch dreams he just had some money left over for things he was actually into. Saving money was boring and after Hogwarts Finn expected to have a job and actually have more money to spend. ''I got enough for some of the smaller prank items, so we can bring some magic into this place'' Finn grinned, thinking of filling hallways with instant snow or throwing a smoke bomb into a cauldron at potions. ''See it as my early birthday presents to you, a card and some money is just way too boring'' Finn said with a grin.

''Yeah, I wouldn't put it past them either'' Finn said ''We need to think of a way to smuggle things back into the castle then'' It wasn't going to be that hard, he was sure they weren't allowed to search his boxers anyway.
On more occasions than once, Flynn wished that he had some more pocket change to spend on things. Most notably being prank items and sweets. But he didn't simply didn't have the coins to throw around on such things like that and he usually had to get creative with his prank ideas and simply forego the candy. "A very early birthday present," he responded with a laugh, "My birthday's not until March." It was still months off yet, but he wasn't about to turn down any early birthday presents (just so long as he got an actual birthday present as well).

"I already have ideas about that," it wasn't the first time he had thought about something like this, "One of us just distract the Professor with nothing on us so the other can slip past unnoticed with everything."
Finn grinned without Quidditch to pay for his life was a lot easier. Each break Finn would work at the local supermarket. The money earned from this job he would convert into Wizarding currency and boom he a prank and sweets money. Working in a supermarket wasn't that bad, he actually liked the job and the people. ''We use the pranks together so I can always call it money for a special friend.'' Finn said while already making plans in his head.

''Sounds like a plan, we should come together and make the plan solid after this'' Finn said to his friend, ''And after that we think of what our epic prank is going to be''

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