Getting Used To A New School

Alex Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alex hadn't been able to take Hogwarts any more. That place was just so boring and he had hated it there. Though, he didn't know for the life of him why he had decided to come to Beauxbatons. It was full of all of these goody-two-shoes people who wouldn't even talk to people who didn't go around thinking that everyone had equal rights and poop, and people who thought that Death Eaters were like top gun weren't even to be looked at. Where did he fit in then? Nobody knew him, but they would pick up on it all eventually. He couldn't hide his true feelings from the world forever. Alex wanted to be a Death Eater, and he wasn't going to let anything get in his way of actually being somebody at this school. He wanted them to recognise him, and he wanted to be respected.

Alex wasn't really in the best mood today. Anybody who didn't know him would think that he was out to kill somebody. He really wasn't though, he was just annoyed. He wouldn't take it out on anyone, he knew way better then to do anything like that, and most of all he knew how he could control his anger so that nobody would suspect much. Sure, they'd see the look on his face, but they didn't really know him so what was to say that they would even say anything to him?
Toffee skipped down the hall, her mind anywhere but in the school. It had been hard as of late for her to concentrate, she supposed growing older meant her mind drifted more, as she wished to do more things than sit in a classroom and listen to other people talk. It was super boring. All Toffee wanted to do these days was have fun. Even if she was just hanging out with a friend. And at the moment, Toffee didn't have many of those. Another thing she supposed was that if she stopped skipping class so much, maybe she would befriend other students her year. But Toffee just couldn't bring herself to sit through a whole day of lectures.

Poking her head around the corner, Toffee confirmed that the footsteps she heard were not a Professor's, rather a sullen looking boy. Not a boy though- as he seemed older than Toffee. A cheeky grin grew on her face as she remembered how she wanted to have more friends - this was the perfect opportunity to make a new one. Toffee skipped out from around the corner, straight towards the guy. "Someone's looking a bit grumpy!" She chirped. "Need some cheering up?" Toffee asked.
Alex looked up as he was nearly knocked over by some girl, and he heard her talk to him. Didn't the look on his face tell people that he didn't want people to talk to him? That he was obviously in a bad mood and he wouldn't want to end up taking it out on people? Some people in this world were just far too nice for there own good! Alex didn't know what to say to the girl, because she just wouldn't take the hint if he were to just say no to her, and he didn't want to turn around and yell at her. Alex wasn't rude. He could be downright nasty at the best of times but something that he wasn't was rude, and he wouldn't make that kind of first impression on somebody who was obviously one of the happiest people in this school at this moment in time. Maybe she had been having a fantastic week? Maybe she was just always in this kind of mood? He didn't know, he didn't really care to be honest.

Alex turned to face her, and forced a smile. Albeit not a very good one, it was still a smile. "No, I'll be okay." He said, hoping that this would tell her that he didn't exactly want to be disturbed. He looked outside of the window to the left of him and looked out on the school that he was now stuck at. He wouldn't be allowed to change back to Hogwarts probably, and he wouldn't be allowed to go to Durmstrang because of Gregory.
Toffee saw the guy's face when he looked at her. The obviously forced smile looked like it pained the guy, and Toffee quirked her eye brow in confusion. She listened to his words and she shook her head with a laugh. He didn't look like he'd be okay, especially as he turned his head back to look out the window, like a lost boy dreaming of a far off place. Usually Toffee wouldn't have even bothered with doing something like this, but she really wanted to hang out with someone; to have a new friend. She took a deep breath in and told herself that she had to at least try and become friends with this guy. Toffee bounced around so she was standing by his side, and she leaned on the window pane. "Really?" She asked, pushing her hair behind her ear. "You don't look super okay!" Toffee exclaimed. "My name is Toffee, anyway." She said, holding her hand out for a handshake.
Alex couldn't believe this girl, it was like she never took no for an answer. She was far too nice for her own good, and being completely honest, Alex could not stand nice. So he automatically did not like this girl. He wondered if she was actually being sincere to him or whether she was just doing it to annoy him at this stage. Alex ignored her hand, and continued to look out of the window. Why should he even bother telling her his name? It wasn't like it would actually be important to her considering he wouldn't be hanging out with her again out of today. She was cute, and that was something that he also didn't like. He didn't understand how people could be like that. "I am fine, okay?" Alex said, sighing very deeply. Wishing his problem away.

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