Getting in some practice

Jasmin Baxter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Jasmin made her way to a quiet, grassy part of Brightstone. She loved her older sister to death but she was really starting to get on her nerves with all of the wedding planning. Jasmin, for one, thought she was stupid for rushing into this marriage with Andros, whom she thought was a lovely man and he treated Kira well so she didn't mind him. Although they had barely known each other before they were engaged and now they were getting married, it all seemed too soon. Seeing as the day was nice out, Jasmin figured she needed some time to clear her head seeing as it was full of dress patterns, flowers and whole lot of other stuff she just couldn't quiet get her head round. As she arrived at the grassy part, away from the hustle and bustle of the Hogwarts students she tied her converses and fixed her dress sure what she was wearing wasn't very typical but it was Jasmin's own sense of style and she loved it. Picking up her football she started to do a few tricks, she was a bit rusty.
Emmett decided he needed sometime outside of the school, and away from the people. Sure he loved Hogwarts but his dorm mates weren't really... his type of friends, and he didn't know anyone else. He pushed past all the people in the small village and made his way out to the fields for some alone time. However he was pleasantly surprised to see someone there, his friend Jasmin. "Jasmin!" he called out excitedly running towards her.
As Jasmin continued to kick the ball she counted into herself to see how many kick ups she could do. Granted it took her a while to get used to it again she was getting there. Once she had them nailed she moved into a few more simple tricks. Although fail and fail she was quickly getting annoyed. When the ball dropped again she got so annoyed she kicked it against the tree as hard as she could. As the ball made a connection with the tree trunk she heard someone call her name. Turning her head she saw one of her only friends Emmett running towards her. As she was about to reply she fell to the ground as the ball had come back and hit her on the face. "Oww!" she said, laughing slightly as she rubbed her red cheek.
Emmett ran faster towards Jasmin as the ball hit her in the face, it looked like it hurt allot. "Hey! Are you okay?!" he asked once he was beside her, glad to see that she was laughing which meant she couldn't have been terribly hurt. Emmett held out his hand to help her up from the ground, "Nice moves their, is that a trick your working on?" he asked teasingly with a small smile and laughing a little. Emmett was actually surprised she had recognized him, he had changed so much in the few years he had been at school. His once short black hair had grown and thanks to the pranks of one of the older students, blonde, not that he minded Emmett thought it looked rather good on him.
After the initial pain of the shock went away Jasmin didn't feel so bad, just a little bit of stinging. When Emmett came over to her she took her hand from her cheek and gave it to him as he helped her up. "Thanks!" she said as she bounced on to her feet, patting down her dress. As he teased her and her lack of good moves she glared playfully at him, "Yeah it is! Do you think it'll catch on?" she asked, with a tiny smirk. As she looked at her friend she frowned her eyebrows, she wondered what looked different about him and no she was closer to him she could tell, "And this a new style you're working on?" she asked, not joking as much as he had, seeing as she approved of the changes.
"Oh for sure! You can call it the klutz!" Emmett replied his smile getting brighter. He hadn't realized how much he had missed Jasmine, he was so happy to see her. Emmett ruffled his hair awkwardly when she asked about his appearance, "You could say that. Do you like it?" he asked. Emmett wanted to make sure he didn't look ridiculous if he kept his hair that way, epically if he was going to go home with it. His brother would have a field day making fun of him.
Jasmin crossed her arms over her chest and pretended to pout at Emmett's suggestion to the name of her 'new move.' Slapping him on the arm, not too hard to show she was just joking but hard enough but she felt like it, "Meanie!" She said with a small smirk, her eyes narrowing into a glare. Unfolding her arms again she laughed lightly, "Mmm I think I'll work on it a bit more before take it public." she added, sticking her tongue out playfully.

When Emmett asked on her opinion of his hair she began to walk around her friend, pretending to take in are views of the hair, not that she would be able to make a professional criticism. After all, she wasn't like normal teenage girls who cared about what she looked like - no matter how much Kira tried, Jasmin preferred to just tie her hair up; plain and simple. After making a full tour of her friend she returned to face him and grinning said, "I like it! It really suits you." she told him sincerely. "So how's school?" she asked, as she got the ball again, passing it to Emmett, a bit of back and fourth and catch up with a friend was exactly what she needed right now.

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