Getting Familiar with the place

Anita Martinez

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Anita hadn't put much thought into the shocking climate change from a Puerto Rican spring to a New Zealand Autumn. Which was why she stuck out even more than usual on the luckily warm saturday in Brightstone village. Her already olive skin ever darker do to the hours spent outside in the broiling sun and compared to most of the nearly pasty pale complexions of the wizards and witches around her. Not to mention the chunky necklace and bright green and purple bangles that were stacked on her arms. She had a few stores she wanted to go to but was having trouble finding them. She winced as she stepped on a rock that nearly ripped a hole in the bottom of her well worn brown flats.
Jessica strolled through Brightstone, wishing she was swimming right now. It was nice enough weather and she couldnt wait until Summer when she could swim in her Father's pool. Jess had just managed to get away from her Mother who was doing some form of shopping. That women was just too controlling. She worried about everything and everything unfortunatly included Jessica. Rolling her eyes at the thought of her Mum stressing out about Jessica's where-abouts, Jess continued walking. She had her head turned to the side, peering into a shop window when she crashed into another girl about her age. "Watch it!" She said instantly, even though she knew the crash was most likely her own fault. She would never admit it out loud. Jessica did a once over of the girl. She was extremely tanned in comparision to Jessica's pale skin. That was something that Jessica couldnt stand about herself. Her pale skin.
Anitas attention had been lost for a split second as she tried to get the rock out of the small place it had cerved into the sole of her shoe and someone crashed into her. She sudden balance caused her weight to shift to the foot that was on the rock causing it to pierce completely through the worn out shoe and her foot, She hissed in pain and let out a mild curse in spanish before turning to the girl who had so rudely snapped at her. "So polite..." she mumbled more to herself than the other girl.
Jess narrowed her eyes at the girl who had just mumbled something under her breath. It had been difficult to hear, but after it processed through Jessica's mind, she scoffed. "Sarcasm? Really? Your the one that's polite for not looking where your going." Jess snapped, it had been quite some time sinse she had developed a dislike for someone after such a short meeting. Some people were just plain rude and really had no idea what they were doing. Jessica placed her hands on her hips and kept a distasteful look on the girl stood in front of her.
Anita coughed to cut off what would have been the start of laughter. Wow... I've heard better comebacks from a turkey sandwich.she thought "Yes, sarcasm. Glad you were able to catch it." she snapped It is the natural guard against stupidity afterall. she thought before saying "And for your information I was watching where I was going." she said in a tone that said Get your head out of the clouds and back on your shoulders where it belongs. Anita didn't know what was making her so irritable, this girl seemed like a snob and was bringing out the bad side of Anita. She lifted up her foot and quickly pulled out the rock out of her shoe where it left a hole about the size of a Nickel. She wondered if there was anywhere around here she could get a pair of sturdy shoes for a low price.
Jess scoffed and rolled her eyes at the comment. In her mind she would admit it was a good comeback, but she wouldnt let the girl know that. She also didnt have a retort handy, so simply scoffing worked well. The next comment however was accusing and Jessica would not be accused. "Oh yes of course you were, which is why you hit me in the first place." She said irritably. She shook her head as the girl removed the stone from her foot. Her gaze glanced to the shop window she was looking at when she hit the girl. This argument would be an easy one to lose, but Jess wouldnt give in that easily. She had the power of annoyance on her side if she needed it.
Anita raised her eyebrow, "Oh yeah, I managed to crash into you when I was stopped trying to get that damned rock out of my shoe. That makes perfect sense, thanks for setting me straight." she deadpanned her face going flat as she did so before giving a false smile and thumbs up, but her face dropped back into a semi scowl and her chocolate eyes soon began to glitter with irritability again almost immediately after. She had ripped a hole in her shoe and was now caught in a pointless battle with the airhead infront of her. If this girl went to HNZ Anita would have to try to avoid her when she started next year. This girl was getting annoying, not how she planned to spend her day. Fighting with a random stranger on the street.
At the girls next comment, Jessica thought of a different argument, one that wasnt as hopeless as the last. She placed a grin on her face. A fake, irritable, mocking grin. "Well maybe you shouldnt stop in the middle of a busy street to pull rocks out of your cheap shoes." Jess said, still glaring at the girl. She reminded her of her sister. Stupid goody-two-shoes Taylor was the only person Jessica couldnt beat in an argument. Maybe Jess should just walk away, but there was something that made her stay, be it to set the girl straight or make the other girl leave first. Walking away would be admitting defeat right?
Anita snickered, "Do you pride yourself on lack of observancy or something?" she asked "Or do you just have the reaction time of a sloth?" she ended "I really am interested." she said in a fake scholarly voice. "Otherwise you should have been able to move around. Or are you really into psychology and believe in the 'If I believe I can walk through a solid object I will.' Because if so, I think you just learned that that theory doesn't work." she said her voice getting snarkier as she went on. I should have kept the rock and thrown it at her... she thought
Jess ground her teeth as the girl continued. Her fists clenched and she really felt a strong urge to hit the girl. Jess had nothing to say back to that. Maybe hitting her would be the best solution. But Jessica didnt want to start something in the middle of a busy street. Instead she rolled her eyes, pretending that the words meant nothing to her. "Well I thank you for assisting me with my research. But I really dont have time for mudbloods like you." She spat, giving the girl one last filthy look before Jess harshly bumped the girl with her shoulder as she stormed past. She hoped she wouldnt come across this girl again. It was a weak argument, but she really thought she might just hit her if she was graced with her presence a second time.
As soon as the word 'Mudblood' passed the other girls lips Anita raised her eyebrows and gave an amused smirk. She was a halfblood so there really was no sting to her words. "Your welcome, remember. Those things with pages in them are called books and they are your friend!" she ended with false sweetness before walking in the direction she had been going as the girl stomped off in a huff. Now that thats over with... Where can I find a shoe store...

[I delcare this thread finished! xD]

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