Getting ahead

Elysia Katsaros-Styx

Judgmental | Privileged | Prejudice
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Unyielding Elm Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Being at Hogwarts New Zealand could be described as euphoric for the students around Elysia Styx, but as of right now, she found it to be a migraine. Everyone here was just so loud, and Elysia was dying to get some peace of quiet. She leaned against the cold wall, before she closed her silvery green eyes, something that was unique to her and her mother. Her little brother Viktor may have inherited the strange eye color but she was not sure because she was not close with Viktor. She was highly protective of Estelle, on the other hand. Estelle would not be coming to school for a little while. She did miss her sister already. Elysia opened up her journal, which was written in a mix of Russian and Bulgarian, to make sure no one could read her private thoughts. Her head filled up so fast with thoughts, she had to get them down otherwise she would lose control of her temper, and end up in a bad spot. Elysia wanted to avoid trouble as much as possible, so that she could avoid having the attention on her. Her brown hair covered most of her face as she wrote furiously into her journal.

Elysia’s shoulder was soon taken by none other than her screech owl, which was a male, that she had yet to name. Elysia briefly looked at her owl, which had quickly became her most loyal companion since she bought the thing. She did not motion for the bird to fly off, finding herself even more at ease with the owl glaring at others for her as she continued to write down in her journal, noting on how people were not worth her time, and how she wanted to be at Durmstrang instead. She had no idea her twin felt the same, but since coming to the school, she had avoided Lestat and his little schemes to make others miserable. It was fun, but she had a different way to go about it. She preferred to get into their heads and screw them up that way. But right now, she was not in any shape or form to get ready for that sort of enjoyment yet. She still had to adjust to her surroundings.
So far Hogwarts New Zealand wasn't that bad at all except for the large number of idiotic people Lilyanna had come across before classes even started. She couldn't express how much she hated every single one of them and how much she really wished she went to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts. On top of that there was the fact that her sister kept bugging her to make friends with people she didn't like. She would never admit it to anyone but she was quite jealous of the people who could make friends so easily. She could already see a lot of people in her year that were making friends too fast, especially the Hufflepuffs, and it made Lilyanna wonder if she was ever going to make any friends at all.

With her favourite reading book clutched tightly against her stomach, Lilyanna walked down the Seventh Floor Corridor with her head held high. She just had to accept the fact that not only did she not like people but they didn't like her. Anyway, who cares if she didn't make any friends during her time at Hogwarts? She was far more focused on her studies than anything else and having to worry about friends was not going to improve her grades at all. Instead, she had to study more than socialize and that was what she was going to do.

Her thoughts were stopped abruptly when out of the corner of her eye she noticed an owl who flew over to sit on an angry looking girl's shoulder who was leaning against the wall, furiously writing her thoughts in a small journal. Maybe that's what Lily should have brought to write down how much she hated this school, at least then she'd be able to get all of her angry thoughts out just like this girl. She stopped walking and smirked at her. "I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now." she said a bit too loudly. She froze, unsure if she was meant to say that out loud and waited for the girl's reaction. Considering how angry this girl must be feeling, maybe Lilyanna should have kept her mouth shut.
The moment a voice interrupted her silence, or rather, Elysia tuning out those around her, her quill suddenly stopped writing, and her silvery green eyes looked up to see the owner of the voice. A Slytherin girl, and someone that looked a little awkward or nervous for interrupting her. Elysia did not close her journal, but she did not write anymore. How could this girl possibly know what she was feeling? Or rather, how could she imagine. Elysia narrowed her eyes slightly, but no hostility came over her, as she willed herself not to feel anything. Everything she ever felt was written down, so it was not a burden on her mind. That was what she learned to do. Her mother was very much emotional, and she had to do something so that she could be in focus like her father. Elysia realized that the silence would likely scare off the girl, so she could at least humor her for a moment. “I feel nothing, which is why I write. Once I begin to feel, I write it out, and no longer have the burden.” Elysia knew that she likely sounded like some sort of cold robot, but she did have some sort of fire underneath her at times. Her hatred for Zared Katsaros was one of them. She hated him with every nerve in her body. And she did not even know why. She just knew that she had do whatever it took to destroy him one day.

The Ravenclaw did some thinking over the girl’s statement, before she realized that the girl must be angry or frustrated too. Therefore, she would not have said what she said. Elysia slowly put her journal into her bag, before she folded her arms across her chest. “Are you mad about this school as well?” It was only a guess. Elysia was not exactly happy about the school, nor was she happy about the house she was sorted into. She wanted to be in Slytherin because she did not want to be around mudbloods. But now, Ravenclaw and every other house was littered with them. There was no escape. “My name is Elysia Styx, if you wanted to know who you were speaking to."

I'm soooo sorry I thought I replied to this and turns out I suck
Lilyanna knew she shouldn't have said anything as soon as she opened her mouth. The girl simply stared at her in utter silence with narrowed eyes and Lilyanna froze and stared back, clearly frustrated with herself. Lilyanna didn't like social situations and it wasn't because she was a nervous person or anything. In fact, Lilyanna was confident in everything she did and she truthfully did not care what many people thought of her. Instead, it was more because she didn't like people in general, especially the ones that were at Hogwarts. It wasn't until the girl opened her mouth that Lilyanna could finally breathe again. Maybe writing her feelings down too could help her get rid of them? Lilyanna wasn't much of a writer though and would have much prefered drawing more than anything, especially after her new friend had shown her all those muggle tools that would help her in doing so. It felt weird calling him a friend but he was really all that Lilyanna had at Hogwarts.

"Oh, yes I'm very mad about this school." Lilyanna sneered, rolling her eyes. She was glad that the girl felt the same way about it too. "I would have much prefered to go to a different school overseas with sensible people, if you know what I mean. I feel like this school is full of very idiotic and immature people." She was more talking to herself now and began to lean back on the wall in thought, wondering whether or not the girl agreed with her. Maybe all that Lilyanna needed was someone to rant to? Writing her feelings down were a good idea but she would have much prefered to say them verbally than anything, even if it was only to herself. "I'm Lilyanna Hope." Lilyanna replied as the girl introduced herself as Elysia Styx. She was glad that she mentioned her name as Lilyanna would have definitely forgotten. Getting to know other people usually wasn't a talent or interest of hers.
The girl was frustrated, but Elysia could not tell if it was because of her, or just the girl being frustrated at herself. It was something that Elysia could not distinguish because she was definitely no Legilimens. Perhaps the girl was not social. That was something that Elysia could relate to, honestly. The Ravenclaw had no desire to make friends, but if her brother was doing it, perhaps she could give it a try as well, despite knowing that most were inferior to her. The girl was very mad about the school, and didn't like the maturity of those that attended. So, it was for a different reason why she wanted to go to another school. Elysia wanted to attend Durmstrang, away from the ignorant mudbloods. Elysia sighed, before she said bluntly, "Unfortunately, you will see people like this everywhere. I, on the other hand, would have preferred going to a school that is largely against those with a lot of muggle heritage to attend." From those words alone, it was obvious what sort of blood status she had, and what came along with the name that she carried. It was a great burden, and she loved it.

Her name was Lilyanna Hope. Wait a minute. Elysia looked the girl up and down once more, before coming to a conclusion. She heard that name, Hope, twice. Elysia cocked her head slightly to the side, "You are a twin. I thought I hard two Hopes at sorting." After meeting Sianna, a twin, she wondered if it was something that she was just attracted to. Seeing people, and talking to those that had a twin. Of course, this may be the first identical one that she had seen so far in her year. Elysia did not know what more to say after that. She did put her journal and quill, with the ink, inside of her bag, almost waiting to see if the girl would even try to be her ally or not. Especially after revealing that her status.
Lilyanna was starting to like Elysia so she stayed around after introducing herself. She was glad that they both had a fairly similar opinion about the school so she knew that she was definitely not on her own. She didn't understand however why Elysia was so against the muggle heritage. Lilyanna had thought that they were rather interesting, especially after meeting her best friend and hearing all about his muggle parents. She nodded nonetheless, pretending to agree with what she was saying. She wanted to be able to respect her opinion and was not going to tell Elysia that she was wrong because, for all Lilyanna knew, she was probably right. Lilyanna didn't really know much about muggles other than what she'd heard and would not know how amazing or horrible they were until she actually finds out proper facts about them.

Lilyanna was a bit surprised when Elysia told her that she heard two Hopes at sorting. The fact that someone had remembered something about her was slightly lifting. At least she wasn't going to hear from Elysia about a clone of Lilyanna's in yellow robes, much like what many other people told her. She didn't have to tell her that she had a twin herself as she already knew and was very glad about that. "Do you know my twin?" she asked out of curiosity, wondering whether she had met her or not. Eleanor always knew many more people than her and had even attempted trying to take Lilyanna's best friend of hers. "She's a Hufflepuff." Lilyanna added, wondering if it was ringing any bells for her. Truthfully, Lilyanna hoped that it wasn't.

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