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OOC First Name
Flexibly Ivy Wood Wand 12" with Vampire Blood
I was flicking through my characters when I noticed that Amberlyn isn't doing anything right now so I decided to seem if anyone is interested in RPIngnwith her

She's a Witch who lives in the muggle world and is very reserved on her magic, she works as a muggle doctor at a GP. In her eyes magic is just a skill she has acquired but doesn't need to use, she prides herself more on her medical stitching skills

So I'm pretty easy going with her, maybe someone magical might try make her be her witch self
Or someone can appreciate who she is
I have no clue for plot ideas I just have a young 20something girl with no plot direction

Perhaps she and Alyssa Chevalier can roleplay? They are both in similar fields of work (Amberlyn being a doctor and Alyssa being a Healer), plus Alyssa's always wanted to meet a Witch/Wizard who's not really into magic.
Let me know what you think!
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