Get out of my face.

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah took her trainers of and placed them next to her. She was sat on the cold wet ground next to the lake and dipped her feet in, not caring about how cold it was. She didn't care about much anymore. She cared about Tracy and Sydney and her pets but what else was there to care about??
Shay turned when she heard a stick snap under the weight of someone's foot. She glared at the girl when she realised she recognised her. To say the least, they weren't exactly the best of friends.
Noo, Taloola thought. She really wasn't in the mood to put up with this girl. she put her head down and quickened her pace. Noticing that she was being glared at, she gave the best scowl back that she could muster. "h.. Hi" Trying to be a little friendly, but not really managing.
Shaylah stood up and turned around. She walked towards the girl, not caring about the fact that she wasn't wearing any shoes. "What in your right mind made you think you could talk to me?!" Shaylah shouted it so it would easily reach the small distance still between them
Omg, this girl has issuses! Taloola thought. "Get lost Shayla, I'm not in the mood." She crossed her arms across her chest and walked a couple of paces forward. "Just leave me alone!"
"Not in the mood?? You have no idea." Shaylah laughed. "Plus, there's no way I'm going to get lost or leave you alone because I was here first." Shaylah shoved the girl backwards when she walked thr#e space between them and reached her.
Taloola started to shake, she didn't like the look in the Shaylah's face, it made her chest tie knots. She breathed quicker and quicker, and started to turn in the direction she had just been and muttered "Bl00die Slytherins!" She clenched her knuckles to try to stop the shaking, so much her knuckles went white!
"BlO0die Slytherins?? Try more blO0die Hufflepuffs. You're all weirdos with no care except your friends and your family and all the hoppy skippy muggles that you love so much. It's revolting." Shaylah made a face of disgust and glared at Taloola.
Hoppy skippy? this girl is mental! Taloola thought to her self, wanting so much just to say it to her face. "What ever, weirdo!" Still murmering, but not really being bothered whether Shaylah heard her or not, "your the revolting ones, like I said before, reptilian VERMIN!" Now speaking directly at her face, not caring obout what the outcome may be!
Shaylah didn't like being spoken to the way Taloola was. She brought her arm back and punched her in the face. "That's what you get for thinking you can speak to me like that." She glared at the girl who seemed to think she was better.
Taloola's left cheek and nose felt like it was burning, and then went horribly numb. "Aruugh..." She couldn't seem to get the words out, it was like her face was swelling. She looked at Shaylah in horror, wanting to run but feeling too dizzy. She took her hand away from her face and it was covered in blood, Great... nose bleed... now I really look like a doosh! She thought. "What the heII?!" She she stuttered "You... You... B1tch!"
Shaylah smirked when she saw the blood running from Taloola's nose. She then stepped towards her and shoved her to the floor. "Go on. Call me a b!tch one more time. See what I do." Shaylah was having fun and was happy to continue.
Taloola wanted to cry. Not so much because of the pain, but because she felt she couldn't get away. She didn't know what to do, not ever having been in this situation before, and started to panic. "Well... I ment what I said, that word means a lot and I never say stuff like that if I don't really mean it." She was almost shouting to get through the pain. Her head being pushed to the flor just increased the pressure. She turned to the floor and put her hand back over her face and wished for someone to come and help her.
Shaylah stood over Taloola and pushed her so she could punch her in the stomach. She could feel the adrenaline passing through her body as she felt the sense of a fight. Not a very good one but a fight all the same. She realised how much her victims gave her the thing she loved. "Go on. What am I??" She kicked Taloola in the side and loomed over her, grinning at the adrenaline rush.
Taloola couldn't move, her ribs felt like they were digging into her lungs every time she breathed. She managed to cough out the words, "Your a b!tch, and you have no friends! Everyone hates you!" she tryed to roll onto her front to protect her chest from getting kicked again, she wanted to stop breathing, but it hurt to hold it!
Shaylah felt the anger burst through her. This stupid puff had the nerve to call her a b!tch. She knelt onto on knee beside her, grabbed a clump of hair and pulled her head up. Shaylah looked at her and smiled. "You're going to wish you never said that." Shaylah smashed Taloola's face into the floor and stood up again.
Balck out. Taloola had no idea what had happened. Her head throbed and the world span at a rate of knots. Eyes fluttering she woke, unwillingly from her black out. She was cold and numb, she wanted to just shrink into the floor, to grow so small she couldn't be seen by anyone. She didn't speak, she realised she had said too much already and stayed silent.
Cameron had been axploring the area around Hogwarts with his twin, Dean, they'd been reading and doing homework all morning and had decided it was time for a break, particularly because the surroundings to hogwarts had some of the best views he had ever seen (being a bit of a nature freak). He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the two girls by the lake, he knew something was wrong, but could not yet see cause of it - he was too far away to see the blood.
Dean ran past his brother at the sight of what was happening between the two girls, "well don't just stand there you idiot!" He ran toward the girl on the floor and knelt down beside her, pulling her to sit up slightly. "WHAT THE HE11 ARE YOU DOING?!" he yelled at the other girl - the one not covered in blood. "YOU PHYCO!"
Shaylah smirked when she saw two boys arrive. "Oh, well done. You worked that bit out pretty quickly." She crossed her arms over her chest and smiled evily at the boy. "Perhaps you'd better teach that to your little friend here. If she knew that a bit earlier then she wouldn't be covered in blood right now."
Taloola head was still spining. She looked up at the boy halding her, she didn't recognise him, but she let him look after her. better be with him than Shaylah! She held onto his top tightly and looked away from Shaylah, and started to cry. The tears didn't seem to want to stop and just poured out of her like a water fall.
Cameron ran forward and put himself between the two girls, "Get the He11 away from her!" He didn't sound atall thretening, he had never had to deal with anuthing like this before and wasn't quite sure what to do without making it worse. Particularly because this girl looked older than him. He looked down at his brother and the girl covered in blood and quivered. Looking back at the other he simply said "Go on then... just leave!"
Shaylah smirked. She could see herself having a lot of fun here. This boy may have been slightly taller than her but it didn't look like he had been in many fights. He had scrawny little arms and twig like legs. "Bring it on wimp." She laughed and looked him up and down. He looked like a first year so he obviously didn't know how things worked around here.
What do I do he thought, He tried to keep a straight face so as not to show that he actually quite scared. "Bring it on eh? theres 3... well 2 of us and only 1 of you, what more do you really think you can do? Think your hard just to beat someone bl00dy? You are pathetic!" He turned to his brother and the girl again, "Take her to the hospital wing." Turning back to the smirking girl "Get out of my face!"
Shaylah started taking steps towards the boy as she spoke. "Ok, 1) Even with two of you, you're freaks who look like you couldn't win a fight with a fly. 2) The fact that you just told him to take her to the hospital wing proves that there will only be one of you so this fight will be a piece of cake or me." She smirked as she got within a metre of the boy.
Taloola simply lay there in the boy's arms, unable to move. She held onto his shirt tight, her chest hurt the worst. She wanted to be able to step out of her body and for all the pain not to be there. "Please help me." she quietly groaned to the boy.

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