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Perseus Grace

Western movies collectinier/play guitar/Friendly🦋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking) (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Whippy Rosewood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
One hand was driven deep into his pocket and held on to the galeon with all his might. Certainly there weren't that many thieves here, but they didn't want to lose their galaxy either. Better to spend and if someone was willing to spend him .. maybe pay for something delicious. The gaze wandered from one shop window to the next, not finding which of them was its famous Honey Fist. Perseus a could have imagined that the shop window would be full of rainbow-colored sweets and flowing chocolate rivers, and somewhere it should contain honey (which the boy did not really taste, Perseus preferred a sweet drink butterbie.
He sighed, Perseus turned to measure his way back down the only street in the village. If only he had passed his destination. Perseus wanted by some candy and then go back to Leacky Caldron. He stay here with his father and soon was shcool. He wanted look around and find some shops and looked new places here.
Finn his mother dropped him off at Obsidian Harbour and gave him some magical money. Their family wasn’t really wealthy and Finn’s dad wasn’t actually paying child alimony. Finn didn’t even know who his dad was. While his mother enjoyed a cup of tea in the local café, Finn was allowed to buy some sweets. He knew how valuable money was and he wasn’t going to spend his full allowance on something as sweets. Finn was definitely smarter than that, he was going to set a bit of money away so he could buy an owl and everything that you needed so you could actually care for one.

Finn was ready for Hogwarts; he had brought his sorting robes and packed half of his luggage already. He still needed a wand and he wanted to buy his owl. He had saved money every week and now he had enough to buy his owl, a cage and some feed. First, he wanted to buy a chocolate frog, although his family weren’t that wealthy, he still spared the cards for his collection. There a boy around his age was standing and Finn decided to go have a chat. ‘’Hey you also here to buy some nice sweets?” Finn said ‘’I already own about fifty wizard cards from the chocolate frogs’’ Fifty wasn’t that much, one of his friends had about four hundred.
With the whole family split apart to familiarize the place, Hayzel wandered on her own in the direction of Honeydukes. Despite her boyish personality, she was still a girl who liked sweets. She wanted to tag Cassiah along with her, as well as Rye, but for some reason, the two were gone before she could say get go. Shrugging her shoulders, the young West neared the store and spotted two boys already. She heard the cute one mentioned wizard cards which she deduced was Chocolate Frogs treat. Stopping in front of them, she butted in. "Well, I've got around six hundred. Not that it is a lot.", she smile cheekily. "You boys here to buy some sweets?", she asked with curiousity.
The stranger's comment made Perseus smile. It looked like he had attracted his attention and maybe that was fine. Maybe this year won't start as badly as he had thought. -Hey, yes! I wanted by some candy for shcool and also eat today. - Perseus told the boy and looked to him. He seem nice and mayny he find new friend. -Choclet frogs? Do you know where also here can by movies? I love so much Western movies?- He asked with smile.

Later he see another girl walked here close. -Hey, sweets are the best and i can't imagine day without sweets.- Perseus smiled.
Finn mused when the boy talked about movies. There wasn't any magical shop that sold muggle movies. That was because magic and electricity wasn't a good combination. Most magical folk didn't own a television, since there was no signal in the magical parts of the world. ''Eh.. you can't buy any movies here, most wizards and witches don't even own a television.'' Finn smiled. Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by someone else.

The girl looked handsome to say the least, her wavy brown hair followed her face shape exactly. Not wanting to gape at this girl he started to actually listen to her. She was talking about owning six hundred of the bloody cards.''Nice, I would love to see your collection sometime'' Not only that, but he also wanted to spend more time with this girl he was interested. ''Yeah, I finally got some money to buy two more chocolate frogs'' Finn said while holding out a little pouch of sickles and knuts. ''What about you guys?'' Not wanting to only address the girl.
Hayzel noticed the boy staring at her but it could be the trick of the light. Shrugging it dismissively, she nodded at his statement. "Sure. If you're attending Hogwarts NZ this coming term, you can see them." Her hands felt for her purse in the pocket of her dress jumper. She never wore dresses without pockets. Their parents frowned on her choice of jeans, so they compromised with pockets on dresses. "Yep. Probably, one chocolate frog and some other sweets.", she extended her hand. "Hayzel. What's yours?" If her mother would hear her now, she would get an earful on proper etiquette.
-Oh!- He was a little disapointed but that was okey. He was glad meet some new people here around. Perseus looked the boy and girl who so fast find contac and he hoped he would be do that to. -My name is Perseus and nice to meet you Hayzel!- She have a lovely name but Perseus see she was nothing special but he remember Anna and she was nice but he was to young thing about that. - So choclet frog? There are collection cards? That is interesting-! He was thinking abot by some choclet frog and started new collection.
Finn was excited to come to Hogwarts for the next term. Not only would he get to learn more about magic and see awesome Quidditch games he now knew he wasn’t going alone. Hayzel would be joining and Perseus would probably be too. Finn was already excited to see her six hundred card collection. He loved looking at the moving pictures and reading the information on the back. ‘’That would be awesome.’’ Finn said while smiling broadly. ‘Next term is going to be so much fun’’

Finn didn’t know they made dresses with pockets. His mom never wore any dresses so he had no knowledge on that department. When Hayzel held out her hand Finn grabbed it and shook it firmly. ‘’The name is Finn’’ He said politely. Then Perseus asked about the chocolate frogs. ‘’Yeah, its an enchanted chocolate shaped frog and with that you get a collectible card. ‘’ Finn paused ‘’Some are rarer than others though and the pictures on the cards tend to move’’ The first time Finn got a card the backdrop appeared to be empty, he then learned the witch and wizard could also go away from the card to do other stuff. ‘’Sometimes the cards appear empty, since you can’t expect the witch or wizard to hang around in there all day.’’ Finn mused. He loved the cards and sometimes wished his family had more money so he could add to his collection.
Hayzel grinned brightly at the boy's reaction whom she later found out was named Finn. The other boy, who introduced himself as Perseus, seemed a little quiet. She shook Finn's hand, smiling. "Nice to meet you Finn. You too Perseus.", glancing at the boy and gave a small wave. This would be fun as she had ready made friends when she attended Hogwarts. Grabbing the doorknob, she turned to the two. "Let's go in, yeah? Easier to show 'em than talk about 'em.", she said excitedly before she reached for Finn's hand and pulled him along with her. "Keep up, Perseus. We're gonna show you lots of cool stuff.", she called out to the quiet boy.
-Nice to meet you Fin! What about you gays about house, where you wan't be a Hogwarts?- He asked both and he alredy know, he wanted be a part of Ravenclaw house our hufflepuff house. He listened about choclet frog and he will be a new collection in home and that was a good fealing. Chcoclet frog collection was so cool and he also wanted by and he know he was take some lot of money becouse he wanted sweats. - I think there are a new chcolet frog collectioner and thanks for telling me a lot. I always was collection western movies. - But always was something good to start and he was happy right now meet new people. Perseus smiled Hayzel, she also seem nice and he hope he will be later spend more time with her at shcool to. -I'm comming!- He laught and walk closer to Hayzel and walk next with her.
His speech about the chocolate frog cards was soon put short when he felt Hayzel pulling on his hand. Finn smiled and felt himself being pulled inside the shop. The shop was filled with all sort of sweets, they had the basic variety, but also more extreme ones.

Some were for adult consumption only, which meant they contained alcohol. Finn had also learned there were sweets with simple love charms, but he would never buy those. He knew how to work his charms; he didn’t need charms to be liked. Perseus seemed to be following them and asked which house Hogwarts house they desired. ‘’Well, I don’t really care.’’ Finn muttered, he didn’t have any bothers or sister to look up to and the house wouldn’t define him as a person. ‘’The house isn’t going to change me anyway, so I guess I desire the house that fits’’ Finn said. ''Which house are you hoping for Perseus?''

Finn was still under Hayzel her grip and now he took advantage and pulled her to the chocolate frog assortment. ‘’Come Perseus, you definitely got to buy one!’’ Finn said while taking one himself. ‘’Hopefully this is a new card and I don’t get another duplicate’’ Finn hoped that people would trade them at Hogwarts. So far he had four Harry Potter’s and three Albus Dumbledore’s.
Hayzel giggled as they entered the sweet smelling shop. If there was one way to win her heart and friendship, sweets was the best way to go. That and button pins. They looked around for the sweets they could purchase as there was a wide variety of merchandise. Perseus asked about houses and Finn answered with anything. Giving it a thought, she shrugged. "I am leaning toward Gryffindor but I am cool with whichever house Cassiah and Rye got into. They were my siblings." She decided not telling them they were their ones who completed the set and let them meet them in time.

Having forgotten she was still holding Finn's hand, the boy pulled her toward the chocolate frog stand. She picked three and handed the other two to the boys. "Here, my treat. You all know I have lots already." She shook the box. "I am hoping for Kingsley or Tonks this time." She already had them but would love to have a couple more of them. Playfully nudging Finn, she added. "You can trade your duplicates with any of mine when we get on the train. I don't mind the duplicates. You too, Perseus. You can choose some from mine to start your collection."
-You got a point! I'm thinking about Ravenlaw house- But he was agree about houses. Where you be that house you not change there but will be happy if he gets Ravenclaw our Hufflepuff houses. Perseus hated Slytherin house but he didn't know why and he will be ask the hat about Ravenclaw house. -Of course, i will by choclet frogs two and ice mice!-He told Finn and looked the ice mice and some chupa chups the rgreen one and he also take theese. -So cool, you have a sisters. I have older sister and brothers to but they don't go this year shcool and my older sister is from Ilvermony shcool.- He smiled the girl with warm smile and he was glad find two friends. Perseusus didn't get it what happened Finn and Hayzel but he see that she like him.

-Thanks, Hayzel! I take this and you can choose from mine
!- He take from Hayzel but also he wanted soon by this and later go to look another shop here.
The shop smelled lovely and Finn was excited to see his new chocolate frog card. Hayzel wanted to be sorted in Gryffindor and Perseus opted for Ravenclaw. Finn didn’t really care, but it would fun to be sorted with either of the two. Hayzel stuffed another chocolate frog box into his hand and Finn smiled. Finn already owned a Kingsley, he was secretly hoping to get one of the founders maybe it could be a sign for his future house.

‘’Thanks Hayzel’’ Finn smiled broadly. Hayzel even wanted to trade her duplicates with him. ‘’Ice mice?’’ Finn asked ‘’Why would you want to eat those, they make your teeth chatter’’ Finn didn’t like mice and he would never ever go near an Ice mice. They made his skin crawl, he also hated rats. Finn thought they were filthy creatures. ‘’What do you guys wanna do first at Hogwarts?’’ Finn mused ‘’I definitely want to check out the Quidditch Pitch, my mom already took me to some famous New Zealand Quidditch team games.’’ It wasn’t like he was boasting, he just wanted to tell them he was excited for Quidditch.
Hayzel picked some tofee candies from the nearby shelf before facing the two boys. There were now on the topic of iced mice which she found interesting as well as it could be one of the few things Rye would love. "Rye would love those iced mice. I don't like them but I am not fond of them as well.", she shivered. "I have an older sister and a younger brother. You'll meet them when we go to Hogwarts. Or somewhere around here if we get lucky." She knew Rye was close by, that boy took it upon himself to watch over her and Cassiah.
The topic moved on from house to places in Hogwarts. At the mention of the pitch, the girl got excited. "I was about to say the same thing. I heard that they also have a magical creatures area there which I want to explore too." She turned to Perseus. "What about you Perse? Do you like quidditch too?", she addressed the second boy.
-I like ice mice and i can eat them! - He told Finn but he know not all love ice mice and he loved them. Then later he told about shcool first time there and where he all wanted go. He also wanted know what house he would be 7 years and later go the library. - Definetly Quidditch Pitch but also wanted look my new coomon room. I'm not sure about magical creatures and i wanted find The Library and take some good book and i like Quidditch.- Perseus answered to Hayzel and he alsto take again choclet frog and some choclet and that was it for him.
Finn grinned when the boy talked about the ice mice. Some people absolutely loved them, but Finn didn't see the fun in them. Not only did it have a nasty side effect, they were shaped like mice. Seven years in one house seemed so long and Finn didn't know if he was actually ready for his stay at Hogwarts. They was so much to be seen and to do. Goals to achieve and friends to make. It seemed that Hayzel had another sister and brother. He smiled and wished he had a sibling. Growing up all alone with his mother had been fun, but he did miss having any siblings. Finn wasn't much of a reader so the library was on the bottom of his list. ''I forgot about the magical creatures, but exploring my new house is going to be fun as well.'' Finn laughed ''I have heard the school is filled with secrets so that might be a fun past time too.'' Finn had read nothing about the castle as of yet. Wisdom and knowledge didn't come from books only. He had other sources of information.
Hayzel pulled the boys to the other side of the shop so that they could check out more kinds of sweets. She was thinking of buying Bertie Bott's for Rye resulting to her grabbing two boxes. "Let's try these later. These are fun.", showing the box to them. When Finn mentioned secrets, she perked up. "My dad told me about a room that comes and goes. We should definitely find that. That would be one kind of adventure." Exploring the library and the house she would get in were not really high on her list. She was sure she would be spending her time with them whether she liked it or not.
Perseus listened what others boy and Hayzel talk he don't talked at all and see what is the shop and mayby he findit something else for home. He alredy was taken four choclet frog, loli pops and one iced mice. I think he will nkt take enymore but he see what Hayzel take and looked to the Bearty Botts flavor bean. -That is a grate idea and good adventure!- He loved so much adventures wirh friends.
Finn hated the Bertie Bott’s every flavour beans, two years ago he ate a rotten omelette one and since t hat moment he swore to never eat them again. He was sticking by his promise, the good ones weren’t worth eating a bad one every once in a while. He heard people had barf flavoured ones and someone had one that tasted like an old sock. ‘’Sorry you two can enjoy that activity, but I am never going to eat those filthy beans ever again’’ Finn loved candy, but some candy was just a step too far. Ice mice and the beans were on said list. The room that comes and goes was something that Finn heard about too. Most magical people knew about the room and he had heard stories of students finding the room. ‘’True, we have seven years to explore and find the room’’ Finn paused ‘’It must be possible right.’’ He definitely needed the help of others. He didn’t like reading about the clues, he wasn’t into reading at all.
It was surprising that Perseus would go for it. It seemed like the boy did not know what kind of candy it was. Finn's reaction was expected after all. "Oh, come on. Finn. Some of them are good.", she pouted, playfully nudging him again. She also nodded in agreement at Finn's answer. "Let's hope we could find it before reach OWL year. Three heads are better than one, for sure." Looking at the purchases in their hands, she wondered if they could still buy more. "You guys want to get more?" Aside from the beans, chocolate frog and toffee candies, she also grabbed some licorice wands to bring home.
-You don't need apologize becouse i don't like to.- He told Finn and he know that Perseus never eat candy for everyone ask. Becouse he don't like the smell of beans and taste to. Some candy was grate but not at all. -Not me, i think i will go and by theese candy!- He told Hayzel becouse he don't have lot of many today and spend he just wanted some choclet frog, one iced mace and one chupa chups candy. That was it today for him and nothing change his mind.
Finn smiled when Perseus agreed with him. The beans were horrid, it was some messed up idea from someone. ''Some of the beans are good, but those can't compete with getting a bad one'' The good beans were lovely, but there was no rule to them. If you got a bright green one that tasted like watermelon one day, the same looking bean could be mucus or green apple the other. Perseus did seem to be on a budget and so was Finn. If he was ever going to buy that owl he wanted. Finn nodded when Hayzel said they needed to find the room before their OWL year. that seemed like a nice goal to work towards. ''I got enough'' Finn said while smiling broadly ''I am saving up for an owl anyway''. Finn couldn't wait to buy an owl and was wondering how hard they were to actually keep. ''Which animal are you two bringing to Hogwarts?'' Finn said while pulling the other two to the register. You weren't required to bring an animal, but most students brought one.
Hayzel burst out laughing. "Fine, fine. I'll still take them though." She looked down to her purchases which seemed more than the boys. Shrugging, she followed Finn to the register. "Cool, an owl. Can I come with you when you buy it? I'm going to share the owl with my siblings so I am thinking of bringing a cat." Hayzel was more of a cat person and Frary would be going with her to school.
-I can't imagine how somoune can eat with vomit taste. That is not good- That was disgasting and he looked that books but non taken and he don't wanted. He rolles eyes when he listened Hayzel wanted go with him. -Not sure yet! But i owl don't take- Perseus answered both becouse he home was a two nices rats. Lily and Jenna and taken cat our owl that would be bad idea for two mice

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