Open Get lost in four pine trees

Addison Donnelly

Gentle soul / artistic aura / independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Redwood Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
(13) 2050/08/02
Getting to know a new place took a long time, so Addison would need time to get to know every corner and place of this castle and right now she felt like a lost lamb thrown into another pasture, and now she had to get to know everything here herself. She missed friends, at least in familiar places, where you know every place and corner. There was no need to get lost and end up in the wrong place every time. Addison seemed to be walking around and not understanding if this was the right place, but it didn't look like there was a library nearby. Where was she now?

She stopped in the hallway, then tried to figure out which way she should go. Forward or backward. To the right or to the left. Addinson understood looking as she wanted, but she still couldn't figure out which direction was right.

@Cyrus Thorne
Cyrus was wandering around aimlessly. Sometimes he enjoyed doing that, just walking through the corridors and letting his thoughts roam. The portraits were always interesting to watch, and occasionally it was fun to chat with them. They had some really unique insights sometimes. He was near the trophy room when he saw a girl stop and look around like she was lost. He realized it was the new girl from his classes, though he hadn't properly talked to her yet. He hesitated a moment before walking up. "Hello, are you lost?" He asked, not wanting to assume.

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