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Oliver Cade Halliwell

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Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
I've been on and off the forum lately so my character Oliver doesn't have a lot of friends and such. Now I'm devoted some serious attention to the site he needs friends and maybe an enemy and/or rival. He's a bookworm, friendly, emotional, a hopeless romantic (not relevant to friends and enemies but you know).
Hi Daniel :hug:

I have Mimosa here, who will be joining Hogwarts this year. Maybe she and him could be friends?
She's optimistic, friendly, explorative and is willing to try anything. She'll be trying to make lots of friends when she joins Hoggy :D
Sounds good, maybe they can meet before school starts at Obsidian or something.
Even better, I'm up for doing it now if you are ^_^
Thats great, would you mind starting?
I can't view the topic, where did you post it?
In obsidian harbour. I guess students aren't allowed there right now? :( Uhm.. xD
That sucks. We'll have to wait till the end of term I guess.
Guess so. They can just meet at Hogwarts some time then ^_^
Hey Daniel :hug:

I know that this isn't really a new suggestion, but do you want to do another topic with Alice and Oliver, seeing that their old one died a painful death :r

I personally don't have any major plot ideas, so should we just play it low key then?

Tell me what you think,

I like it, Oliver and Alice really need to spend some time together seeing as though shes one of his few friends lol. I was thinking maybe a topic in Brightstone while its there. What you think?
Yeah good idea. Could you start something? I'm supposed to be studying, I'll get to it when I can tear myself away from my books :)
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