Geoff Randon

Geoff Randon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 11 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Full Name:
Geoff Kirkus Randon

Date of Birth:
March 14th

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
A very standard appearance. Generally wheres black pants(as they don't show as much wear/tear through time) that are fitted, but not tight. Plaid shirts with long sleeves in solid colors. Generally black socks, occasionally a different color, but preference is black. Heavy duty shoes- with steel toes.(Due to the fact his father wears them, and they are all around convenient)
He has an average build. Broad shoulders and thick arms. Proportionate legs. Thick dark red hair with medium growth. Dark brown eyes, and the start of a square jaw.

While Geoff is considered an introvert, he isn't necessarily shy. He has a well-rounded personality with the ability to view something from multiple angles/sides. He is vocal when he thinks it matters, and quiet when nothing needs to be said. He is careful and often analyzes a situation before interacting with it. Words in the form of think before you speak have been somewhat of a motto for Geoff.
Grandfather- Morton Randon
Grandmother- Lisa Randon(Stewart)
Father- Gerald Randon
Mother- Bailey Randon(Sibell)
Eldest Brother- Thomas Randon
Youngest Brother- Samuel Randon
Sister- Monica Randon

Geoff has a fascination with the reptile family. Three bearded-dragons and one python. Whilst he hasn't named them, he identifies the animals by distinguishing features. He can tell all three bearded-dragons apart.

Area of Residence:
Born in Yekaterinburg, Russia and moved to Washington, USA at the age of 5.

Blood Status:

100% Russian.

Interests or Hobbies:
His current hobbies include: Stargazing, climbing, hiking, and all around exploration.

Additional Skills:
Fluent in Russian, English, and German. The three languages are the most used among the household. Geoff's father works mainly in Germany, and they often visit him. Their heritage is Russian, so the language is important to them, mainly because it strengthens the bongs of relatives and the family name. English is necessary for Geoff, especially after moving to the USA. His parents still struggle with the language, although they are learning.

Level-headed mind. Geoff is able to see not just one variable, but many.
Calm tempered. He possess the skill to defuse heated situations.

Geoff tends to question everything for validity, including himself. Although he can portray a high sense of confidence, it tends to ride like a roller coaster in the sense of a fluctuating idea of himself.

Describe your character in three words:
Collected - He knows his place, and continues to grow his mind and body.
Intuitive - He applies everything that he has learned in a rational, innovative way to his everyday tasks.
Open - Any possibility is a possibility. There are so many factors in the world that exist. Geoff strives to become more and more well-rounded.

Favourite place to be:
Recently, after moving to Washington, USA; Geoff discovered an isolated waterfall 10 miles from his house. He often walks to there to explore, think, and let his imagination run wild.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- If a student or un-sorted, what do you hope to achieve in your time at Hogwarts?
- Any thoughts on joining the Quidditch team? If so, why; and if not, why?
- How will you settle in to starting Hogwarts?

Best school subjects:
- If a student, which subjects are your characters favourites, and why?
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters favourites, and why?
- If un-sorted, which subjects do you feel will be your characters favourites, and why?

Worst school subjects:
- If a student, which subjects are your characters worst, and why?
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters worst, and why?
- If un-sorted, which subjects do you feel will be your characters worst, and why?

Extracurricular Activities:
- If a student, what activities does your character partake in, and why? For example, Quidditch.
- If an adult, what activities had your character took part in, and why? For example, Quidditch.
- If un-sorted, what activities has your character took part in within their current school (if they attend one), and why?

Your Patronus:
- If un-sorted, what would your characters Patronus be, and why?
- If a student or an adult, what is your characters Patronus, and why?

Your Patronus memory:
- If un-sorted, which memory would be used to create their Patronus, and why?
- If a student or an adult, which memory is used to create your characters Patronus, and why?

Your Boggart:
- If un-sorted, what would your characters Boggart be, and why?
- If a student or an adult, what is your characters Boggart, and why?

Your Animagus:
- If your character intends to become an Animagus, what would their form be, and why?
- If your character is already an Animagus, what is their form, and why?

Mirror of Erised:
- What would your character see if they where to look into the Mirror of Erised, and why?

A page from your diary:
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it.

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