Open Gentle Sea Breeze

Iris van Houten

Whimsical | Quiet | Thoughtful | Inner Eye Asst.
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Rosalind)
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Iris had visited the different shopping districts in New Zealand a few times now. Her parents seemed to really like the places, especially her mother. She knew it was partly because her older brother and sister were at Hogwarts, so they often bought supplies here, but today they were here for supplies for her and her twin sister. Her mother had decided to go during the term for the first few things, so they wouldn't have to buy everything at once during the break. Her twin sister Emma had been very excited, though Iris had mostly enjoyed visiting the book store. She had asked if she could go read one of her new books by the water instead of going to the last few shops, and her mother had said it was alright. So while her mother and twin sister went into some of the shops, Iris had found a quiet bench with a view of the ocean. She took a seat and opened her new book 'Omens Oracles & the Goat' by Bathilda Bagshot, the girl smiled to herself as she started to read.
Downtown and lovely public, even if a slightly shady place. She had bought a new reading substance in her arms, which she had bought inone of the book shops that were put in the girl's backpack. By the way,except for your photoparate. It must be remembered that Jenna loved to photograph photographs that were related to nature. Nothing that she was a kid in her years, but she had successfully found her first hobby. Dad had gone on his business, the girl had nothing to do, and she decided to explore a little. It was strange to be here, and so strange, because she couldn't forget her home in New York. She longed for her friends, but from time to time she called New York to find out how they were while she was here. She walked slowly and suddenly came close to a bench and stopped there to photograph her camera to the ocean. She didn't notice for a moment when she was sitting looking at the ocean. When she finished photographing natural views, she put her camera around her neck and walked over to her. Hi, don't you mind if I join you? Jenna smiled at the stranger.She felt safe and confident about herself, and she could easily find contact with the other.
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Iris had only finished one page before a girl spoke to her, which distracted her from the book. But she didn't mind, she knew she had a lot of time to read it. Iris noticed the girl had a camera with her, and wondered if she had been taking pictures. The girl had been too caught up in her book to really notice. "Hello, of course I don't mind." Iris said with a small smile, she moved aside a little bit to make more room for the unfamiliar girl. She looked to be around the same age as Iris. "What's your name?" She asked the stranger softly. Iris was soft spoken, but not really that shy. She was curious to learn more about this girl.
-“Thanks,”- She smiled at the stranger, who didn't mind when she joined her side. She sat down beside her and took off her handsome black purse and put it on her chair. When she returned to her smile and leaned back in her chair, Jenna studied the stranger.

-“My name is Jenna Jusantrea and what is your name?”- She had to hope for the first version. She hoped she would get a lot of young friends and be able to go to school together and get to know some new and memorable adventures. The letter from Jenna was still in the black bag from Hogwarts, and there was so much to buy.
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Iris kept the book on her lap as she looked at the new girl, it was nice to meet someone new even if she had been hoping to read a little bit. With her twin around, Iris never really had to be lonely, but it would be good to make some friends of her own. Especially before Hogwarts, so she would know some people once she was there already. "It's nice to meet you Jenna, I'm Iris." She said pleasantly. "Are you going to go to Hogwarts next year too?" She then asked, she guessed the girl was around her age, but she could also be a year younger, or even older. Iris wasn't really sure.
The girl always loved to meet new people and get to know their own nature. My mother used to teach that the first time dating has always been important. It was before that, when she was still alive. Jenna smiled for young girls and says - Very nice to meet you Iris! - Jenna replied the new friend. Irisa seemed on the edge of clean nice girl and curious as to how much was Jenna. But perhaps the first impression made her think that it was always insidious. -Yes, I also go next year to Hogwarts and my brother Thomas to and you ? - She asked when the hair curls congestion behind the ear.

-What are you reading?- She looked at her book and this one was be interesting and Jenna wanted to know.
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Iris was happy that the girl seemed pleased to meet her too. It would certainly be nice to have a friend at Hogwarts next year, especially as Emma was usually better at making friends than Iris was. "Oh, is your brother going next year as well?" She asked, unsure what the girl meant. "Are you twins? I'm a twin." She said with a smile. "My sister and I will be going next year too." At the girl's question about the book, Iris showed it to her. "It's a book about different Divination techniques. That isn't a subject we will have in first year at Hogwarts, but I still want to know a lot about it." She said softly.
Yes, he going with me to the Hogwarts. I'm very excited about my first year and you? She smiled to Iris. The new girl was a realy nice person and Jenna hoped, she and Iris will be great frends. Yes, we are the twins. Thomas is very good brother. Where are you from? Jenna was never be shy girl, she was very friendly girl with everyone. She listened Iris and was smiling about her sister, mayby she was now going with her go to the school? Mayby, you wanna go with me to the shcool together, if you want? Jenna asked Iris, and crossing her fingers for good luck, hoping she wouldn't give up her friendship to go to school together.

The main thing is that you like what you read. She smiled to Iris, but the book was interesting to Jenna and mayby later she going to by this book to read.
Iris was very interested to hear that this girl also had a sibling going to Hogwarts with her. At her current school, she and Emma were the only twins. It was really interesting to meet another girl with a twin. Though she wasn't sure if having a twin brother was quite the same as a twin sister. "I'm excited as well!" She said brightly, a grin spreading over her face. "I'm from the Netherlands, but my sister and brother have been going to school in New Zealand for the past few years." She said. "My oldest sister is a fifth year at Hogwarts right now." She added. Iris nodded at the girl's question. "It would be good to go together, perhaps we can meet up on the train?"
She was thoughtful, but she knew the twins didn't seem to be different. Did you have a twin sister or a brother. The main thing was that they were always inseparable and always had a special connection when they felt it all the time as the other felt. Me to Iris! She smiled at the girl and thinking- she could see if she could think about the causes and the nature of the people, and why it was, but she could not fully understand, because she was only a eleven-year-old. How was live to in Netherlands? I came from New York, Manhattan and live with my brother, but I now have stayed here for a while. Your sister is very lucky about the Hogwarts. What tower is she in and what do you want to be? She finished says, but girl was realy interesed about the Hogwarts and the tover, when Iris realy wanted to be. It was strange to realise that the quiet dreams about Hufflepuff and of entering the world of fantasy and books had become so real. To her, the owl brought a letter,people discovered what magic was... and here she was with her new girlfriend and sat on a bench looking at the ocean. Wasn't it a great feeling? Yes, we can met on the train, i realy be happy to see you again. I give you my number. She was sure of herself, pulling paper and pencil from her purse. She wrote her phone number, if she could make another call by the way.
Iris hadn't realized before that going to Hogwarts in New Zealand would mean she would meet many people that were different from people she would meet at home. Jenna was from New York, which was quite amazing to Iris. "Oh. I don't know. It's normal for me." She said when the girl asked what it was like to live in the Netherlands. "But different for everyone, probably. We have a farm." She smiled as the girl asked her some questions about her sister. "My sister is in her fifth year, and she's in Gryffindor. I have an older brother too in Ravenclaw. I don't really know where I want to be yet. Do you?" She hadn't put too much thought into her house. Emma was determined to be in Gryffindor with Fleur, and seemed to assume Iris would just be in the same house as her. Iris wasn't so sure, but she hadn't told her twin that much yet. The girl gave her her number. "Oh thank you." Iris said, a small smile on her face as she took it. "I don't have my own phone, but I could call you with my mother's phone when I need to?" She felt a little bad for not having her own number to give, but figured the girl would understand.
There was certainly no great silence around. There were pleasing sounds of the ocean, and Jenna liked to listen to Iris, who said about her home when she came from the fields. She probably had to answer, but then she remembered her mother's death and how they moved to New yourk and then came here to get ready to go to school. Am, Thomas and I also owned a farm in the countryside, but we then sold it to and move to, New yourk when my mom died. She smiled to Iris and feal a little bad somtimes, when she realy miss her mom. But she knew when her brother would always be next to the right moment and wouldn't let her life fade. Oh, wouw about Gryffindor . She is wery brave? What your brother name?I think you'll know in time in a tower you want to be, but Hufflepuff would suit you. I don't know where I want to be, but I guess, I want to be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. There was a smile on the girl's face. She had finished, but then she realized that she had to put the camera in her purse. She opened her purse and pulled it off her neck to put it in her bag. No vories, I understand you! She didn't condemn Iris, and she really understood the girl's situation. Jenna accepted it and said nothing more.
It surprised Iris a bit that the girl had moved from a farm to New York, and she listened with interest. Her face fell a little as the girl described that her mother had died. "Oh no, I'm sorry." She said softly, not sure what else there was to be said. She wondered if living in the city was very different than in the countryside, but she decided not to ask too many questions about this subject as it was probably a sensitive subject for the girl. She was a little relieved when the girl went on about houses instead. "She is pretty brave." Iris said, thinking of her older sister. "My brother's name is Lars." She smiled as the girl said Hufflepuff would suit her, it was nice that she thought so. "I think Hufflepuff would be nice, or Ravenclaw as well. Perhaps we'll be together." She said, liking that idea. Emma seemed to assume she was going to be in the same house as her twin, but Iris had her doubts. Iris then noticed her sister and mother leaving the store, and she knew it was time to go. "I should go back to my mother and sister, I think they're about to leave." She told the girl a little sadly. "It was nice to meet you Jenna, I hope we see each other at Hogwarts."
A few hours had passed since the conversation. Pleasant and thoughtful. The girl's words reverberated all the time in her mind, which she reconsidered, and again, but she was no longer scolded and resigned when she was no longer. It's okey! She smiled at the Iris.

Jenna listened Iris and smiling, she found a great friend name Iris. It was a luck.
I hope so, we will be together! There was always some hope that the two girls could still be in the same tower, even if it hadn't happened, for example. That wouldn't change the fact that the two girls might also meet again. Have nice day to you Iris. Of course, see the next time! She smiling at the girl, and stend ap to. Jenna was to going home. She took her bag and put it on her shoulders to go back to her home. She smiled as she walked away because she had met an excellent friend who could then be seen in a beautiful friendship.

*Thanks for the post!
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