Genevieve Grim

Genevieve Grim

New Member
Full Name: - Genevieve Royce Grim

Date of Birth: - October 20,2013

Current Age: - 11

Basic Appearance: - Genevieve has straight red hair which she mostly wears down.She is 4"11 tall but skinny.She has a very pale complexion and grey-green eyes.She has a straight nose.And she loves to experiment with her hair.

- Genevieve is not very friendly and enjoys solitude.She talks little about herself.She likes spending time with only those who don't talk too much.She is often rude to people especially muggle-borns.She respect her father above all people and will never hear a word against him.She respects her mother second after her father and the person she respects most after her parents is HERSELF.She feels like she is always right and even if she is proved wrong she still stands by what she says.She doesn't like making new friends and doesn't mix with people very quickly.She is reserved and a cold person who values themselves more than others.

-Genevieve has a very big family in France.The Grim Family are mixed blood but a very respected family.They have lived in France for centuries.They like muggles and muggle-born just as much as Death Eaters do.However they are very self-preservative.They don't believe that they have to get rid of muggle-borns if it could put their status or lives at risk.They prefer to 'sit-and-watch' while others do it for them.Some of the family members have preferred to join the DE and they have been allowed to do it on their own risk.

Important Family Members:-
Royce Grim Relation:Father
Blood status:Mixed Blood
Occupation:Minister in Improper Use of Magic Office,Ministry of Magic, Paris,France.

Nicola Jennifer Grim
Blood status:Mixed Blood
Occupation:Interrogator at Wizengamot and Wizengamot Administration Services Council of Magical Law,Ministry of Magic,Paris,France.

Grandpère Harold Grim

Amelia Madison Grim
Relation:paternal Aunt
Blood status:Mixed Blood
Occupation:Dragon Trainer for Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Godric Jared Grim
Relation:paternal Uncle
Blood status:Mixed Blood
Occupation:Trader of Dark Artifacts.

- Genevieve has never been fond of animals of any kind.

Area of Residence:
- Paris,France

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood

- She part Scottish and part French.Her mother is Scottish and her father is French

Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:
- Genevieve is a girl who does not like anything much.But she likes to spend her time reading becasue it makes her temporarily tuned to the atmosphere in the book rather that the atmosphere around her.She loves flying on broomsticks but she does not think she wan't to join the Quidditch team.

Additional Skills:
- None

- None

- None

Describe your character in three words:
- Cold,proud,pretty.

Favourite place to be:
- At home

- None

Hogwarts House:
- She is 100% sure that she will be a Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Genevie wishes to spend her years at Hogwarts learning as much as possible so that when she grows up she can an accomplished witch like her mother.

Best school subjects:
- None yet

Worst school subjects:
- None yet

Extracurricular Activities: -
- None yet

Graduation: -
-Y15 Graduate.

Current Job: -

Plans for your future: -
Genevie dreams of becoming Mistress from Magic in the Ministry of France when she grows up.

Your Patronus: -
A Red Panda.
Genevieve thinks that this animal is much like her self.Like her,it prefers solitary.Like her,it preferst the cold.Like her,it is territorial.Like her,it is small but if it senses danger,it will defend itself.And like her,it is adaptable to living in captivity.

Your Patronus memory:
- When she learned how to ride a broom and for the first time in her life she felt like she could be free.

Your Boggart: -
An image of her grandfather,who scares her more than anyone else but whom she also has to respect.

Your Animagus: -
A Red Panda

Mirror of Erised: -
Genevieve craves to be accepted by her Grandpère.For him to think that she is capable of living up to his expectations even though
she is a girl.She would see her grandfather putting a hand on her shoulder in the mirror as a sign of trust.
Hi Genevieve,

just a few questions...

what type of experiments do you do on your hair?
Why are you rude to muggle borns?
Where does this intense attitude come from for one so young?
Why did you not attend Beauxbatons if you are from France?
What is the relationship with your parents like?
Do you have a favorite book, author and genre?
How did you feel when you were sorted to Ravenclaw and not Slytherin?
Is there any subject that you do like now?

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