Gemini Lee

Gemini Lee

There Was A Girl Called Gemini
Character's Name: Gemini Cho Lee.
Name Meanings
Gemini: "twin"
Cho: "butterfly"
Lee: "plum tree"
Character's Birthdate: 13th of June 2013. Gemini does not know her date of birth, and doesn't celebrate her birthday.
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan, but lived in Dunedin since she was nine.
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Looking Out From The Mirror
Hair: Mid-back length silky black hair.
Eyes: Big chocolate-brown eyes.
Height:Just under 5"
Clothes: Anything that is in style. Gemini loves fashion.

All In The Past
Personality: Can be sweet, or incredibly annoying. Loves sarcasm. Not afraid to fight back.
History: Abandoned by her parents at the age of one, pushed around foster homes all her life. Moved to New Zealand before her eleventh birthday.
Family: Elder sister, Mercy Lee


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Mercy Lee
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Momoko Hikaru Yamamoto
Momoko: (momo) "peach tree" and (ko) "child"
Hikaru: "radiance" or "light"
Yamamoto: "at the foot of the mountain" or "lives in the mountain"
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Akiko Haruko Lee
Saki: (sa) "hope" and (ki) "blossom"
Haruko: (haru) "spring" or 陽 (haru) "sun, sunlight" combined with 子 (ko) "child".
Lee: "plum tree"
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Akiko Kaede Yamamoto
Akiko: (aki) "sparkle" and (ko) "child"
Kaede: "maple"
Lee: "plum tree"
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*Will colour soon
Gemini's Life


Cheerleading Team Photo
From Left: Emily, Katie, Siobhan, Tara, Gemini and Kaycee


Gemini holding Kaycee's dog Taffy and Kaycee at the park.


Gemini and Kaycee in primary school uniform.


Gemini and Kaycee in intermediate school uniform.

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Saki at school.

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Gemini at Hogwarts.


2011: June 13th, Gemini and Saki were born, Gemini was sent to New Zealand, while Saki lived in Tokyo with an aunt. August 7th, Gemini was adopted by a family who couldn't have children of their own.
201:cry: Gemini's foster family moved from Hamilton to Dunedin
2014: Gemini met Kaycee at playgroup and became best friends with her
2015: Gemini's foster sister Harmony was born, Gemini and Kaycee started primary school
2017: Gemini started being able to perform magic. Gemini's foster sister, Melody was born
2018: Gemini became aware that she was different from her friends.
2019: Gemini started gymnastics and joined the choir
2020: Gemini started intermediate, joined the cheerleading squad, and the became a soloist in the intermediate choir.
2022: Gemini received her Hogwarts letter, and went to Hogwarts. Gemini was sorted into Hufflepuff. Saki died.
202:cry: Gemini finds out about Saki.*

*Not yet happened

Snippets From Gemini's Secret Diary

I'll be leaving Kaycee in a few weeks, but I don't know what to tell her. She's lucky, she doesn't have to go to some crazy school to learn magic! This new school is gonna suck. To top it all of, I will have to end up having a career in magic! I can't believe the 'rents are making me go! Harmony and Melody will get all the attention, and they'll forget about me. I hate my life.


Bogwarts is even more stupid than I imagined. I've been sorted into a house called Hufflepuff... I mean, seriously. Hufflepuff? I miss my old house, O'Regan. At least I had Kaycee to moan to then, but all I have now is this stupid book. I'm too tired to write any more. Goodbye diary...
First Year

Gemini Lee, First Year Hufflepuff [font]
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Halloween 2022
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Yule Ball 2022
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Gemini's Banners 2022</SIZE>



<FONT font="Comic Sans MS">Second Year

Gemini Lee, Second Year Hufflepuff</SIZE></SIZE>
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<SIZE size="100">Halloween 2023

Yule Ball 2023
[coming soon]
<SIZE size="100">Gemini's Banners 2023






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