Open Gargoyle? Goblin? No, just Leda

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Leda Layton

hates secrets 👑 THREE?! | upturned lion editor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Asexual (Mervyn)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Rigid Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Tail Hair Core
2/2033 (26)
Leda had been at the Halloween celebrations as soon as they opened. She wanted to make sure that she oversaw the party in case anything note worthy was to happen, and since her friends all seemed to have their own ideas, the sixth year had decided to go by herself and blend into the ceiling. Taking her broom to the hall, she’d mounted it and flown up towards the ceiling, before proceeding to sit on it sideways and watch the other students go about their business from above. This worked quite well because it gave her a good view and meant she didn’t have to talk to anyone, at least, that was the case until she got hungry.

Eventually the red head was too hungry to stay up there any longer, so flying down to the ground, the gargoyle hopped off her broom and headed across to the snacks. It was hard to pick food up in her gloves but she got there eventually. It was only when she was holding a bit of chicken between her two gloves hands that she realised she hadn’t taken her mask off yet. She wandered to the closest neighbour, elbowing them in the side before presenting them her head, “Can you help me,” She asked, voice slightly muffled.
For once, Sapphire wasn't in a couples costume or being plagued by her brother. She had gone to the Halloween party, curious to see who would show up. She'd always enjoyed the costumes. She had just stepped up to examine the snack options when someone elbowed her ribs. She turned, blinking in surprise at the masked creature that was stuck. Trying not to laugh, she reached up and pulled off the mask. "Well, cap, nice costume." She told the redhead with a playful grin.
“Thank you,” she replied as Sapphire turned round, delving into her piece of chicken there and then as her eyes looked the girl up and down. “So you’re the hunter and I take it Onyx is the victim?” She asked like her and Mervyn, Sapphire usually came to these things with her brother, so she could only imagine what couples costume they’d gone for this time. Her own costume was getting ruined by the food and at this rate she was going to have to abandon the gloves if she didn’t want to cover everything and everyone in chicken too.
Sapphire kept the mask in her hands, unsure what to do with it. "Not a problem," She told the redhead, smiling a bit at her next question. "Nah, I ditched him this year. And it's a darker twist on Red Riding Hood," She told Leda. "I just thought it looked kinda cool." She shrugged. "I like your costume. Watching the drama from up high?" She teased lightly. It seemed more fun than watching it from down here, that was for sure.
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