Closed Game of Commentary

Theodore Harper

"theo" 🎸 eldest harper 🎸 laidback 🎸 alt chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Chestnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
12 (09/2051)
Theodore's parents had told him and his siblings to wait around in the park while they did errands, which Theo didn't mind. His two younger siblings were hanging around the playground in the park, while Theo had brought his football with him. While he did like sports, he wasn't much of someone who played sports often, but did when he could. Theo had been kicking the ball around the large grass area around the park, accidentally kicking the ball too far from time to time. "Harper dribbles to the left then dribbles to the right, he's near the goal, he kicks...! And he- Hey! Heads up!" Theo commentates on his mini-game as he kicks the ball when he suddenly kicks the ball too hard again, the ball making its away towards the boy, though Theo had hoped that the boy could dodge the ball at the last second.
Logan was just arriving at the park when he saw a boy kicking a ball. He grinned and started to approach. It wasn't often that he found a boy around his age doing something he liked to do. He was fully intending to join the game, when the boy suddenly kicked the ball at him. Logan grinned and ran forward, meeting it and kicking it back hard. "Hey!" He called to the boy, waving as he ran over to him. "Can I join?"
Theo watched as the other boy managed to catch the ball with his feet, cheering that he had caught the ball. Theo then caught the football with his own feet as the other boy kicked the ball towards him. He was pleased when the other boy was keen on wanting to play with him as well. Sure he had his brother to play with him, but it was cool to have other people to play with aside from his brother and Theo was more keen on making new friends. "Totally dude! Which goal did you wanna defend? That one? Or the other one?" Theo said happily, as he then pointed to one made-up goal that was between two short trees before pointing to the other made-up goal where there was a couple of bushes. "I'm Theodore, but call me Theo! What's your name, mate?"
Logan looked at the two goals the other boy was pointing out, pondering for a moment which one would be the best one to defend. He grinned. "I'll take the trees!" He said, running up to those to stand in front of the goal. He felt like they would make it harder for the other guy to score than a space between two bushes and would be easier to defend. "I'm Logan!" He called.
"Sweet!" Theo says with a nod, glad that the boy was keen on joining in on the fun. Theo was glad to know the other boy's name. "Nice to meet ya Logan!" Theo called out as Logan made his way towards the goal he was defending. Theo stood in the middle of the so-called field, the football placed underneath his foot. "Are you ready?!" Theo called out, but before Theo could get an answer, the boy was already eager to play and started to make his way toward the goal that Logan was defending. Theo dribbled the football between his two feet, as he made his way towards the goal. Once he was at a good enough distance, he kicked the ball towards the goal, hoping that the ball had managed to reach the goal.
Logan smiled as Theo asked if he was ready. Then he cupped his hands around his mouth. "Just kick it already!" He called with a laugh. He hoped this boy would also go to Hogwarts next year, he had the feeling they could be good friends. Logan was good at making friends, it came easily to him. He watched Theo come closer with the ball and watched it closely. As he kicked it, Logan dove forward and just managed to intercept it before Theo could score. He shot him a grin before rushing past him, kicking the ball ahead and heading towards Theo's goal.
Theo was impressed with how Logan managed to save his goal quite fast. "Impressive!" Theo says with a smile and nods. However, while he said that, he lost sight of how quick Logan seemed to be with the ball. "Shoot! No!" Theo says with a chuckle as Logan immediately makes his way to the goal. Theo knew that he wasn't going to make it to the goal quick enough. He had a feeling that the other boy was a bit faster than he was, but Theo made sure to run as fast as he could to block Logan's shot.
Logan laughed as he heard Theo shout no, not stopping for even a moment. He was fast and he knew the other boy couldn't double back as quickly. He kicked the ball hard at the goal, grinning as it went in. "Yes! One point for me!" He yelled loudly.
Theo knew Logan was going to make it, and it was all confirmed when Logan made it to his goal, Logan had scored. He cheered for Logan for making the goal, though he was a bit disappointed that he couldn't block the goal like Logan did with his. "You're super fast dude" Theo says, as he huffs and puffs, as he tries to catch his breath. He then ran to grab the ball and kicked it as he headed to Logan's goal again, dribbling it in between his feet as he made his way.

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