Gabrielle Nott

Gabrielle Nott

OOC First Name
Character's Name: Gabrielle Nott
Character's Birthdate: 21 February 2049
Blood Status: Pureblood

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Appearance: Long Silky blonde hair with bright blue eyes, not the tallest person but I can get in anywhere.
Hair: Long blonde
Eyes: Bright Blue
Height: 5'5
Style: Love wearing dresses, flowy, silky clothes. very girly colours like pink and purple, sometimes a little black too
A Little Deeper:
Personality: Fun, Outgoing, Hard-Learner, Love Studying.

Gabrielle grew up in a very loving environment with her mom, dad and little sister.
Her family is her whole world.
Her sister Delilah always gets along with her. They have known about magic since a very young age, since her mom Lilly Nott and her Father Stephan Nott are both Purebloods.
Ever since she was very young she has been so excited to join Hogwarts and be able to study at the best school there is.

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