Future Girlfriend.

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Jake Simpson

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
I want Jake to get a girlfriend. Not just yet though he's a bit young at the moment, I want them to br friends first and then they could start liking eachother and dating or whatever once Jake is either a third year or fourth year. I think thiswould fit with Jakes character best. Anyway, heres some stuff about him:</COLOR></FONT>
Jacob William Simpson.
Jake gets nervous easily and can be antisocial at times.
He likes to draw and he spends alot of his time drawing.
His favourite food is chocolate or anything sweet.
Jake is trustworthy and hardly ever lies.
He is accepting of most people and isn't judgemental.​
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Let me know with a PM and/or a reply to this topic if you are interested. You can also add to this if you like, I'm open to any and all ideas on this simple plot. I will get back to you as soon as I can if you contact me, I don't bite.
If it's a future girlfriend you're searching for, then I think I can offer these two characters, if you don't think that they fit your character, it's fine, they could just stay as friends then. :D
Sophia Leingod

Sophia is a fairly odd and intelligent girl. She enjoys cooking, cleaning, and basically all things that are traditionally considered "feminine". In reality though, Sophia is no really that "girly" she never considers gender as something that domineers her. She never really cared if her friends are boys, girls or anything else. Sophia also tends to appear fearless and indifferent at times, though, her greatest fear is actually thunder.
Sophia is extremely intuitive. She can sense if there is something wrong with those who are around her. That thing often gives her trouble as she always gets out of her way to help other people. Sophia also has this ever lasting smile on her face and she has this bright personality that makes everyone around her happy as well.

Maria Leingod

Maria is an enigmatic girl. She is also Sophia's twin though the two are polar opposites. Maria is the voice of reason in most situations and tends to be rather blunt. She is also best friends with her twin, despite their completely different demeanors. Maria is described as "just as reckless as Sophia". She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to.

Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating, but she is very protective to Sophia. She faithfully protects Sophia and is always by her side, attending to her wishes and watching out for her; her protective personality extends to those whom she cares for. She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.

Maria is incredibly irritable and slow to wake-up in the morning, which is attributed to her having a low blood pressure. Secretly, Maria is very fond of sweets and her room is full of stuffed animals, though she wouldn't let anyone aside from her sister to know that. She also has a stuffed bunny that she calls chii. Maria is actually fond of cute things despite the fact that she always tries to hide it.
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They seem cool but I think they would be better off as friends :) Maybe Jake could like one of them in the distant future :D
I actually need actually need a boyfriend for Georgiana in her fifth year when her and Logan take a break because of stress and not seeing each other and stuff. lol.
That would be cool. I will have to think about it bit Jake might find it awkward because he has known her for a bit and she was his first friend at Hogwarts. Maybe they could start to like eachother when his first girlfriend breaks up with him or something.
Well I figured that since they are friends it wouldn't be hard to transition to dating but it wouldn't be forever cause she'll end up missing Logan at some point
I assumed that. Georgiana and Logan really seem to like eachother so I expected it. Does that sound okay to you?
Yeah. It'll work out,
No Problem. Actually You've helped me out alot too! There had to be another guy in Georgiana's life that she dates so she knows Logan's her final of course no offense so Jakeyz
You cracked me up with that but Jake's the kind of guy to get over stuff really slowly but I think he might be able to get over Georgiana quickly because they would have have known eachother so long at athat point and he would have known from the start that it was only temporary. Unless you want him to still like her.
I don't mind either way.
It'll be your own choice there, though maybe there'll be a baby named after Jake if he remains a friend and doesn't obsess :p
I know for a fact that he will still be friends with her. Considering that he doesn't have many and she saved his life.

Heyy, I don't know if you still need a future girlfriend,
But I thought I'd offer this little one for you. They are in the same year, which is a plus.

Charlotte is shy and doesn't quite know how to act with people her own age. She's overly
polite and extremely well-mannered. She has to be. Charlotte is however friendly she has a
huge heart and is very trusting. She believes most people on face value and hates to judge.
She's caring and somewhat hard working. She's High Society, but, likes to pretend she's
not. Even though it's pretty hard considering her very british accent and her natural obsession
to in any given situation not matter what apologise and suggest they make tea. Charlotte
is shy though and worries about what others will think about her.
So, yeah, that's her.
I think they could be good friends anyway. And we could just see how they hit it off as to
if they would make a good future pair. If the spot is still open.
Hey :)

I can offer 2 characters, both 1st years.

Alice Hills
1st year Ravenclaw, clever and loves to draw as well. Is quite musical and enjoys reading above anything else. Is absolutely hopeless at sport and can be quite shy when it comes to it. She isn't very shy normally, but adapts to suit others. She has a good sense of justice, and hates to see it misused. Loves to be around people and struggles to see her friends upset. She isn't very warm towards Slytherin's at the moment, because of her cousin whom she absolutely hates (and she is in Slytherin) but this opinion could easily be swayed and this would be very helpful for her. She has quite a lot of friends (if i say so myself :p ) and is one who loves company. Her perfect day would be inside with a hot drink, reading a book, drawing, and playing the piano. Is scared of spiders, and freaks out in the dark (although she isn't scared of it :s )... But she has a final for later in her school years but would probably date Jake if he liked her as much as she did. If not, they could be friends. She is also quite fashionable (i forgot to say :p )

Isobel Hills
1st year Slytherin. Loves attention, is very outgoing and hates people from the other houses. She loves shopping and sports. Is basically the opposite of Alice and will go out of her way to make people's life's a misery (if she doesn't like them.) Looks down on 'weak' people and believes in a superior and elite group of people. Is probably a budding death eater and will put emotion to the side to do what she needs to do. She doesn't let feelings get in her way in life. I don't think that her and Jake would suit each other much, but i thought i would leave it down to your opinion. She probably wouldn't care for a boyfriend in the same way that Alice might, and would probably just date him for the sake of it. She could perhaps pretend to like Jake, go into a relationship with him and then dump him when she finds someone else. I know she sounds horrible, but this is how i have made her and she does have a nice streak (somewhere :p )

Tell me what you think, i don't mind whatever you say :p

I think it could work out really well with charlotte and Jake! I love that they are in the same year. I have somebody that is already going to be his future girlfriend but I have this plot thingy in my head where Jake starts to like somebody else and then he and the girlfriend break up because of it. How about Jake starts liking Charlotte while he is going out with the other girl? She seems really sweet and they could start dating after he tells her that he likes her, she could like him back too. I think that they could grow close to eachother really easily, they are both from england too and she has a really similar personality to Jake. Let me know what you think.

Alice and Isobel.
I think they would just be better of as friends, especially with Isobel. Maybe Isobel could make fun of Jake and be his enemy instead? Jake is a really easy target for bullying. Alice would be better to Jake as a friend because he does get Anxious easily and he might start getting really paranoid that she is saying mean things to her friends about him. That wouldn't work out. But they could be friends if you want?

Thanks for posting guys! :)
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