Open Fumbling Fingers

Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (14)
Apolline had written her parents and brother a letter. She was telling them all that had happened just in the first day of her being at the school. Her sorting, the exploring and just how cool it all was. The letter was neat, without any mistakes on it, and she had really reigned in her excitement over the sorting. Sharing a house with her mother was amazing, a huge honour, but it carried with it, a lot of weight, a lot of pressure. But she had written a letter, ready to share with them everything about it. The gryffindor stepped into the owlery and found the nicest, cleanest looking school owl and was with fumbling fingers attempting to tie the letter to its leg and send it on its way.
Hazel had written a letter home for her parents and brother, mostly because she wanted to draw Hogwarts to show them what it looked like. Not that her parents didn't know. She was mostly showing off for her little brother. She had put the letter in an envelope and then spent some time decorating it, drawing flowers on it and covering it in gemstone stickers. It looked pretty cute. As she entered the owlery with it, she spotted Apolline, a girl she knew vaguely from daycare. "Oh hey, need a hand?"
Apolline heard the door of the owlery open but she didn't look up from what she was doing. That was until she heard someone speak. She glanced up. "Hi Hazel," she greeted in reply before glancing back down at how she was fumbling with it. "Oh yeah," she nodded. "I can't get it to tie properly," she explained though it was probably fairly obvious what her problem was. Apolline noticed then the envelope that Hazel had was very more decorated than Apolline's. "I like how you decorated yours,"
Hazel moved over to Apolline to help her, moving to tie the letter to the owl's leg. It wasn't too difficult with Apolline holding the letter in place. "There we go." She said with a smile. "Also writing home with news of your house?" She knew Apolline's mother was a big deal, but wasn't really aware enough of politics to realize just how big of a deal. She brightened at the girl's compliment. "Oh, thanks! I like doing stuff like that." She said, moving back a bit to pick out her own owl. "I mostly tried to make my brother jealous by showing how incredible it is here." She added with a laugh.
Apolline was thankful for the help. "Thanks," she said when Hazel had managed it and then let the owl fly off with her letter. "Yeah, and to let them know everything else," she didn't want to focus just on her sorting, though she was sure her mother would be happy. If Apolline remembered correctly, she had known that Hazel liked to be creative about things. "I'm sure it will make him jealous," Apolline added, trying to think of if Hazel's brother was in the same class as her brother. "I'm glad I'm the first between my brother and I to come to Hogwarts, I would be pretty jealous of him if it was the other way around,"
Hazel blinked when Apolline mentioned letting them know 'everything else', wondering what on earth had happened besides the sorting. "Like what?" She asked curiously. She beamed when the other girl confirmed her letter would definitely make her brother jealous. "I'm glad too. I don't have any older siblings, or cousins even besides one I don't really know. I think she went here though." Hazel shrugged. "But I would just die if I wasn't the first. My brother is coming in two years, though. Yours?"
Apolline blushed a little, "Just about the train ride, and the dorm, how I slept, you know, just how I'm doing." she answered, wondering if she hadn't needed to talk about all that, but a letter with just her house was maybe not a very full letter. Apolline did have people who'd been here before her, but they weren't close to her in any. "Two years I think, well, year after next," she wasn't sure if that was two years. "Maybe they know each other in day care?" she felt sure it would make them the same class.
Hazel realized as Apolline talked that maybe she should have put a bit more in her letter. She had mostly focused on the house and drawing the castle, but she figured her parents and brother could fill in the blanks. Probably. She nodded. "Very thorough." She told the girl, already seeing she was a much more serious person than Hazel was. She was probably going to work on her homework very seriously. Hazel smiled as Apolline told her when her brother was coming to Hogwarts. "Oh, I think that's the same year as my brother. Yeah, they probably know each other." She said vaguely. "Logan's so boring though, I feel sorry for your brother for having to hang out with him."
Apolline blushed as Hazel called her letter thorough. She hadn't thought it was that thorough, but perhaps it was. She worried that she had overwritten, perhaps it would've been easier to put it into a couple of letters, rather than just the one, or perhaps just not admit that she had done it in that way. She wouldn't call her brother boring in front of someone else. "Henri makes friends with everyone," Apolline replied, so it would mean that if they were, Henri would be fine to spend time with him. "Do you think your brother will be a slytherin, like you, when he comes to Hogwarts?"
Hazel nodded as Apolline told her her brother made friends with everyone. She didn't really know him because they had been in different years at daycare, but she believed it. "He sounds nice." She admitted grudgingly. At Apolline's question, Hazel shrugged. "He could be, he's focused on his goals. Mostly sports-related, though. No idea what the best house for that is. I hope he's in a different house, I want my own space."
Apolline didn't think having Henri in the same house as her would take up too much space. Nor that it would belong to her. Apolline knew he would stay out of her way. That he would do other things that didn't involve her. "That's fair," she said, not wanting Hazel to dislike her. "I'm sure if he's really into sports he'll end up in gryffindor with me," she said, though she knew that sporty people could be in other houses, she'd gathered from those around her that they did tend to be in Gryffindor.
Hazel nodded as Apolline said her brother would probably end up in Gryffindor if he was into sports, it seemed likely. "I guess so, your house does seem more sporty." She told her with a small shrug. "What about your brother, where do you think he'll end up?" She asked curiously.
Apolline nodded, "It's an openly competitive house a lot of the time," she reasoned, trying to get Hazel to agree if a little more surely by what Apolline was saying. "Probably either Hufflepuff or ravenclaw," she said. "He gets obsessed with things, like will research something until he gets bored, but he's also clueless about other things and he's very nice," she said. Both praisingly and then also not.

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