Full Moon Rising: ID # 7302938

Maximus Strauss

Well-Known Member
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
The weather was much cooler than he had expected as Maximus slid from his broom and made his way to the Inn they were staying at. His vineyard was going well, it was still early days and there was always so much work to be done but now for some reason his brother, his twin was on board and the two had never gotten on so well in all their lives. But where one door opened another closed, his relationship with his brother was brilliant while his relationship with Zoe seemed to have hit a patch he was unfamiliar with. She had her career in America now and so they saw practically nothing of one another. An owl here or there was not enough but there was nothing he could do about it for now. The vineyard took up all of his time and though he missed her terribly, her career in modeling was important to her.

They settled themselves into their room before heading out to the beautiful New Zealand country side. They would be viewing a few vineyards to see how things were run here and were going to attempt to integrate a New Zealand hardy vine with one of their French classic vines. It would be difficult of course but both he and Alexius had agreed it was worth the risk. The vines that grew in New Zealand were hardier than their own in the south of France and they hoped that crossing the two would give them a beautiful wine and stronger vine. The day was long and by the time they returned to the Inn they were tired but at Alexius' suggestion they changed and headed out to The Medley. The night progressed slowly and eventually Max knew he could no longer keep up the frantic pace and headed back to the ferry that would return him to Brightstone. Alexius came with him but managed to find his way into yet another tavern. Max politely stayed for one more drink but left soon after.

The night was overcast, clouds speeding across the sky shielding the world from the glorious full moon that shone brightly overhead. It was much cooler again by night and Max pulled the collar of his jacket up around him. He knew Alex would catch up with him soon, he always did.
Andromeda was out later than she should have been but events recently at the castle had instilled in her a restlessly she had not experienced before. The fact that it was also the full moon and she had forgotten all about it was also a first, never before had the girl been out at night time in the village when she should have been in school. After spending months couped up thanks to a bad dose of dragon pox all she wanted was freedom, fresh air and a chance to clear her head. What had transpired between herself and Brian still ran about her mind like a rollercoaster, she had spent the past few hours in one of the taverns drinking firewhisky to numb her mind. She was fed up of thinking, fed up of trying to make sense of it all. Usually she was more careful, more attuned to her 'nature' on these nights but she had actually for the first time in over 6 years lost track of her dates. Two days ago she had known but circumstances with Brian had pushed it all out of her head.

She left the Inn and walked the streets feeling stronger and more powerful than she had ever felt before, feeling more primal than she could ever remember feeling. This should of alerted her of course but her mind now was clouded with alcohol. The night was completely overcast, the full moon was not visible which was also another reason she did not suspect anything straight off. And when she should have been running hell for leather back to the school, she simply walked clad in her usual leather trousers, high black boots and fitted black blouse through the darkened streets of Brightstone. Nearing the end of the village she caught sight of a young man and instantly her blood seemed feverish within her. She could smell his blood, could almost taste the magnetic quality of it and she wanted him. With a smile on her face she approached with a seductive sway to her hips.

"Hi there" she called as she came closer to him, he was tall and good looking and reminded her of someone she had seen before. A mixture of Blake and Crispin perhaps, she shook them right out of her mind not needing distractions now. This was what she did, flirting and making herself seem low just so she did not have to feel anything for anyone. Brian would be wiped from her memory as surely as the others had been. Stupid boy wanting the impossible!
"Fancy some company?"
His thoughts sent him time and again back to Zoe, her beautiful long red hair and that smile. It was while engrossed in these thoughts that he heard a voice and turning around a little he saw a tall pale woman walking towards him. He could not stop his gaze from going directly to hips that seemed to beckon any man to look and her walk seemed to dare any man not to turn away. He felt trapped somehow as if suddenly stalked by a predator and though the thought was completely stupid he could not shake it. She moved closer to him.
"Fancy some company?" she asked and he shook his head politely smiling at her. It was her eyes that he found strangest of all, it was looking deep into a live volcano one that was definitely about to erupt. Amber pools that were ultimately deadly. Again he wondered why he thought this of the young woman, she was surely no more than his own age. How dangerous could she be especially as he could smell the drink from her breath even from the distance they stood apart. Convinced at last that she was drunk and nothing more than out for a good time, Max shook his head again politely.

"No thanks" he told her moving on and realising as he came to what appeared to be a cul-de-sac that he had gone the wrong way entirely.
Andromeda did not deal with refusals very well, she rarely got them. The last one she could remember was Mike Goulding being a pompous oaf after she had dangled a younger student up in the air. He had pushed aside her flirting calling her little short of cheap and pathetic. Well she was neither and as the man before her refused her polite offer of company, she suddenly felt a rage begin to build inside of her. She had alot of anger stored up but with the moons phase against her too, Andromeda could not control herself.

Silently she followed close behind, territorially stalking him as he seemed to discover much too late that he had gone the wrong way. She could feel it too and it was confirmed when he turned around.
"Are you sure you don't want some company?" she asked again, knowing full well her continued presence would most likely irk him. She had no intention of flirting with him now, Andromeda looked upon him as a sort of plaything and felt the darkness creep upon her. The same darkness that had drawn her mentor to want to teach her the ways of the DE. Sliding her hands behind her back where both wands were tucked discreetly into a leather sheath attached to her belt, she slowly began to withdraw them. From the front of course it would look simply as if she were being coy. Andromeda was anything but!
Maximus frowned he had been sure this was the way he had come earlier, turning he was instantly startled to find the woman there again. He hadn't even heard her walk behind him, he glanced down at the cobbles and wondered how she managed to be so silent when his own footfalls all but echoed into the stillness of the night.
"Seriously I'm fine, I just want to get back to where I'm staying" his French accent was distinctive but what was even more so was the coil of annoyance now running through his words. He held a hand up as if to keep her far from him.
"I have a girlfriend" he smiled at her hoping this would deter her completely before he went to move around her.
She smiled sweetly at him as if butter would not melt in her mouth and as soon as he made to move away, the wands came to her side. Her amber eyes glowed dangerously as she looked at him. A girlfriend? As if she could careless, as if it even mattered.
"Just where do you think you are going?" her voice held now a dangerous undercurrent, daring him to move further away from her. There was nothing worse than a guy who thought that dangling a 'girlfriend' real or imaginary before another woman was going to dissuade her once her mind was set. With a flick of her wrist she sent him hurdling backwards down a side street. She smiled as she began to walk towards him once again.
Max had no time to react, no time to pull out his wand for he seriously didn't see it coming. Had no clue that the girl intended to hurt him at all. He saw the wands at her side and blinked in confusion, wondering why she needed them and then her voice. A voice that actually sent a cold shiver down his spine. He knew then he was in trouble but before he could reach inside his robe, she had struck and he was sent spiraling backwards into a side street. His head smacked off the ground as he landed with a thump and his elbow stung as well but he was not stunned. Frowning he began to sit up and reached this time for his wand. He didn't care that she was a girl, she needed to be taught a lesson. But Max got no further ...
She watched as his body went flying back and landed in a heap, all the time walking towards him with nothing short of evil glaring from her amber orbs. She saw him attempt to sit up, saw him attempt to reach for his wand but she was too quick and brandishing one of hers cast for the first time in her life at another human being the cruciatus curse.

"Crucio!" the spell went flying towards him and hit him directly. Andromeda smirked as she continued to move closer, her eyes almost wide with madness as she looked upon him. She felt nothing, no remorse, no conscience for her actions. The full moons madness seemed to be taken a hold and if that was not the reason then she had truly gone to the dark side, truly crossed over to the arms of the death eaters.
He felt the pain flood his body as he attempted to get up, he ended up careening back down in a hump to the ground screaming in agony. Glancing up through the pain he saw her walking towards him and could only think she was the devil himself. He had never seen anyone so deadly, so beautiful and so cruel in all his life and somehow he didn't think there would be much more of his life left after she was done.
She saw his face contort, saw the bolt hit him dead on and felt no remorse. Felt nothing but a strange satisfaction but she knew she was not done. Andromeda continued to walk towards him wands held at her sides. Her amber eyes were dangerous pools of molten rage and she was more than happy to unleash it all upon this poor unsuspecting young man. Raising her wand again she gave him no time to recover but cast another cruciatus curse at him.
He could barely move as it was, the pain was so fierce it had no time to abate before another bolt hit him. Max screamed out, his cries of pure tortured pain seeping out into the night. The clouds that smothered the sky seemed to thin as if in fear or perhaps to give the terrified screams more room to howl in. A breeze was beginning to pick up and still into the night that seemed to have abandoned him to this monster, Max begged now for his life. Begged for mercy and hoped she would have some semblence of humanity in her to show him some.
She heard him begging like a whipped puppy, heard him plead for his life but it did not affect him. She was amazed at this, thought surely she would pause to think. Pause to reconsider what she was about to do, especially knowing how she had felt when the very same had occurred to her in Durmstrang. And yet she considered nothing as she lifted her other wand and hit him once again with the very same curse. It made her feel powerful and she knew now why death eaters loved using the unforgiveables so much. It was all about the power and right now she was bathing in it. She was close to his body now, watching him writhe in abject torture knowing she could end his pain but too fascinated to watch it happen.
The entire day had been going brilliantly and the evening with it. He had stayed behind at the Inn to finish the few scoops he had paid in advance for, letting Max walk on by himself to clear his head. The fresh air would do him the world of good! Alex finished off his glass before deciding he'd had enough as well and after another ten minutes or so of saying goodbye to the crowd at the bar, he waded out into the night.

The wind had picked up from earlier and clouds were now scudding across the sky, thinning out more and more when suddenly he froze in his tracks as the most terrifying sound screeched out into the night. Alex did not know why he did it but instead of running away from the noise, he was running too it. The closer he got to the piercing sound his stomach was beginning to knot up, he thought suddenly of his brother and though still he kept running in the direction of the screams, he was not sure he wanted to see what was at the end of them.

He turned the corner and there in a narrow side street he saw a woman standing over something or someone and his stomach lurched. It was Max! With a swish of his wand he cast expelliarmus at the woman as he continued to run towards his brother.
She felt her body lift and slam against the wall opposite. Felt her back hit the concrete bricks with a resounding thud before she slid down to the ground. One of her wands rolled from her hand while the other, her uncles wand was broken in two from the fall. Andromeda looked up slowly to see another person crouched over the body of the man whose screams had turned to pitiful wails. She was tempted to just apparate out of there before the newcomer came at her again. Tempted too but suddenly unable.

The clouds moving ferociously across the sky had left such a gaping hole for the full moon to gaze through. It's silvery beauty found her and welcomed her and embraced her as its long lost daughter. Andromeda felt her blood boil instantly, her limbs began to seize up before extending outwards into strong fierce limgs. Each part of her body was changing, her amber eyes stared manically at the moon as coarse hair grew along her body. Seconds were passing as each facet of her body ripped its way apart to reveal the werewolf that had been hidden for so long. Until eventually she stood there, the beast letting up a disgusting savage howl before turning her attention to the fresh meat yards away.
Without once looking to see if he had hurt the woman or not with his blow, Alexius knelt over his brother and checked to see if he was alright. Still his body squirmed as if it were in the throes of absolute pain and hastily glancing up and down the length of him, wondered just what the witch had done to Max.
"Max it's okay, I'm going to get us out of here" he told him in a hushed voice, deep with urgency and fear. He had never felt so much alone before in his life, it was always Max who knew what to do, who stepped up to the plate and did the right thing. Alex felt completely out of his depth, he knew that his brothers only chance right now was to side-along apparate him as close to St. Mungo's as possible but he had never apparated with anyone before and a new fear gripped him that he would do more damage to his brother than what the woman had. Oblivious to everything about him for a while he braced himself to do the deed necessary of him and finally taking a deep breath he reached for his brothers arm to hold tight to him. How he was going to spin kneeling down was beyond him but he was going to give it a damn good try.

Before however he could do anything a ferocious howl rent the air and startled he looked to where it had come from. Alex stumbled and fell to the ground, landing with a thud to his rear as he stared in shock at the beast not more than ten yards away. His eyes scanned hastily for the woman but all he saw was shredded clothing and a massive creature snarling at him. A werewolf! All reason left him, all rational thought. No amount of education prepared him for this, he reached for his wand as his hand shook violently.
She smelt the fear as sure as she smelt the flesh on his bones. Saliva dripped from her fangs as hunger tore through her, hunger, power and savagery. There was no Andromeda left, simply the beast she had always feared would one day unleash itself upon the world. Another howl and without any other warning bounded to the man stumbling backwards. She saw a hand reach for something but she was on top of him before he could get purchase on whatever it was. Her teeth tore into flesh, ripped bone and sinew apart as if it were nothing more than a snack to nibble on. Blood spurted across her snout, dripped from her teeth as shoulder, chest and arm were lacerated. This was powerful, this was invigorating. The screams were only goading the beast on further and further until with one vicious crunch of its powerful jaws the werewolf tore into the man's neck and the body shook in spasm for a moment before slumping.

His screams however had alerted others and the werewolf could hear the baying of many coming her way. She was no fool and though she would have gladly taken them all on, preservation was also high in her priorities. Survival instincts kicked in and she turned racing with only the speed and ferocity that a werewolf had before a group of several people with wands lit raced towards the side street. A few more screams as the carnage was witnessed, authorities were hastily called for and aid for the man still alive but out of his mind writhing on the ground. As the area was checked the shredded garments of Andromeda Fiorelli were found and her broken wand. Unseen however was her other wand that had rolled its way into the crack of the cobbled road, completely unnoticed in the dim light.

Into the night the werewolf ran, until not knowing where she had run too other than it was a forest far enough away from the hoard she collapsed exhausted and allowed sleep to take her.
Moko had been working late when the alarm came through and she was ordered to attend immediately. She made her way instantly to Brightstone and came face to face with several people who looked as if they were in utter shock but also ready for a fight if needs be. Barking out orders she had the area cordoned off immediately and only then went to view the body that was quite literally in bits about her. She knew instantly of course that it was the work of a werewolf and a sneer marked her beautiful face. Checking the pulse of the other man who was now motionless on the ground she was relieved to discover he was alive and perhaps could shed some light when he came too on the events that had unfolded here.

A ward from the hospital arrived and soon the man was taken into their care while the cleaning up of the area was left to her before the aurors came to question those in the crowd. Moko checked the clothing and grimaced at discovering they were a woman's and on finding the wand cast a spell on it to discover what spell was last used. To her dismay it was an unforgiveable and knew then why the other man had been unconscious and wondered briefly if she would be able to get any information from him at all. A howl loud but distant pierced the air and standing up from the ground with broken wand and shredded garments in hand, Moko swore she would hunt the creature down until she found the werewolf who had killed the man lying in pieces on the cobblestones.

------ Fin -------​

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