Fulfilling one of my New Years resolutions

Patricia Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust
Patricia had awoken bright and early that morning, excited for the new term. Last term had been great for her, top in, nearly, all her classes, it was great and she had high hopes for this term as well. She had, like many she knew, made a few New Years resolutions. One of which was to enjoy the rest of her third year. Secondly was to do well in all her classes and exams. And thirdly, was to get more active. She had returned to a few of her line dancing classes during the holidays, and she realised that she couldn’t keep up as well as she normally would. It wasn’t like her to give up so early, she was far from out of shape, but she felt she needed to exercise a bit more, it was always a good idea.

After putting on her tracksuit and trainers she tied her hair up into a high ponytail and made her way outside, trying not to walk up her room mates. When she got outside she took a brisk walk to the lakefront, it was by far one of her favorite places at Hogwarts. It amazing Patricia how the weather was still so amazing in New Zealand, where at home it was still cold and snowing. After she reached the lakefront she went over to her favorite oak tree and she started to do a few simple stretches. Once she felt ready she shuck herself lightly and began a light jog around the lake.
Lemina wandered down to the lawns. She had awoken early for the fresh start to the new term. Her roommates - Violet and Rhyspa - were still asleep, so she dressed quitely to wear them. The Hufflepuff was wearing a pair of jeans and a polo, something she rarely did these days. But the fifth year felt like a walk in the crisp morning sun would be just the thing to clear her mind. She had been on a high all summer, being with Hayden and all, yet she realised that she had to go out and come back to reality.

There was no one around, the rest of the student body were - somewhat more sensibly - still asleep in their beds. She was about to go into the gardens, when she saw someone jogging around the lake. She wasn't sure if it was friend or foe - but Lemi wanted to go and check it out. As she neared, she realised that it was Patricia Rogers - a Hufflepuff girl two years below her. The two didn't talk much, but they knew each other well enough to go say 'hi'. So Lemina did just that. "Hey Pat!" She called out as she jogged up beside the other 'Puff.
As Patricia began to jog she started to think about this term and what it would be like. She had a lot of her favourite classes this term Herebology, Charms, DADA, they were all good classes. She had her last elective, Muggle Studies, she knew that it could be like cheating, being a Muggleborn and all, but it should be an easy 'O' thogh right?

Then there was Potions, she didn't mind the class but she dispised the Dungeons above all places in the castle. She tried not to think back to her first year and was glad of the distraction when she heard a voice come up beside her. Turning to face the voice she saw Lemina Troque, one of the Hufflepuff Prefects. "Oh hey Lemi. Why you out so early?" she asked, surprised someone else was actually up?
Lemi smiled as Patricia turned to her and seemed suprised that she too was up at such an early hour. "I woke up and just felt like coming outside." It wasn't exactly a lie as such, but to tell the whole story would be so confusing for someone she didn't know all that well. "And yourself? I'm suprised to she anyone else up at this time!" She cuckled slightly, nothing could bring her spirits down these days. Looking out across the lake, she saw the water was perfectly still, one or two leaves had fallen early from the trees to break the solid surface of the water, with the sun rising over it.
Patricia nodded at Lemi's answer, normally if she woke up early she would attempt to go back to sleep, or stay in the dorm and read or do work, but that was in the past she was determined to get out early from now on.

"New Years resolution. Excerside a bit more." she said with a shrug, keeping up a steady pace. "You seem bright for someone who just woke up." Patricia observed, she was still a bit groggy and she had been up for nearly an hour now,
Katheryn had been up for over an hour. She had been feeling like she was getting chunky over break which just wouldn't do if she wanted to go to Dance camp over the next break. Katheryn had put on a tank top, running shorts, and sneakers. Her long red hair bounced in its pony tail. She was jogging around the Hogwarts grounds when she saw two familiar Hufflepuffs. She recognized them both but could only name Pat. Katheryn went jogging up to them.

"Hey guys! What are yall doing up so early?" Katheryn wondered. It was rare anyone was up this early. She noticed Pat was dressed in workout clothes as well.
Lemina was used to getting up early, well used to it. The girl tended to go to bed relatively early at night and always awoke feeling refreshed. "I hate being stuck inside once I'm up, don't know why." Lemi laughed at Pat's comment that she looked bright and breezy at such an hour. But I'm in loooooove! The Hufflepuff sang instead her head, giving Pat a smile. No way did the younger girl need to excercise, there were a lot of girls at Hogwarts who were a lot, chubbier, but Lemi didn't say anything about it.

Suddenly another girl approached them. It was Kat Kingsley. They had been pretty good friends before she left a few years ago, but every since she had came back and been placed in the year below, they hadn't talked. "Hey Kat!"
Katheryn had not recognized the other girl until she had closer. When she spoke, Kat knew exactly who she was. Lemina Troque. Kat had been pretty close with the girl until she left school, Katheryn hadn't seen her since she had return. Kat grinned. "Lemi!" she said cheerfully. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" she exclaimed excitedly.
"I've been amazing, we've got lots of catching up to do!" Lemina smiled, but she didn't want to stop Pat from fulfilling her new year's resolution. "Talk and walk?" She grinned at the two other Hufflepuffs, wondering how they would respond. The sun was still low in the sky, but it was completely light and fairly warm. But not as warm as Australia. Even in the height of midday, New Zealand felt cold compared to Hayden's hometown.

sorry, lame. -_-
Katheryn smiled, happy that Lemi didn't seem to have changed. She didn't mind walking. She had alread jogged about 2 miles so she could walk for a bit. "Taking and walking would be great." she said honestly. It was still fairly cool. The perfect temperature for exercising. "So how have the two of you been?" Kat asked the other two girls. "Good breaks?" she asked.
As Patricia waited for Lemi to answer she heard a familiar voice from behind them. Turning round she saw Kat, a fellow Hufflepuff, not one she knew well, but knew her nonetheless. "Morning Kat." she said with a smile. "Promised myself I would get some exercise this year, thought I'd start early." she said with a light laugh. Pat let the two older girls catch up they seemed like old friends.

On hearing Lemi's comment Pat slowed down, she was happy with herself so far, she could do with a slow down, [b"Sounds like a plan."[/b] she replied. "I've been good, just ready to get stuck into work again, my break was so boring. I mean, I love going back home, but being her is so muc better." she answered truthfully. "And yourself?"
As the other two responded affirmatively to her comment about talking and walking, Lemina smiled and walked beside the two girls. Even though Kat was now a year younger than her, they had been in the same year throughout their first year. "Break was amazing!" The fifteen year old grinned broadly, "But I'm still glad to be back!" She thought of how Hayden had helped her learn to surf. Despite how relatively easy it looked, it was intense, she didn't need that again for a long while.
Patricia made a side way glance at her oldest Hufflepuff friend. Anytime Patricia saw her she was a bubbly girl, but there was something about this morning, very few people were as perky at this time. "What did you get up too?" she asked wondering what made the break so amazing.

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