
Ares Taylor

Well-Known Member
Ares walked to the lake, he'd just confronted Hoshi and although things ended on okay terms he still needed to blow off some steam. "Argggg" he muttered as he picked up a heavy rock and threw it into the lake. why, why now when things had been so perfect! he picked up another rock and moved to throw it.

This isnt gunna work he realized. He suddenly striped off his shirt and did a running dive into the lake. He swam as fast and hard as he could tumble turning occasionally to change directions.

When his body finally gave out, he surfaced near where he had started gasping for air and he quickly climed back onto land and he lay down on a large rock under a tree on the side of the lake. He listened to his heartbeat waiting for it to return to normal.

Once it had he sighed, ran and dove back into the lake, and began tredding water.
Nia made her way down to the lake, she needed to get out of the Slytherin house and the lake was the only other place she liked, even though it contained memories of James. James. He had been trying to talk to her and se was getting fed up staying in her dorm room, the only place James couldn't reach her. She was still annoyed with him to no end, but she had tried to forget about it, ever since she heard about Bella's mum, she needed to be there for her friend and forget about her own sorrows.

Nia arrived at the lakefront, her bathing suit on under her long t-shirt. As she looked into the lake she saw a boy already in there. She left out a fustrated sigh, she needed a swim to clear her head so instead of leaving the boy she called out, "Hey! Room for one more?" The boy seemed familiar, he was definately in her year.
Ares glanced up and saw a really pretty, familiar looking girl. A glance at the look on her face told Ares shes was here for the same reason he was, he smiled at her "Sure! Theres enough room for about 300 of us!" he joked.
Nia rolled her eyes and give a light scoff at his attempt at a joke. She nodded her head lightly and kicked off her shoes and jumped in the water. The coolness felt good, a relieve from all she had been thinking about for the past few hours. She submerched herself in the water for a few seconds until she had to come up. "So what brings you out here.." she asked, not really finishing the question as he didn't know his name.
Ares glanced at the girl wondering how to answer her question. "Just read the Gossip Magazine" he lifted his eyebrows once and his smile turned into a tip lipped frown. "What brings you out here?" he asked trying to change the subject.
Nia felt a pang of guilt as she heard the boy reply that he was out after reading the Gossip Mag, it couldn't have meant anything good, it normally didn't. Now that she knew who the writer was made it all more awkward talking to people about it. "So, I take it you got a mention?" she asked, tentatively. When he asked in return what brought her to the lake she rolled her eyes, never in her 12 years did she think she would say what she was about to, "Boys. No offense, but, well, specifically a boy."
Ares nodded "Suprisingly I understand" He sighed "You could say I got a mention, but that didnt bother me as much as that the girl I kinda had something with got mentioned... twice" Ares held up two fingers "With two different guys involved, not including me"
Nia listened to the boys story, relationship problems, Bella sure knew how to pick 'em she thought to herself. "Mm this girl sounds, interesting. Anyone I might know?" she asked, ony interested in some gossip, but after knowing her friends for nearly a year, it was inevitable.
Ares smirked "Hoshi Koshiba?" he asked "Know her?"

The Ravenclaw leaned back and wet his hair then shook it out. "I wanna do something... I dont know what... But I wanna her feel the way I do" He bit his lip "Do I sound cruel?"
Nia cringed at the sound of the girls name, "Yeah I know her. Ew really?" she said, dispise clear in her voice. "Sorry, just, lets just say we never really see eye to eye." she explained with a shrug. Nia laughed at what the boy said, "No, I feel exactly the same way. But what?" she said falling back, floating on the water.
Ares smiled at the girls comments about Hoshi, "I dont think she sees eye to eye with alot of people".

The Ravenclaw thought for a moment "I want her, to understand how I feel... I want her to be jelous when she hears about me kissing someone else... I want her to know that im not always gunna be there while she just plays around, that she cant take me for granted... I want," Ares thought for a moment "to see someone else!" he said with a grin.

There was a second of silence and Ares suddenly turned to the girl with an idea "You were saying you felt the same way?" he asked curiously with a smile on his face.
Nia rolled her eyes lightly, that was the understatement of the centuary, she thought to herself. Nia couldn't believe that the boy was interested in a girl like Hoshi, he seemed nice but Hoshi was just, well just not nice. But she didn't let the thought plague her for much longer, it had nothing to do her who he liked, after all he was just a stranger who just happened to be at the same place as her.

She listened to his story, it was weird how this stranger was at in the exact same position as her. The person she liked didn't like her, but liked someone else. He already hurt her to no end and even though he didn't like her the way she did him, she wanted to show him that she didn't care what girll he ran after as soon as she kissed him.

Nia lifted herself up so she wasn't floating anymore to see a strange smile on the boys face. She returned the same smile and nodded lightly, "Yes I was. Except I doubt I would be able to make my person jealous, he made it very clear that he didn't have feelings for me after he ran after another girl at the ball after I kissed him." she said with pure poision in her voice. "Why do you ask?" she asked him with a small smirk.
Ares eyed suspiciously "Hoshi made it beyond clear that she doesnt have feelings for me, but I'm still try to make her jelous, because maybe just maybe she does have feelings for me that she doesnt even realize yet." He grinned "For the same reasons, I think you should do the same"

The ravenclaw boy smiled a secret smile "I dont believe we've met properly, Im Ares Taylor" he held out his hand "And you are?"
Nia listened to the boys words, how she wanted to believe James had feelings for her, even deep down. He had said all those things to her, he had kissed her back before running off after that girl. She nodded lightly, "I think I should, but how?" she said helplessly. "Wow we haven't have we?" she admitted with a laugh. Taking the boys hand she said, "Nice to meet you Ares, my name is Efeyenia Samartzi, but call me Nia." she said with a smile.
The girl introduced herself as Efeyenia Samartzi and Ares smiled a flirtingly. "You know Nia," He looked at her carefully. "I want to make Hoshi jelous, You want to make... him jelous. " he paused "We could just be, Exactly what the other person needs" He stated.
Nia noticed the change in they way Ares was smiling and talking. It was strange but she couldn't help but smirk back, the words that were coming out of his mouth intrigued her to no end. She didnt't respond right away but observed the boy in front of her, trying to fully take in his words.

Is he suggesting what I think he's suggesting she wondered to herself. If he was she had to think about it, she wanted to make James feel the way she did, but she didn't want to seem mean, if he really liked the other girl there was nothing she could do about. But it was intriguing and she would be helping out someone else at the same time.

"Oh really? And what exactly do you have in mind?" she asked with a small smirk
Ares looked at Nia then looked away, trying to figure out if he'd care if he was rejected "I was thinking we could make them jelous..." he paused hoping he wouldnt sound over-confident. He coughed "With each other" he said quickly before another cough.
Nia laughed, her thoughts had been correct. "Do you now?" she teasted. "Well it just so happens that I think that could work." she said, a sly smirk on her lips. It was a great idea and surely one that would make, if not both maybe even one, the two second years love interests jealous. "So basically, we go about our daily lives as usual, but as a couple?" she asked, unsure if that was how the plan would be exacuted.
Ares looked at the water suddenly interested in it as Nia teased him. He grinned as she agreed it could work.

He nooded his head, "I guess so, like in public we make very known we're a couple... if that makes sense" he said rethinking about what he just said
Every second Nia grew to love the idea more and more, it was so awesome, it just had to work. "It makes perfect sense." she said beaming. "Like this," she said cutting off. She leaned in towards Ares and gave a light kiss on the lips, something she would have to get used too.
Ares smiled proudly as Nia said it made sense, she then kissed him and Ares froze for a moment not expecting it. He quickly came to his senses and kissed her back before she could decide he was an idiot.
(I'm going to say this is the day people leave for holidays and rap it up k?)

Nia broke away from the kiss, with a smirk upon her lips. "Not bad Taylor. I think I could get used to this. she said as she looked around wondering if anyone saw, may as well get the rumors started as soon as possible. She felt a small shiver run up her spine, the water had gotten cold and she didn't realise.

"Well, the train will be leaving soon and I still have to pack. So I'll see you after the holidays, darling." she said, smiling at the last word. She swam over to the edge and pulled herself out of the water. "I'll sent you an owl with an details a boyfriend should know in a few days." she called over to him. "See ya Ares." she said with a small wave and an air kiss. She walked up to the castle, very proud of what just happened.
Ares smirked at her "Not so bad yourself" he replied.

The Ravenclaw playfully pouted as she said she had to go. "After the holidays," he repeated "I'll be looking forward to it" as she swam out of the lake and waved and blew a kiss goodbye he called out very loudly after her. "Im gunna miss you honey!!! Come baack soon!!"

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