- Messages
- 85
- OOC First Name
- Brandon
- Wand
- 9" Alder wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Liir had a rather sour look on his face as he exited yet another shoe store with his mother close behind carrying two more bags with today's shopping finds. It seemed cruel and unusual to force a son to go shopping with his mother but Liir put up with it without complaint after all his father used to complain about everything under the sun which drove a young Liir up the wall. The mere thought of his father caused his skin to crawl as an image of him and his no good homewrecker galloped across his mind which only furthered the sour look he had to the point that he appeared to be on the verge of throwing up. Turning to his mother who was lost in her own little world Liir could not help but soften his facial muscles just a little for her happiness was all that mattered in his world these days after all with the lack of a man in the house Liir had little time for childish games but rather he put all of his energy in his education so that one day he could elevate the two of them far above the rest of the world.
When Liir got his acceptance letter to Hogwarts he had decided that instead of wasting his time running around like a lost boy that he would strive to make those personal connections that his grandfather often showed off to him in his mother every time they were around after all the man was greatly respected in his field of expertise. Next goal on his list would be to study hard so that he could get a higher position at the ministry upon graduating then from there it would be only a few steps till he reached the top and became Minister of Magic. A station worth of respect and recognition that he could use to ensure his mother would never go without or have to worry about anything from there Liir would be able to take care of her until the end of her days. Like all things however a few road block popped up in his way the biggest was that his opinion of the famed New Zealand Branch was subpar and could not teach him everything he need to know to become powerful and successful so after much research he sent an owl to his mother requesting a transfer to Durmstrang instead. This was no difficult task and after a few letters back and forth his mother finally agreed so at midterm she transferred him to Durmstrang who were more than happy to accept him into their ranks.
Now that he was in Russia for the better part of the year the next obstacle was that he would have to start fresh which was never easy especially for someone come in at mid semester. So far he had only met a few children of worth families but some of them were still rather immature something that annoyed him beyond all measure however he sucked up his pride and made nice with all of them that he could tolerate for extended periods of time. However none of them were well connected enough or had enough power that he could depend on in the years to come so his searched waged on with little progress. With the school year just around the corner he had to try a little harder unless his first would be a rather huge let down on his things to do list.
Liir was lost in thought when he passed a pet ship which caused him to remember that he need to buy Icarus a few more mice as he had already ate through his current supply. Icarus was Liir's pet falcon and was a rather dependable companion that Liir often vented to when things got rough at school even though the small bird could not respond back it still help calm him down enough to once more face his issues head on. He would be lost without Icarus though he hate to admit it but given that he had not meet anyone that he could truly call his friend Icarus was all he had ... well besides his mother though she could not come to school with him if he wanted her to due to the fact she had graduated some time ago. Spinning around Liir asked his mother if he could do a little shopping buy himself which she gave him a small purse of galleons to spend on what he wanted or need before heading off to a nearby rob shop to see if she could not get that robe she had been eyeing in Witches Weekly. Free from his mother influence Liir entered the store and began to look around the mice section as he began to pick out a few more plump mice for his feathered friend.
When Liir got his acceptance letter to Hogwarts he had decided that instead of wasting his time running around like a lost boy that he would strive to make those personal connections that his grandfather often showed off to him in his mother every time they were around after all the man was greatly respected in his field of expertise. Next goal on his list would be to study hard so that he could get a higher position at the ministry upon graduating then from there it would be only a few steps till he reached the top and became Minister of Magic. A station worth of respect and recognition that he could use to ensure his mother would never go without or have to worry about anything from there Liir would be able to take care of her until the end of her days. Like all things however a few road block popped up in his way the biggest was that his opinion of the famed New Zealand Branch was subpar and could not teach him everything he need to know to become powerful and successful so after much research he sent an owl to his mother requesting a transfer to Durmstrang instead. This was no difficult task and after a few letters back and forth his mother finally agreed so at midterm she transferred him to Durmstrang who were more than happy to accept him into their ranks.
Now that he was in Russia for the better part of the year the next obstacle was that he would have to start fresh which was never easy especially for someone come in at mid semester. So far he had only met a few children of worth families but some of them were still rather immature something that annoyed him beyond all measure however he sucked up his pride and made nice with all of them that he could tolerate for extended periods of time. However none of them were well connected enough or had enough power that he could depend on in the years to come so his searched waged on with little progress. With the school year just around the corner he had to try a little harder unless his first would be a rather huge let down on his things to do list.
Liir was lost in thought when he passed a pet ship which caused him to remember that he need to buy Icarus a few more mice as he had already ate through his current supply. Icarus was Liir's pet falcon and was a rather dependable companion that Liir often vented to when things got rough at school even though the small bird could not respond back it still help calm him down enough to once more face his issues head on. He would be lost without Icarus though he hate to admit it but given that he had not meet anyone that he could truly call his friend Icarus was all he had ... well besides his mother though she could not come to school with him if he wanted her to due to the fact she had graduated some time ago. Spinning around Liir asked his mother if he could do a little shopping buy himself which she gave him a small purse of galleons to spend on what he wanted or need before heading off to a nearby rob shop to see if she could not get that robe she had been eyeing in Witches Weekly. Free from his mother influence Liir entered the store and began to look around the mice section as he began to pick out a few more plump mice for his feathered friend.
Out of Character:
- I set it up in a pet shop which would give Nika a reason to be out and about with his family, school shopping and all. Also this take place on a weekend which Liir was allowed to go to a local wizard merchant street close to Durmstrang.