Open From Place to Place

Knox Ivers

Inner Eye owner | Trying to grow up
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Going to Hogwarts within a year was a concept Knox felt nervous about, never having attended a real school before nor leaving the small town he knew as his home. As excited as he was to finally learn how to use magic like his parents, he already knew the environment would be entirely new and something he couldn't fully prepare himself for. Therefore he was against shopping so early for his first year at school, feeling unnecessarily worried at the reminder he eventually needed to leave for Hogwarts, and frustrated that his mother had dragged him away from his house and the fun he could be having to buy clothing. Of all the things they could be buying for his first year, clothing seemed the most stupid and especially when the clothing his mum was looking at wasn't even school related, it was general robes and shoes she wanted to get early under the guise he would 'grow into them' and she wouldn't need to spend money on something he needed while he was away. As he followed behind his mum from one shop to another, Knox truly wished he could be anywhere else, the tedious process of trying things on making him feel furthermore agitated.​
However he knew if he so much as complained at how bored he was or said he wanted to go home, he would be made to wait even longer to have fun so he simply stayed quiet, letting his mum buy whatever she wanted. The clothes were boring but Knox was never one to care about his appearance, more so when he knew he would be wearing a uniform around school for most of the day. As they left another store and stepped onto the cobblestone street of Obsidian Harbour, Knox sighed, moving his hands into his pockets as he walked. For the fourth time that day they passed the same ice cream parlor Knox saw when he arrived, and wishing he would eventually be allowed an ice cream for his troubles and as a reward for being so complacent in shopping for new clothes, he did not realize he had stopped to stare at the window for a few minutes longer than he intended.​
Ember had been kept up most of the night with her parent's now all too frequent arguing, so when she had eventually ventured out of her bedroom and into the kitchen, she had been sure to play into how tired she felt - which wasn't all that difficult - so that her parents would make her feel bad for keeping her up. She didn't like living with them any more, she loved her parents but this was proving difficult, it was just good that she would soon be moving out and heading to Hogwarts. However it was always rather easy to guilt trip her parents into buying her something to make up for their behaviour. Everything followed a familiar trend and Ember was more than happy to play into it while it was still of benefit to her. however, it did mean she was quite tired when wandered around the stores with her mother and her mother was honestly taking far too long to do just about everything that she needed to do. Ember had a few new items of clothing and a few books that she wouldn't have been able to get otherwise, but she was growing bored and her mother was just getting into it.
Ember was following the elder witch around the place, rolling her eyes every so often as she got dragged into one store and then the next. She passed the ice cream shop and was stopped at it, as her mother ran into someone she'd known from something that Ember didn't care about. She just had to stand around awkwardly waiting for her mother to been finished. It was as she glanced about that she spotted a boy, definitely around her age looking in the window of the ice cream shop. Ember couldn't help but agree, ice cream would be nice for sure, but Ember knew she was already pushing it and she didn't want to drag this out too much longer. "Hey," she greeted the boy with a little smile, "Are you also waiting for your mum to be done?" despite the fact that Ember knew full well that not all people had two parents, she didn't care enough to be more careful with her words and would be satisfied if someone were to then correct her, and she made sure to gesture over to where her mother was talking with the other parent. "I'm Ember," she introduced additionally, wanting someone to talk to as her mother spoke and this boy staring into an ice cream shop definitely had the right idea that she'd be happy to be friends with him.
Knox was brought from his daydream of having ice cream as an unfamiliar voice spoke to him, and after blinking a few times he looked over to the girl. When she gestured to who he assumed was her mum talking to someone he looked in that direction and then back to her, nodding in response. He did not know how far his own mother had walked while he was in the middle of staring into the window of the ice cream parlour but he knew he was waiting impatiently for this shopping trip she was dragging him on to be over. "Yeah, I don't know where she went, though." He answered, glancing around for a moment to catch a glimpse of where his mum had gone. When she wasn't anywhere in sight he assumed she had walked into a nearby store, and he shrugged and looked back to the girl again in time to hear her introduce herself. "I'm Knox." He said in return, nodding as a smile appeared on his face. With his mum away somewhere to continue shopping this meant he was free for a little while, he knew she wouldn't have left him alone carelessly and whatever he did she would find him again eventually. "Hey, want to play the ground is lava?" He suggested, wishing he was able to get ice cream but knowing he couldn't since it was his mum that had the money with her. Wanting to make the most of the freedom he had anyway, Knox quickly climbed onto a bench before Ember could answer and added. "Look you're already losing!"

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