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Daisy Parker-Taylor

Meow Meow Meow 🐶
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Lizzie)
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Boomslang venom Core
I panicked with the title. Titles always freak me out!

ANYWAY ZOMG I've not done one of these in a long time, but I am really want to RP with Daisy more.

"Daisy is a strong-willed girl. She knows what she wants and she goes for it. Daisy is the type of girl who doesn't care what other people say or think of her.
She is an out-doorsy girl, and loves to spend Christmas on the beach with her parents. She is definitely a daddy's girl, and loves hanging out with him when he is home.
Daisy can be very sarcastic, but she loves to joke and play around. Most of the time, Daisy will jump to conclusions without giving the other person a chance to explain. She is quite stubborn, and it takes a bit to change her mind."
Daisy needs some friends. I think she's the type of girl who will have a big group of friends but not a bff, or just one girl she's close to. At the moment, there wouldn't be any love interests for her, but I'm willing to discuss future romances. Of course, she'd probably have some enemies as well, and I love drama so gimme your bullies!
I can be really slow with replies. I need lots of hassling sometimes haha but I do love RPing so you have permission to yell at me. Anyways I'm looking forward to mucking around with Daisy! ^_^

So this is Fiiiiinn.
Minus the mustache shh
I really love him, but I just haven't gotten around to RPing him much! So, Finn is just a goofball. He hardly takes much seriously, and he loves to play pranks and have fun (instigator of food fight mahaha). He's usually always got a small on his face, or is laughing. He struggles with paying attention and he gets very easily distracted.
Finn needs everything! Romances would probably not be too serious because he doesn't know how to have a serious conversation, but I'm willing to discuss these anyway! He needs friends and pranking buddies, and enemies? Again, enemies will be far and few because they'll generally be a they hate Finn- Finn doesn't realize and thinks it's hilarious - kinda relationship.
Wyatt and Daisy should be friends! I feel like they'd get along for some reason.
Okay let's do it! Would you like to start? :r
I'm so glad you posted this as you're an awesome person :wub:

I have my twins Eleanor and Lilyanna if you want to rp with them. I feel like Eleanor would suit Daisy more but it would always be interesting to see how Lilyanna and Daisy would react to each other. We can do a separate rp for each if you like?
Nanna Donut!

Okay, so I have this character Sam, whose only care in life is her friend Ben. Sam is not an inherently nasty person, but the only person she cares about in her life is her best friend and she would do anything for her. She has a compulsion to always be with her and though she doesn't always do the right thing, she would never want to intentionally get her friend into trouble. Sam is sometimes considerate of other people, but is always considerate of her friend Ben. She is a very different person when they are alone and likes to be much more open and honest when in her company. On her own however she is more reserved and prone to lying and being the centre of attention simply because she craves the closeness that she feels with Ben. She makes an effort to include herself and Ben into most situations she finds and is prone to sudden bouts of energy that cause her to start an impromptu dance party. Sam is interested in talking, gossiping and critiquing others (though she does it in a nice way) she also enjoys dancing with really loud music and singing like no one is listening
Kayeeee stahppp.
I would love to! Shall we start one now, and one after? (I'm learning to pace myself xD ). Would you like to start one?

Oooh she sounds super interesting, let's RP themmmm do you want to start? ;)
You can't ask everyone to start D:
I'll start one with Lilyanna first tomorrow and then we can do the other with Eleanor next IC year if that's okay with you ^_^
Thanks Kaye! I'll try reply today, and I'll try start a topic for you Teigan :wub:

Also, I have added Finn Urie to the PD, so have a look hehe :wub:
Hey Donna :hug:

My lil baby Xavier can totally be friends with Daisy! Like Daisy, Xavier is outdoorsy and enjoys playing around so I definitely think they would get along based just on that. But Xavier is also very open minded so he wouldn't create much conflict with Daisy's stubbornness which imo is even more of a reason I think they could get along. I really don't see a reason why they wouldn't be friends or at least aquaintences.

Let me know what you think! :D
Yassss Anna let's do it! If you want me to start I only can on Monday I think, unless you want to start one ^_^
If I started it would be posted after Monday, so I'll leave it to you :hug:
Hey Donna ^_^

Hope it's not too late. I have this character, Leo, and he's pretty much similar to Daisy and he's protective. I have a good feeling about them being friends, so let me know if you're interested. It would be my first RP with Leo I think which would be a great way to start making friends and getting to know other people his age. They would probably be pranking and joking and laughing all the time so I personally believe they'd be awesome friends. :party:
Of course not Baby C! (Love that btw). Yes that sounds like tons of fun! Would you like to start something or would you like me to?
Haha thanks, my older sister gave me that nickname xD
I don't mind starting it, unless you have a plot in mind :) Open RP or closed RP?
Open is fine :)
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