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Emalia Aria

Well-Known Member
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Hey lovelies!

I have just gotten my darling Emalia here sorted. She is the sister to Chad and William Aria.
She is very smart and mature for her age. Emalia and her brother's are orphans, but Emalia was not told what happened to her parents; she is desperate to find out. Though she doesn't understand too much about it yet, she very easily manipulates people. She is very patient and passionate. Emalia is very interested in history and culture, and also loves to dance.
As much as she loves to learn, Emalia just does not have good time-management, and finds herself tardy quite often. She also has a lack of a conscience, and isn't very compassionate.
However, Emalia will become a very loyal friend. It may take some time as she doesn't trust easy, but is patient and is sure the right friend will be there for her.
I basically need a friend to Emalia. I'm willing to rp with anyone to get the right person, but I'm thinking it may be a male. It needs to be someone that can challenge her intellectually, but it can be from any house. Perhaps also someone that would wind her up just to get a reaction.
She is far to young to be thinking about anything romantic, but I think a sort of, bantering relationship in the future would be cute. It would be long in the making, but I think it would be fun.

So any ideas, post here, I'd be keen to try anything :)

Donna x

Maybe I could offer Killua Freecss...

Killua Freecss, from a family of assassins. Don't worry he won't kill anybody until he has an absolutely irritating reason to do so, which I doubt will be given to him... He has a very cold personality due to his upbringing and he normally looks at people with cold eyes, although, he doesn't mean any harm most of the time. But, if he becomes friends and real close with someone, he is really kind to that person and that person alone. Although, unlike Emalia he only has the slightest idea of what is going on in the world. He wasn't thought anything else besides to read, write, count money and kill... This was because of his upbringing as well because his mother and father wants him to be the head of the family someday, which Kil dislikes.
I have Isaac Gallantree.

Isaac was just sorted into Hufflepuff. He isn't an orphan but has spent most of his life caring for his younger sister as his mother died and his father is extremely distant. He is rather mature for his age and very responsible. He is often a very good friend and will do almost anything to help a friend in need though he isn't too bothered about people he doesn't know/like.
Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure how these two would get along. Emalia would probably not bother with someone who is so cold to begin with. Shy maybe, and perhaps a bit mean, but if Killua wouldn't put in the effort to begin a friendship, neither would Em. We can give it a go if you like, just not sure how it would work out.
I do think these two could be friends, if not a brother/sister relationship. I think they would have good conversations with their maturity and a genuine good friendship. I'd be keen to rp them. Would you like to start something or shall I?
:o Donna! I didn't know you were sorting anyone!

Well, as you know, I have Preston Paine who is a Slytherin. He's generally very friendly and gets along well with people. School isn't really a priority for him before and he's not sure about this whole wizard business he seems to have found himself in and the fact that he's now expected to become educated in magic. Preston is convinced that being a wizard makes him weird, mostly because his mother has been even more distant towards him since he got his letter (which is saying something). His dad seems pretty ok with it and thinks that Preston is about to embark on an amazing adventure, which is one of the only reasons he actually decided to come. Preston grew up quite rich, so he tends to be a little naive about things (he doesn't know that most people don't have maids, cooks and nannies for instance) and he is more than a bit selfish. I think the friends that he makes in school will help sway him to either be even more selfish or to actually learn some humility.

Maybe he and Emalia can sit beside each other in a class and meet that way and take things from there?
I shall start one at some point this week and PM you the link ^_^
I think these two would be fun together. Em would definitely let him know that not everyone is as fortunate as him hehe. So yes, we can start something and see where it goes ^_^ Would you like to start ittt? :shifty:
I'd love you forever if you start it. :r :wub:
I don't know whether Emalia and Psyche would get along as friends, but there may be an intellectual rivalry to play with. Psyche wants to be the best and is very intelligent and dedicated to learning everything she can. She won't want to be outdone in classes, and her personality isn't likely to endear her to many at the outset. She's awkward and rather cold, not too accustomed to interacting with people, so she can be pretty blunt and tactless. She's also a loner whose introversion means that she would be highly unlikely to ever approach anyone with an offer of friendship.
Hi Donna! ^_^
I think that my Ravenclaw Bryce would be a good friend to her. He is quite interested in some of the same things, as long as she wouldn't mind being friends with someone that is deaf and won't speak. He isn't very easy to warm up to, but I think that he and Emalia could be good friends, talking about stuff. He is mature for his age too.

I don't think any of my other first years would blend with her though.
I don't think these two would work. Both not being ones to start a conversation with the other, or any kind of relationship, I'm not sure how they would get to know each other. As I said in an earlier post, Emalia probably won't try with anyone who is cold. If you have any ideas on how it could work, I'd gladly hear them ^_^
I think these two would be sweet! Emalia is very patient, as long as Bryce isn't cold haha! So being deaf shouldn't be a problem, I think he would just interest Em.
You can start this one :r

P.S, sorry for the lack of other posts, will get onto it asap! Haha sorry guys!

Hey You! The person who doesn't want me to go to college!

I have Bituin San Buenaventura as a friend from her house :r

She's a very sweet and honest girl who has dealt with a very evil and conniving older sister who happens to look just like her. Josefina was born tens month before her to the day, ahah.

Anyways Yupp I think that sums up some basic information on her and what not :D
Here is thee link! I suppose I'll PM you as well though :r :p
Heheh "Happy one month Josefina, mommy and daddy are going to go celebrate!" :p :r ...
Anyways! I think these two could actually have a nice sisterly-type relationship. Emalia definitely needs a girl that she can chat to about boys when she gets to that point! As I said before, I think a boy friend will be better suited as a best friend, but I think these two could get along nicely ^_^ Do you want to start? :r


I have Kyle Cavanaugh to offer. He is friendly, smart, loves Qudditch and adventures. When it comes to his friends he is protective of them and he can easily make friends. Emalia and Kyle could develop a disagreement or a dislike as they are quite different from each other.Also if Emalia is very intelligent Kyle could make fun of her geekyness. What say?
:D Hahaha.

That sounds good cause Bituin will certainly have a lot to talk about concerning a certain Archer boy in her year :r When she's older of course xD

Would you mind starting :D?
Oh I like this! I have a great place for them to meet too, since he is into Quidditch, it can be after a Flying Lesson, obviously, Emalia will be pretty bad at it haha and the teasing can begin from there! I don't mind starting this one if you like?
Fiiiine, will PM you the link ;)
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