
OOC First Name
Princess came upon the Lakefront. She would wait there for her friends. She hoped they would arrive there on time. She had her bathing suit with her. What was the use of going to the lake? In fact, she wanted to go swimming. She would just remove her t-shirt and shorts, then dive. Well, she would just wait for her friends to leave before she does. She sat on the grass while waiting for her friends to arrive.
Ralph went to Lake Front to meet with his friends and he was a little bit surprised.He saw his friend Princess sitting down.He was so sure that he would be first o arrive at Lake Front.He approached Princess and said"Hello Princess.How long have you been here."He waited for Princess to reply.
Princess heard a voice from behind her. She stood up and it was Ralph, one of her friends. "Not long enough, before you came around." she replied. "Come on, let's wait for the others." and she sat once again waiting for the others.

OOCOut of Character:
Would you like to go swimming, Ralph? :)
Ralph sat down on the grass with Princess.He asked"How's life in Hogwarts?How is Sasori,Gerald and Arriane?"
Gerald was running toward Lake Front because he is excited.He will be meeting his friends at Lake Front.When he arrived at Lake Front he saw Ralph and Princess were already there.He walk toward them slowly and said"Hey guys!"
OOCOut of Character:
Yes I want to swim
OOCOut of Character:
Very well

Princess replied to what had Ralph said, "Hogwarts is not much of a home, but its alright. They're fine how about you Ralph?" Before Ralph could answer, Gerald then came along, "Hey Gerald, so, have you seen you're sister already?", she asked Gerald. Princess really wanted to swim so she said, "Excuse me guys," as she stood up. She went behind a tree took off her t-shirt and shorts which revealed her bathing suit. She went from behind and dive, she swan towards where Gerald and Ralph sat and she surprisingly rose the water. "Hey guys, wanna join me?" and she stayed in the water waiting for her friends to answer.

OOCOut of Character:
Oh really???
Ralph answered the question of Princess"I'm fine but I don't know many people here."He was surprised when Princess jumped in the water.He said"Yes I also want to swim."He went behind a bush and started taking off his t-shirt and pants which underneath was his swimming trunks.He knew Princess would offer to swim so he wore it underneath his clothes.He jumped in the water and asked Gerald to come jump in the water.

OOCOut of Character:
I think Gerald is staring at you Princess.

OOCOut of Character:
I think he likes you for real.

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