
Alfie Tyler

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alfie walked down the streets of Brightstone, it was a sunny day and he had decided to go out. Atticus was probably out with some girl anyway. He smiled as he walked, he had always enjoyed just walking it was a nice way to see people and make new friends. He hadn't had that luxury as much in America where the band was more popular he hadn't been able to go far to find someone who knew who he was. Same in Japan, he would never know how there music had traveled so far but apparently Crest was very popular in Japan.

Finally deciding it was a bit hot to be walking around without hydration he stopped at the ice cream parlor and got himself a bottle of water. Taking a sit he smiled finding a nice tree with no benches around he sat. It was shady and a nice place to drink his water. He Alfie always liked to find a nice tree with no benches around because whenever there was a bench near the tree he decided to sit under someone always asked, 'Why don't you just sit on the bench?' He shook his head at the thought, couldn't someone just like sitting under a tree?

Alfie found nature peaceful and he didn't mind getting his pants dirty. It was just relaxing to sit and not worry about anything what your going to do, what you need to do. It was just like the world was a peace, he often took his notebook out into the woods and wrote songs. He could always think clearer about something or find some sort of new inspiration to write about. He closed his eye's contently setting his water beside him. This was one of his strategy's ,only the really cool people would bother you if they thought you were sleeping.
Summer had yet to be kicking in full swings, with spring still lingering in the air, didn't quite bother the girl dress in short. In fact she like showing off a bit of skin when the wind still tease your flesh and the sun yet to glare at you, she didn't mind the cool breeze at all. She welcome it, while sitting on a bench one day, just an ordinary day simply cause she had no where to be.

Esme, use to remember the times when she would go out of her way in the day to visit her uncle Ross and sometime her cousin Maddiie whenever work was a miss. She would stay long hours with her family, who at terms welcome her anytime no matter, though she still visit it's been a while since she last walk in her uncle home to eat his wife home cooked meal or see her cousin Maddiie without the eyes of her boyfriend protectively shielding her from the world around her. She couldn't say she made an effort, it went both ways now alone she sits her thinking of them sometimes.

Till her vision were distracted by a boy enjoying the world like Esme, she hadn't time to think of her family then when a possible mate for the day arrived just around the corner from her. The typical Esme would smile and push the slightest hair out of her way, an effortless mission to get attention.
OOCOut of Character:
I'm Soooo Sorry been Very Busy!

Alfie having had been lounging for some time with no distractions opened his eyes slowly letting his eye's adjust to the bright sun. There weren't many people around, but he did see one girl that caught his eye. She seemed different, and that was what he liked in the people he surrounded himself with. Normal just didn't fit with him it never had. Seeing a opportunity to make a friend he stood up casually. He didn't want to seem desperate or anything but since he had come back to New Zealand he had lost contact with a lot if his old friends.

Alfie looked over by the girl and saw a conversation starter, a penny. He walked over to where the girl was standing and bent down picking up the small bronze coin. Having been to muggle school he knew what it was but wondered why it was here in Brightstone a wizarding village. "Interesting place to find muggle money." He said smiling at the girl. "They say if you pick one up heads up its lucky you know?" He hoped she would take interest.
Esme smile at the boy, what a weird way to start a conversation. She pulled on her thumbs and look at the penny he held. Muggel coins, copper she suspected. How did she know the element it was made of? She really didn't know how, except she just did. If she smell it, it would smell like copper. Something she won't be doing in front of a potential new friend.

"That is weird, but I suppose there are muggels living around here. If you don't know that, than you must be new to New Zealand" she guessed. "I wonder what you can buy with a lucky penny?" she went on saying. She fiddle with her painted thumb, they were black with a small skulls design added to them. she did them herself, kinda proud if it too. "My names Emse, what's your name stranger?" she spoke, a coy smile smudge her lips. This stranger was sure looking pretty interesting.
Alfie smiled at the girl, she seemed pretty interesting. He looked at her nails and noticed they were black with skulls, this instantly reminded him of Skyle. Angela's cousin had been going through a goth stage on and off for a few years now. She said he must be new to New Zealand he grinned, "In a way. Things have changed a lot since I lived here last." There was the new mall that had been in construction when he had moved. And now there was even a large park in Brightstone. He smiled as the girl wondered out loud. He really didn't know what you could buy with a lucky penny. "Guess it depends on who your buying from." The girl introduced herself as Esme and he smiled. "Pleasure to meet you Esme. My name's Alfie." He hoped she wouldn't know that stupid Lily Allen song. Everyone made fun of his name because of it.
"Alfie?" Esme repeated out loud. She never came across anyone with that name before, it was quite new to her lips. She smile, in case he thought wrong with her saying that name in a strange way. "How long exactly have you been here, cause I'm a stranger for two years now to New Zealand" she live here on and off for two years, when she wasn't here she went to Spain to visit a few old friends from her old neighborhood. "This whole meet and greet stuff always gets old with me, how bout we just be friends and call it a day?" she ask flat out, no shame in how forward she could be. Typical Esme. "You can be my best friend if you know how to have fun?" she smirk, she hope for invite to his world and any place else worth visiting.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry I don't use my students much cause I'm on like limited access, we can rp with other charries otherwise they are like inactive by this point.
Esme seemed okay, she asked how long exactly he had been here and he smiled at her answer. "Well I lived here before for a bit over a year and I've been back two months." She asked if they could skip the meet and greet stuff and he laughed, "I think that's a great idea, I've never been into the meet and greet stuff either." He said remembering earlier when he had purposely been pretending to sleep to avoid people bothering him. "Really?" He said raising an eyebrow. She obviously didn't know who he was but not many people did. The band was old news now, but with them getting back together he knew that was all going to change. "I know how to have fun alright." He wondered if he should take her home Atticus was surely gone and he could show her some of his band stuff. "Would you like me to show you?" He asked slowly.
Esme fell quickly for his laugh. It was contagious, she laugh to her random mumbling. "Yeah sure" she comb her short hair that fell right at the shoulder away from her face. She pray he didn't think of her cliche, but unlike some girls, Esme never worried what a guy though about her off the bat. If he was inviting her to have fun, it must be an A plus for her, still she hadn't though much of rejection. Alfie strikes her kinda nice, hopefully not boring, still nice. "Lead the way Alfie" she claim the spot next to him, Esme glad she wasn't sitting down anymore. Any minute sitting there, she would've felt her butt be all numb and stuff. Most annoying feeling was a sleeping butt, she dusted herself a little and smile. "What? Splinters hurt if you don't clean you arse" she laughed.

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