
Neiko Fedele

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Neiko was walking down the streets of Obsidian Harbor, it was a bright day and Tony had asked him to pick up groceries, which he had done but he had decided that he was going to walk a while. So he had sent the groceries home, one of the many pleasures of being a wizard and started walking. Even though Neiko didn't go out, besides to go see Tawny, he still knew his way around really well. Neiko didn't really know where he was going but he knew it felt good to be out again.

It had been hard for Neiko living in Italy once everyone found out he was gay, but here it was hard for him to remember that not many people knew. He still had the same habits staying inside, hiding. People back home had went as far as to try and hurt him, so he had hid. But now he was trying to be normal. Do things that he should be, and Tawny was helping him. So he was walking, and it felt good when people nodded at him, like he was a real person and not a thing. Tony had tried to tell him this was how it would be, but he hadn't believed him.

Neiko was so lost in thought he barley had time to stop before he ran into somebody. He didn't hit them but it was close, he backed up "I'm sorry, my fault I wasn't paying attention."
Max Blake was walking home from jamming at his friends house. He was walking carefully down the street with his guitar strapped on his back. His long hair was blowing in his face making it hard for him to see. He kept walking because he knew that if he didn't get home he would get in trouble for not watching his little sister, Harleigh.

All of a sudden a guy had almost ran into him.
"Aw,naw man it's cool," He said offering a hand to the guy.
Neiko assessed the guy he had almost ran into. He seemed like an okay guy, he had a guitar which was cool but Neiko had always been one for dance. Which had a lot to do with music just in a very different way. The man held out his hand and Neiko shook it. "Neiko Fedele." He said introducing himself, his worries from before out of mind. The guy was at least nice enough to understand a accident when he saw one, he had met many who would have went off on him.
"Awesome, Max Blake." He said smiling at the guy. Max began to examine thhe way the guy looked. He had long dark hair, but it was longer than Max's. His face looked normal.
"You come around here often?" He asked.
The guy introduced himself as Max Blake. Neiko had never heard of the family, but he really only new his neighbors. He asked if he came there often, and Neiko smiled "No, but I live here." He realized how stupid that must have sounded and tried to make up for it, "I normally shop closer to my house that is." He hoped that Max wouldn't think he was a total weirdo.
"Ah, I live around here too. Just down that way." He said pointing behind Neiko. "Us Blake's haven't lived here in town for very long. We moved from Scotland. I have a younger sister named Harleigh and my parents. That's all in my family currently. I think my mum and dad are planning to have another. I say it's a little late to do so but, oh well." He said hoping he didn't talk a lot. "Where do you go to school?" Max asked remembering he left his uncle out for a reason. He never mentioned his uncle because his uncle was a little a lot phyco.
Neiko nodded, he kind of had an idea on where he thought Max lived. "I live more in the suburbs farther away from town with my older brother Tony." Neiko smiled, he loved his house it was a rental, but they had fixed up to look nice. He knew how much it had taken Tony to do it, get them here and support them. Granted Neiko had gotten a job too helping teach dance, but it had been hard on Tony. But that's why Neiko knew he loved him so much, he had gotten him away from his parents. He knew how wrong that was but their parents had hated him with a passion and Tony had saved him. Max asked where he went to school, "Actually I was home schooled, but I'm 18 so I'm done." He smiled that was the other thing, Tony had home-schooled him, that had taken a lot from the both of them. "Where do you go, or are you done as well?" Neiko asked curiously.
"almost done, one last year. It's at Hogwarts." He said smiling. Max loved Hogwarts and was happy to be able to be so friendly and meet everyone new. His brown hair was blowing a little in the wind and he adjusted the strap on his guitar case. "Do you play any instruments or what do you like to do?" Max asked hoping to have found somebody to hang out with.
Neiko smiled, he went to Hogwarts like almost everyone else around here. Neiko was just a odd one out, "That's cool, It's a good school." Neiko had wanted to go to school, but he was too much of an emotional wreak when he had first moved here to handle it, so Tony offered to teach him. Then what Max asked next made Neiko wonder what to say, he could be honest or he could blow it off. But for once Neiko decided to take a chance, "I really like to dance, and my best friend says I make the best brownies on the planet." He shrugged, he had pretty much just screamed I'm gay to the guy, but if he didn't like it than Neiko wasn't attached enough to care a whole lot. "What about you?" Neiko smiled "I'm guessing guitar?" He raised an eyebrow.
Max chuckled at his response. "My little sister loves to dance and I love me some good brownies!" He said trying to be chill with the guy. His green eyes shifted to his guitar. "Oh, yea I love to play guitar it relaxes me. I also sing a little and like to read but that's all really." He shifted the guitars wait and realized that the dance and brownie boy was a little odd but he didn't care.
Neiko looked at the guitar it was very cool. He wondered when he started playing but didn't ask. "Music is my life, I'm just not the one playing it." He smiled he knew how the music felt, it was amazing or calming, whatever you needed it to be it was. "Tony likes to read, and I do but not as much as him. His room is practically a live in library." Neiko laughed but it was true. He was glad Max didn't seem to upset about his being.. different. "Oh I almost forgot we're both fluent in Italian, that's where we used to live." Neiko added quickly.
"Italy would be fun. My family and I speak fluent Latin. Great thing for a wizard or witch to know. Easier to create spells." Max smiled as he had done some fiddling with creating spells. He wished his was older now so he didn't have to go to school. "Do you make anything else besides brownies?" Max asked laughing to himself trying to make conversation.
Neiko nodded, he did miss Italy just not his parents. "That is a good thing to know." He smiled Neiko liked languages and had always wanted to learn more but hadn't gotten around to it. Max asked more about cooking and Neiko grinned, "I can make lots of things, it's kinda my hobby." He thought of all the times he had tried to do something nice and cook dinner for his mom and she had freaked on him saying boys shouldn't cook.
"I can't bake or anything but I can cook on a grill." He grinned. "You should show me how to bake something sometime." Max winked at him in the messing around but serious kinda way. He stuck his hand in his pocket and felt his hand hit his grateful stone. Everyone in his family had one. They kept it in their pocket or on their being and whenever they touched it they had to think of all the things they were grateful for. He closed his eyes and thought about how he was grateful for his guitar, music, his home, his parents, his sister, his food, everything. He opened his eyes and pulled his hands out of his pocket. "Hows life for you?" Max asked smiling.
Neiko nodded most guys couldn't bake, but most could grill. Although his brother could do neither. "I could." Neiko smiled, Max seemed like a nice guy. Or at least not a judgmental guy. It was a nice change, and Neiko hoped that he found more like him. He asked him how life was bringing a stone out of his pocket. He wasn't really sure what it meant but figured he'd tell him, "Well my best friend just moved back home." That had been nice, to get Tawny back no matter what she had done.
Max smiled. "That's cool, my life is pretty boring right now actually." He laughed then began to think about how his life was getting new friends, and fast. Max liked it and hoped he continued to make friends because it was great to have them. It wasn't hard for Max to make friends but, he found that his sister had a more troubled time. I guess that's what homeschooling does to you.
Neiko understood. When he had tried to hide from everyone in Italy it had gotten boring fast. "Maybe you should join a band." Neiko smiled, that's what he would do if he had the ability to play. It was a gift and he thought Max should use it. Neiko was sure in a big town like this he could find a place to play. Neiko was trying to find a way to turn dancing into a career, and Tawny was thinking about maybe starting a studio. Neiko thought it would be a good idea, but it would be hard work.

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