
Kobi Kirkland

OOC First Name
Kobi sighed as he walked through the isles of one of the outside markets, barely glancing at the trinkets and toys littered across the shelves. He blinked as a small music box caught his eye and he grinned widely, carefully opening it and humming as he recognized the song. He slowly closed it after a small while and left the shop, looking around the area curiously.
Alexis had just bought some new books for her research on Death Eaters and what makes them so evil. She passed a shop and looked inside, it was filled with music boxes and trinkets.

Lex looked inside the shop for 10 seconds more when a boy walked straight into her, dropping her books and knocking her head against the glass.

"Owwww." Lex moaned.
Kobi yelped a bit from the impact and immediately snapped down to pick up her books, smiling sheepishly and reaches out his free arm to steady her, "I-I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"
Lex nodded. "It's fine and I'm fine. Are you ok?" she asked, her American accent coming through. When he handed her, her books, she saw properly who bumped into her.
He smiled sheepishly and nodded, shifting his weight to the side, "Yeah, sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't looking."
Alexis giggled slightly at the boy. "I'm Alexis, but call me Lex." she stuck out her slender hand at the older boy.
He smiled widely at the girl and nodded, gently taking her hand and shaking it a good few times. "G'day Lex, I'm Kobi."
Lex giggled again. "C'mon. I'll buy yA a drink if ya want." she offered. She pushed her dark brown curls out of her face and behind her ear. She thought about what Dré and Harley would say, at the least Mom and Dad.
"No way I should be the one buying YOU a drink!"He smiled and laughed, gesturing for her to walk ahead of him, "It's the least I can do."
"Momma said never sayn no to a free drink, especially from a handsome boy." she stated before biting her lip and looking down in embarrassment.
He blushed a bit before laughing from nervousness, smiling and grinning at her. "Your Mum taught you well."He snorted and kept his playful grin splayed across his face, leading her to a cafe.
Lex followed Kobi. When they got inside the cafè, the waiter kept making eyes at Lex. This made her feel awkward. "" she started befre she realized it was probably her imagination.

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