Friends.... of both kinds.... ;)

OOC First Name
Lonnie was in a surprisingly good mood - something that rarely happened! He drifted off into a dream of some kind as he listened to his I-Pod. It may have been designed for muggle use, but it was pretty darn awesome! He paced up the streetl - with his camera around his neck, sketch pad under his arm and a selection of pencils in his back pocket - toward a bench half way along the road.

His good mood was probably down to the fact that his foster mother - who is his opinion was the biggest b!tch in the world - was away for a week seeing her mother, a muggle who was recovering from a hip operation. Which automatically gave Lonnie a whole lot more freedom to do what he wanted and go where he pleased without having to explain in extraneous detail dates, times and places!

As he approached the bench, he noticed another guy sitting on the other end of the bench, he slowed down and sat with his knees up and his sketch book resting on them. Giving the guy a nod as if to say hi, how are you, nice to meet you - or something like that.
Jerrod leant back on the a bench waiting for Lily to finish clothes shopping. He'd agreed to walk her back to the school to help her carry bags but there was no way he was walking around all the different clothes shops commenting on every bit of clothing she tried on. It was the one thing that drove him nuts. He was trying to get on her good side though. She seemed to be forgiving him for going out with a Gryffindor and he didn't want to tip her over the edge.

Jerry was getting fed up of all his family treating him like an outcast just because he was with Riley. He was in love with her and he didn't care what they thought about her. She was the one for him and he would happily live in the halfway house if it meant he could still be with her.

Jerrod's head turned when he saw someone sit next to him. He was about to comment on how the bench was empty for a reason before remembering the fact that he wanted to be kind to people and live up to the boyfriend Riley deserved. "Umm...hi..." He didn't know how to be kind to people. He was better at making sarcastic comments about their face or blood.
Lonnie could see that the guy wasn't too happy he'd been joined, nearly rolling his eyes at him and trying hard not to just ignore him all together, he explained "Hi, sorry just need a lil sit down, its been a long walk. I'll be off in a bit mate." he brought his hood up as he felt a definite chill in the wind. "So.... you waitin' for anyone then?" trying to diffuse the awkwardness. He wouldn't usually bother, but seeing as he was in a good mood today, it was just kind of happening!
Jerrod shrugged slightly, still trying to be a nice guy even though it was completely out of his nature to do so. "No, it's fine. Hopefully I won't be much longer." Jerrod looked around wishing Lily would hurry up but he could be here for ages knowing her. "I'm waiting for my sister. She's gone shopping and I agreed to help her carry back to the school. She could be forever yet though. She's a typical girl like that." Jerry always took the mik out of his sister but it was just playful banter.
Lonnie could defiantly tell this guy had already had enough of him, mainly because this was how Lonnie himself generally was with new people. "Ah, I can empathise on the girl side, my sisters and foster sister are nightmares, literally! They're the depiction of girly-girls! I blame my foster brother. He's gay. Very Gay!" He didn't like living in a house where there were so many feminine influences, that was the only good thing about his last foster home - fewer girls, apart from his biological sisters, Belinda and Samanther, who weren't that bad then!

"You just got the one sister or are you blessed with more siblings?" He mocked. letting out a short laugh laugh after, showing how little he had to thank for his own siblings!
Jerrod laughed slightly. "Unlucky. My sister's a girl when it comes to shopping but she buys rock star clothes and skate shoes. She's a bit of a rock chick really." Jerrod loved how Lily dressed the way she wanted and didn't care who saw. It made him proud of being her brother. He was similar but he didn't go over the top where as Lily just splashed out and wore in your face clothes.

Jerrod couldn't help but grin at his question. "I have five older brothers and three younger sisters plus we used to have five of our cousins living with us but one's gone to azkaban, two are dead and the other two have moved off to other countries so I never see them." Jerrod was used to all reactions he got from having a huge family. His mum had always been a family person. She had only ever had one sister when she was younger and had grown up saying she wanted loads of kids so they all had lots of people to talk to and mess around with. Obviously it was hard work but she did a good job of being a mother to that many people.

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