Friends For The Little Beauxbatons Girl .. Please?

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Annaleise Evett

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay, so. Helloo everyone out thereee! ^_^

Here I have little Annaleise Evett, a First Year girl at Beauxbatons. She needs friends, or she's going to be pretty lonely throughout her years at that school. xD Sooo, what I need from yoouuu is. Friends, enemies, and possibly a few love interests, and then we can discuss finals if we get some good love interests, if you wish.

Now a little about Annaleise, usually helps, right? :p

She is a kindhearted girl with a strong sense of justice, and she'll rush to the aid of her friends. She is shy a little bit at first around people she meets for the first time but she's usually able to rectify that pretty quickly. She would never betray the trust of a friend, and is always willing to help somebody in need, even if she doesn't know them.

So let me know what you can think, and if you can help. ^_^

- Zach
Well, I've recently acquired myself a Snow. Daniella Snow to be exact. She's a 4th Year Beauxbaton's. Still working on developing her character a little bit and while I don't know if these two would start out as what you would call super duper best of friends, perhaps Daniella could be a bit like a mentor of sorts for Annaleise. Just let me know what you think!
Okay, so, a mentor in which way? Just a "I'mgoingtotakeyouaroundthecastleandshowyoueverythingandslowlygettoknowyou" kind of thing? Or, did you have something else in mind? (that doesn't use half a line. :r )
Oh Geez and Pete...make my poor old eyes have to work harder than they already do xD Yes, I suppose that would be the kind of mentor I would be talking about...I don't really know any other kind TBH.
My bad. =))

Well, okay! I could see that working out, and Annaleise would definitely enjoy the company.

Would you like me to start a topic, or do you want to? Or do you want to wait a bit?
By all means, go ahead. ^_^
PM the link to Annaleise when you're done. :wub:
I can offer Yuri Mizushima as a friend.. :D

A first year in beauxbatons.. :D

She is a honest young girl with a strong sense of responsibility and justice. However, she is rather impulsive and jumps into things headfirst without considering the consequences. Although she always appears to be a cheerful person to her friends, she treats herself very harshly as she always wanted to do everything perfectly.. :D
Okay. Sorry for the wait. xD

Mintzy - If you could tell me a little bit about Mizelea and how you think she would get along with Annaleise, it would be cool.

Yuri - I think that may just work out nicely. Would you like to start or do you want me to?
Justin Cliffeton said:
Okay. Sorry for the wait. xD

Mintzy - If you could tell me a little bit about Mizelea and how you think she would get along with Annaleise, it would be cool.

Yuri - I think that may just work out nicely. Would you like to start or do you want me to?
Can you start it? :D
No problem, just give me a little time and I will.
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