Friends For the First Year

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Ariahna Northwood

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
This here is Ariahna Northwood. She's an 11 year old girl from New Zealand and a gryffindor. She's controlling and bossy, but she is also a nice and honest girl who does care about others. She cares a lot about what people think of her, and will get upset if people are mean to her face. Though she's growing up so as time goes on, she'll just become annoyed rather than upset. To find out more about Ariahna click on the links in the Signature.

Anyway, So what I want,

I'd like a small group of friends. Preferably gryffindor. This girls would be really close friends. They'd tell each other everything and have things in common, while also having some differences. They would have to be nice. And friendly. They can also be controlling and have a superority complex but still be friends. Learning to put up with differences. Basically what I want for Ariahna is a small group of close female friends. It would be best if they were first year, but I think second years may work also.

She also just needs friends. People who aren't in her immediate group but who she is friends with and will make the time for. Ariahna is a friendly girl. She tries her hardest around people, and likes to be in control. She's of average intelligence and loves adventure. She doesn't like fighting and hates when people are mean. If she has to, she'll argue back, but during her first year, she'll probably just walk away. So, She's pretty easy to be friends with I would say. This can be anyone.

And Enemies. The all important Enemies. People who just aren't nice. Who think they are so much better than everyone else. Ariahna does believe she is pretty important but she would never go around talking about it. It would be petty stuff right now, and they wouldn't ever fight. Not in first year anyway. Ariahna needs to learn to fight first.

Crushes. Older cute guys that little Ariahna could crush on. She's 11, so it's completely harmless. But, it could be someone who is nice to her and doesn't dismiss her because she's a first year. I know guys are in short supply, but come on, she's just crushing.

I can offer Roberta Esperon. 1st year Gryffindor.

They could be friends. Roberta has a strong explosive attitude, a bit rebellious but with a big heart to match. She likes helping people in difficult situations and she's a loyal friend.
They could be close friends.

I think they could work as friends. But, Ariahna would want to refine her and make her less rebellious. Or at least a smarter rebellious person. She doesn't handle "explosiviness" well, so this really could be pretty interesting.
I'd like them to RP together. Would you like to start something or shall I?
I have Alice Hills here. She's a first year Ravenclaw, but im sure that they could still get along. As a friend probably - she doesn't get on to well with enemies :p
Oh, i forgot to add, she's very clever so she can talk and rp at a good level of intelligence :p
That sounds fun. They could start with a bit competition there and then become friends.
Sure. Please start. PM me the link ^_^
I have Isobel here to offer. She could be an enemy. She has already made quite a few friends and enemies so she is quite developed and would love someone else to pick on. She HATES her cousin Alice Hills (Above, played by my friend Kate,) and seeing as Alice and Roberta will probably be friends, Isobel would probably also hate Roberta.

Tell me what you think.

Becks :)

Okay, Annie, I shall start one asap.

Becks, I think they could make good enemies. Considering she also hates who Ariahna would be friends with. We can start that later. When the classes start.

And Kate, I shall start one asap.
I can offer Elliot Oz
She's pretty friendly, but loves to explore-she loves adventures.
Elliot is straight-forward, and doesn't beat around the bush. I reckon they could be friends ^_^
Let me know!
Donna ♥
I can possibly offer Aphrodite Romanes.
She is Very friendly, fairly girly, loves adventures and is always up for making a friend or two.
Aphrodite is also easily bossed around and has a knack for saying things at the wrong times.

Tell me What you Think! ♥


Donna - The could be explorer buddies. :lol: I think a friendship between them could work really quite well. Since they are in the same house and have similar interests.
Would you like to start something?

Jessye - Aphrodite sounds awesome too. I think she'd make a good friend to Ariahna. Ariahna likes people who are friendly. She wouldn't ever intentionally try to boss her around. It would maybe just be by accident/because she thinks her way would be better.
Would you like to start something?
I shall start something later tonight, and will PM you the link ^_^
I should have something started up by either tonight or tomorrow night and I will PM you the link.
I hope the Gryffindor Common Room is alright. :)
Ryuuji here can be a friend, he's rather athletic and he loves adventures. well... he's pretty sadistic at times too, but he does care about his friends.
Okay I don't know if you just want girl friends or boys ones but I'll offer you two anyway!
There is Ryan here who doesn't want to be in Slytherin.He is friendly,loyal and supportive.He is friendly and friends with Alice.So maybe they could become friends??

And I also have
Kate who is second year Hufflepuff.She is very kind and caring and loves to make people happy.She is very friendly and she could even help Ariahna get her bearings starting school.She is also Ryan's sister

Ryuuji - Sounds good. Would you like to start something, or shall I?

Johanna - I think Ryan might be a good match. Since they have common
friends. So, would you like to start something? Or Shall I?
For now, I think I'll get back to you about Kate. I think it would be interesting
to have them be friends, but when she's a little more used to the school.
I have Jordan Trace here soon to be Jordan Trace Vanderhol. He's going through the adoption process after being stuck in an orphanage for five years and he also has to start at a new school so he needs a few friends to help him on his way. He is nice quiet boy who doesn't talk louder then he has to so many people get annoyed with his quiet voice, though he isn't shy and love adventure and exploring. Jordan spends most of his time playing the guitar that he inherited after his parents death.
I have Allysha Vladimir.
She's a smart girl, but she can also be shy at times. She can have a little bit of a flare in her temper at times, though. But when it comes right down to it she's a really good friend and would never betray somebodies trust.
i have stefan glass if you want him for anything he is a puff through and through. he is also a wannabe musican. but its up to you what you want

Kate - Could you start? If you're too Busy I can, but it'll be in the next few days.

Steph - I think they could form a cute little friendship. Ariahna is alright musically. She can play
the piano and has for the past year, so she's still in early stages, but she'd love to spend time
with someone who is also musical.
Would you like to start something or shall I?

Zach - Sounds good! I think the two could get along quite well. Would you like to start something
or shall I?

Michael - Stefan sounds lovely. I think they could be friends. Would you like to start something or
shall I?
They should play a duet some time! I can start something now for them :)
Ariahna Northwood said:

Ryuuji - Sounds good. Would you like to start something, or shall I?

Johanna - I think Ryan might be a good match. Since they have common
friends. So, would you like to start something? Or Shall I?
For now, I think I'll get back to you about Kate. I think it would be interesting
to have them be friends, but when she's a little more used to the school.
Can you start it? :D
Um, could you please start it. Its just that i have completely run out of ideas for 1st posts or topic titles. Sorry, if i come up with anything though, i will let you know. And don't worry how long it will take :D
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