Friends, Enemies etc...

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Annie Cartwright

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Hello Ducklings!
This character is called Annie. She is 17 and goes to Beauxbatons. I want to find people to be her friends and people to be her enemies etc. I pretty much just want to plot and make this character as good as she can be. This is some stuff about her:
[li]Annie is originally from New Zealand.</LI>
[li]She attends Beauxbatons in France and lives with her aunt and uncle.
[li]She is nice to most people but she can be fiesty if she needs to.
[li]If somebody gets on her bad side, she will plot revenge.
[li]She might not go through wuth her plans to get people back, she has a really strong consience.
[li]Usually when Annie does something bad she will feel guilty untill it is resolved.
[li]Sometimes she wont feel guilty at all, she will think about it often though.
[li]Annie likes music and she listens to it really loud a lot of the time.
[li]She tends to think about the consequenses of her actions alll the time.
[li]Annie has a short attention span and she can't focus on any one thing for too long.
[li]She pays good attention to how she looks and tries to look her best.
[li]At times, Annie can get paranoid about things and can start to become anxious.
[li]She is loyal to a friend and will do whatever she can to make them happy.
[li]Annie can keep secrets really well but she will tell them if she feels its needed.
<LI>[li]Sometimes Annie can be ignorant to people around her but she does have an intuition.
<COLOR color="#000">Feel free to post or PM me if you want to RP with Annie. Plotting is welcome to, i don't bite! I don't really mind who she RP's with either as long as she can RP with them and they suit her personality in anyway. Contact me if you need anybody for a plotline or RP too.
Anna ♥
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