Friends, Enemies, Crushes galore!

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Anna Lasten

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this, is Anna. She is an outgoing girl that can cheer up anybody's day, but she has some self-esteem issues. She will do reckless stuff if she likes the idea and is extremely loyal to her friends as she doesn't want to lose them. Here is her biography if you want to learn more about her: Anna

I want her to have only one or two close/friends. These are people who will do stupid and reckless stuff with her and support her when she fails at something. She will be able to tell them anything and vice versa. They should also be able to tell her when an idea she has is too stupid/reckless.

I'd like her to have five or six average friends as she is an outgoing person and wants to be friends with everyone. They just need to be people that can help each other with assignments and talk during classes. Nothing huge at all.

Enemies. With an overly-excited girl like Anna there needs to be people that hate her and she hates. They should be fierce competitors in the classes they have together. Mainly people who insult her friends, herself, or her family.

Lastly, She will need crushes. She is a bit insecure about herself and likes guys that will make nice comments about her every once in a while. She also wants them to flirt back, so a guy being flirtatious isn't bad at all.

Tell me if you want to start an RP and I will send a link to you.​
I have some characters to offer.. :D
Ryuuji here is from Ravenclaw. he's rather athletic and he loves adventures. well... he's pretty sadistic at times too, but he does care about his friends.

I also have Fayt Aurelious, he's a slytherin..

Fayt comes across as being a mostly emotionless, cold child, focused solely on his interests and his vow to protect his sister.Though he is capable of portraying himself as a charming, cheerful, lenient individual, typically when on the presence of his adoptive parents, he is quick to revert to being unsympathetic when he no longer has to hide his true self. Fayt is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat, and it's with this stubborn behavior that he'll push through obstacles with a single-minded resolve to win, to advance, and to do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.
Despite everything, however, under the surface there's still a 10 year old boy. Prone to acting egoistically with a self-centered point of view, he can be quick to irritation when his demands aren't met, and sink into a moody frustration when his plans are compromised.

Then I also have Maria Leingod, she is an enigmatic girl, and a slytherin as well. She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to.Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating.She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.

They can be anyone you want them to be..
Ryuuji: I think that they could be really close friends, with his sense of adventure and caring. The sadistic thing could make them get in a few fights as all friends do.

Fayt: Anna and Fayt can start off as enemies as they compete in class. Then they could maybe get to know each other a bit and Anna could start trying to change him and make Anna someone he trusts?

Maria: Maria could be someone Anna hangs out with occasionally, just a friend. They would probably get in a lot of fights too.

What do you think?
I have one of my characters here,
I have Ryan Moon who is a first year Slytherin but he is not the typical Slytherin he is not mean and he is kind of nice.He likes to be reckless at times but can be a bit of a wimp sometimes.He can be a bit mean but he always regrets it afterwards.He likes having lots of friends and he doesn't care about what house they are in!

So is he the right type of person?? :)
Ryan is definitely a good person for Anna to be friends with. They could start off as friends, I'm thinking meeting somewhere on Hogwarts grounds, then they could start scheming and Anna could develop a crush on him, which could affect their relationship as friends. I'm probably thinking way too far ahead but what do you think?
Ya thats sounds good.Maybe they could become really good friends or something? but Ryan already has a girlfriend (nothing serious) but maybe in due time they could get together or something! :). Would you like to start the topic or will I?
Anna Lasten said:
Ryuuji: I think that they could be really close friends, with his sense of adventure and caring. The sadistic thing could make them get in a few fights as all friends do.

Fayt: Anna and Fayt can start off as enemies as they compete in class. Then they could maybe get to know each other a bit and Anna could start trying to change him and make Anna someone he trusts?

Maria: Maria could be someone Anna hangs out with occasionally, just a friend. They would probably get in a lot of fights too.

What do you think?
That sounds great, so, would you like to start the topic or shall i?
I'll start the topic for Ryuuji and Fayt, you can start the one for Maria. I'll PM you the links.
Hmmm. I believe they would be good enemies, seeing as Sapphire talks down about people and is pessimistic, while Anna tries to see the good in people so she feels better (she has a low self-esteem. You can read her personality here. ) What do you think?
Optimistic people annoy Sapphire, so she probably wouldn't like Anna very much. They would make good enemies. ^^
I have Cherrycola over here who loves adventure and is so hyper active someone would think that she's had a gallon of sugar pored down her throat. I've also been looking for people to get into trouble with her. Not her fault though, little miss Cherrycola just calls it to her :3

I have this girl here, as a friend. Potientially bestie.
She's a Gryffindor, with a huge heart, but a slight tendency to boss people
around. She means well, but, it can be misguided. She's pretty hyper and
just your general young girl.
If you want to know more about her, click the Biography link or Development.

As for a crush, I have a third year Ravenclaw that she could crush on. Nothing
would happen, but, He would be nice to her. So, he could help get up a small
confidence. I dunno.
He's a relaxed kind of guy. He likes being around others, and just relaxing. Having
a bit of fun and not really thinking too far into the future. He's a big reader and loves
a good book.
I have this character to offer as a friend. I'm still working on his character development but he's friendly, adventurous and just generally fun to be around.

Lola: She sounds perfect as a best friend. I'm planning on this character being in trouble a decent amount so tell me if you want to rp.

Ariahna: Another good choice for a best friend. I'm fine with having her have three besties. Maybe she could be the girl that helps Anna see the rational side to everything and helps calm her down?

Also, your other character would be a good guy for her to have a crush on, just someone to talk to and chill with.

Oliver: They could be good average friends I believe.

What do you guys think? Sorry it's a bit later.

Okay, Awesome! I'm good with that.
Ariahna would be the more rational one of the lot
And meeting in the dorm rooms is a good idea.

As for the male, I can start up a small RP, so they can meet.
I'm thinking he helps her get to/find her class. Shall PM you with
A link. Unless you'd like to start it up.
Ok, someone else is gonna have to start the RP cause I haven't been accepted yet. And Ariahna, please start the one with your other character. I'll pm you guys when im done with the rp.
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