Friends, Best Friends, Enemies Anybody?

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Jade Whittle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Hey guys, it has been AGES since I have been on here so I decided I'd start a new character and focus on her. So this is Jade, she is a first year Gryffindor as you can see. She is a bit of a withdrawn girl and needs some friends, best friends, enemies, possible love interests, anything you can think of! Here is a link to her character development. If you could help me out I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks! Hope to see you on the forums!
I have Benjamin Chase here. My first year Slytherin is a bit arrogant to some other people who seems not trustworthy for him. I can offer him as Jade's love interest. Ben is not really aware of other girls his age sometimes drooling over him because of his good looks and strong charisma. He is just eleven years old, but it is already obvious that he inherited the same charming looks of his father. I don't think I could actually offer him as a boyfriend because I don't think Ben is actually ready for it. Maybe Jade could have a small crush on him? Ben could maybe think of her as a close friend and maybe sometimes, an annoyance but still a loyal friend to him. I hope you could be frequently online so that we could RP smoothly. :D

I also have Alliyah Jackson here to offer. She is also a Gryffindor and very pretty. Maybe Jade and Alliyah could become close friends?

I have another character who is also a Slytherin. But she is currently in her second year. Do tell me on what you think, especially for Ben and Jade. ^_^
I think that Ben would be a good little crush for Jade. He's different from her they could balance each other out. I don't think Jade is old enough to have a boyfriend yet either, but he'd be a good friend a crush-from-afar.

Alliyah would be a good close friend of hers. She needs a gitl friend she can trust. The other slytherin I would need to know more about.
I certainly agree with you. Maybe after several roleplays, Jade could already develop that intention to Ben? I'm still working on Ben's character development. It might take me a while, but it will surely provide more information about him. As for Alliyah, she might as well meet Jade too. The both could maybe have a strong relationship with one another.

Ben and Jade
- Could I have the honors for starting the thread? I haven't officially role played him yet so might as well start the main thing.

Ally and Jade
- Could you start the topic? Anywhere is good for me. ^_^
Yeah, I still have major character development I got to do with this girly. It'll all work out!

Ben and Jade

Of course! Just send me the link

Ally and Jade

Yep, I will
I also have my peppy little Maddie here everyone so if you could help with her also, I would love you forever! Thanks again!

I think that Jade and Myra would be perfect friends! They both have that artistic streak, though there might be some rough patches with Myra being mean, but that just makes it more interesting. Any thoughts on how to start it?
I have Hariah Meadow here to offer? Like Jade she is a first year Gryffindor! It would be great for her to have a girl friend or just a friendly room mate who she can talk to? She's only met boys so far! :D Feel free to read the biography and judge for yourself on how well they would get on?
Hi! I think that Hariah is a good opposite for Jade, you know, encourage her out of her shell. They could also have some fights though over her "keeping up appearances" thing. Let me know when and where for the role-play if you still want to do it!
Yeah that sounds fine, it would be interesting to mix things up instead of just being friendly all the time! :)
I also see that Jade is a good singer but doesn't like to admit it? Hariah sings too so perhaps they could maybe bond over that or something, or conflict even once Jade gets more confident? I know that they are starting a Glee club that Hariah wants to join, maybe she could encourage Jade to join? :)

I'm ready to rp when you are! :)
Okay, that sounds great! Do you mind if I start the RP?
Hey! I have Andrea here. She's also a freshman Gryffindor like Jade. They can be good friends or whatever you want them to be. For more info about her please read her biography.
Hmmm...interesting character. I'm thinking maybe they have some conflict at first before realizing they can work better as friends?
Anytime that works for you! Mind starting the RP? Cause my life is hectic today o_O
Yeah go ahead :)
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