Old School Week Friends Before School

Delphine Honeysett

New Zealand was the most recent home for one Delphine Honeysett, and she couldn't be happier with the prospect of exploring! Her sister wren decided that she would take her out for a bit to get her out of the house, and the weather was so nice for it. The girl, whom would be a first year come the start of the school year, was excited adn full of glee. What adventures would await her? And would she make friends? A park seemed like the perfect place to start, and she bounded over to a grassy area, with a fake wand in hand, ready to find a friend or friends!
Penny was adjusting to the news that her father was a 'squib' and she was a witch! She had received a letter and the first line had read "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts…" I didn't even apply, she had thought. Then followed questions, questions which led to more revelations and a trip to purchase magical supplies. Penny's head was totally bamboozled by the end that all she could do was escape to the park. She was sitting in the grassy area when a girl ran past. Smiling, Penny thought she looked fun. She stood up quickly, "Hey, what are you playing, can I join?"
Alexander had been sitting on a grassy area when he noticed that there was a young girl around his age bouncing about. He decided to go up to the girl and ask if he could join. He noticed that another girl went up to her as well. "C-can I join too?" Alexander says shyly as he stuttered a little.
Delphine gave a large smile exposing teeth and gums when she was approached by a girl and a boy. "Yeah! I want to be an auror when I grow up, so I'm hunting bad guys! But I'm too young to have a wand. Do you guys have wands?" She asked, wondering if they were students yet. That would be exciting, maybe she could see some magic!
Penny hadn't heard the word auror before, but now she knew they were the ones who hunted bad guys, that sounded like a cool job and an even cooler game! "Shall we all play aurors vs bad guys?" She grinned with excitement. "I don't have a wand yet but I can get one." She said, running to a stick she spotted on the ground and picking it up.
Alexander shakes his head shyly when the girl asks if he had a wand and shrugs when the other girl asks about a game. He didn't mind playing games. He noticed that one of the girls picked up a stick nearby and he decided to do the same thing.
Yasmina arrived at the park, and spotted a few kids around her age. She spotted some kids playing with sticks. She wasn't sure what they were doing but she wanted to take part. "Can I join?" she said loudly.
Delphine smiles brightly. “You guys are the best! Yes of course!” She welcomed. “Okay there is four of us. So two gotta be the bad guys, and two gotta be the good guys. I call good guys since I started it!” She said, wondering if anyone wanted to be a bad guy.
The group had grown to four to make it more exciting. "I'll play one of the bad guys!" She said, "I'm warning you, though, I'm fast and you won't be able to catch me!" Penny flashed a wicked grin, her competitive flare was coming out.
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Alexander smiled shyly. The group had got slightly bigger. "Hmm I'll be the o-other bad guy then," Alexander said shyly with a slight stutter. "I'm not a fast r-runner," Alexander said with a stutter and small shrug.

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