Closed Friendly Quidditch Banter

Marley Owens-Lee

5th 🦡 puff co-captain 🧹 artistic 🎨 energetic 💫
OOC First Name
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Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
15 (05/2048)
Marley had still been surprised that she had been picked as co-captain for the quidditch team. While she had been on the team for a while now, having the title of co-captain hadn't been something she was expecting or had she seen coming. She co-captained with Bailey, and Bailey was nice. Marley wasn't the only one in her year who had become co-captain, her friends, Lucy and Teddy had also managed to get those positions for their own team, and she had been quite happy for them. Marley had decided to meet up with Teddy, to hang out with one of her best friends while also maybe practising Quidditch for a bit. The Hufflepuff stood on the edge of the quidditch pitch as she waited for her friend. She grinned as she had noticed him. "Hey! Look who it is! The new Gryffindor co-captain!" Marley says with a chuckle and a wave.
Teddy was running late and arrived on the Quidditch pitch slightly breathless from rushing. With his broom in one hand and the other brushing his hair away from his face, he saw Marley and headed over to her. His mood was good for the start of the year and made better with not one but two new badges pinned on his robes. He threw his arms wide when Marley spoke. "The one and only, except of course, for the other Gryffindor co-captain." He shrugged since co-captain didn't sound quite as good as captain, "Humble beginnings and all that.” He kept his arms wide but this time for a hug, “Speaking of which, a congratulations is in order for you, puffs latest co-captain and prefect too. How does it feel?"
Marley grinned happily at her friend, proud of the achievements Teddy had accomplished so far. She then laughed a little at her friend's statement. He guessed he was right about the fact that there was another co-captain. She grinned as it looked like Teddy was coming in for a hug and she couldn't say no to a bug, so she went in for a hug, her arms also wide. "Thank you!! Feels a bit strange, but in a good way! It seems really exciting though! Congrats to you too on making it as a prefect as well! How bout you? How are you feeling?"
Teddy closed his wide arms around Marley and gave her a hug before he pulled away, "You earned it." He replied cheerfully, Marley's own achievements mirroring his own in many ways. "I'm good, I think the strangest thing isn't any of that. It's that my dad has taken a teaching post this year." He said, pulling a face. Thankfully not a post that would be teaching him, but it still meant his dad was present in Teddy's domain, "And I'm not sure how I feel about that."
Marley smiled, hugging her friend back before also pulling away from the hug. "So did you!" Marley says happily, patting her friend on the shoulder proudly. She can tell how hard Teddy works for things, and she is happy for her friend. Marley giggled at her friend's reaction. "Oh, does that mean you have to follow the rules and be a goodie two shoes?" Marley teased her friend. She knew Teddy could be mischievous when he wanted to be, but he was a good person though. "I'm sure it feels a little weird right? Understandable if you do feel a little weirded out. Schools different from home I guess."
Teddy grinned as Marley teased him, "Oh come on, if a couple of badges won't change me ten he won't make the slightest bit of difference either." Teddy liked to think he had a pretty good balance of rebellious and responsible, he had his fun but at the end of the day he'd never been in much trouble in five years and did well in class which made him look way better behaved than he actually was. Marley was similar in many ways, "I'll get used to it, anyway he's teaching the lower years so I doubt I'll see him that much." Teddy said, eying Marley's broom and changing the subject, "Wanna race?" He asked joking of course, Marley's broom wasn't a touch on Teddy's.
Marley giggled shaking her head. She knew her friend was mischievous but responsible lad and had full trust on what he was saying. "If you say soooo" Marley says teasingly with a grin, even though again, she fully believed what he had to say. She nodded. "Still, I'm sure it would be still be weird seeing him around for a first wee while of him popping up randomly in the halls here and there. Oooo maybe him and I can become great buddies and gang up on you" Marley teases with a giggle, tilting her head back a little, thinking she was funny for the sudden idea that popped in her head before then shaking her head. The Hufflepuff smirked at the next question Teddy asks her. "Of course! From one end of the pitch to the other?"
Teddy looked offended, but he wasn't of course, they were only playing, “Gang up on me? Wow, Marley the Betrayer. I see how it is," he said as he clutched his chest playfully for a moment. He moved his hand away and pointed to the start and finish line for their race. "Race from one end of the pitch to the other. I can give you a head start if you’re afraid you can’t keep up with my Turbo Triple Kiss.”
Marley cracked a laugh. "Nah I'm only joking, I wouldn't betray you like that," Marley says with a small smile. It was true though, she had found a good friend in Teddy and she knew she could rely on that boy for anything. Marley grinned as her friend had decided on a race between the two of them. "Nah, no head starts, a race will do. One end of the pitch to the other sounds like a plan" Marley says with a nod.
Teddy shrugged at her refusal of a head start, "Have it your way, Hufflepuff." He teased, mounting his top spec broom and heading to the starting position on one end of the pitch. He missed out getting to fly his broom like this in games because he was a Keeper but could make up for it at times like this. "You say go!" He told her, ready to race on her call.

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