Friend please?

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Amber Wilson

Well-Known Member
Hi, I want Amber to have like a real best friend that she can tell anything and that she can hang with once she is sorted into Hogwarts. I was hoping to make it somebody with a similar upbringing to her or somebody with a complately different upbringing, i would prefer a boy but a girl would be fine. Here is some stuff about her...
Amber was born in Paris, France but moved to New Zealand when she was 5 months old.
She as a Kiwi accent and her first language is english but she speaks fluent French.
Her mother and father are very sucessful so her whole family is very rich.
She cares alot about how she looks and is interested in fashion.
She's rude to people who are rude to her, otherwise she is polite.
She was raised to be polite so she has exceptional manners.
She enjoys nature and being outside.
She stands up for herself and her friends.
She will become violent if necessary.
The people she lives near are snobs and she doesn't talk to them much.
Her parents are strict and she breaks their rules when she can.
She is overly confident.​
I was also thinking that her friend could not have very much self esteem. Thats optional though :)
Hi there, So Finnian here is my newly created character....

Let's talk about his personality shall we? :lol: xD
Finnian Rosenkranz said:
Finnian's only existing relative is his grandmother and grandfather, who brings him to the (I haven't really decided on that yet, still searching for a place where he will work) mansion where he becomes a servant. Quiet and withdrawn, he usually distances himself from people and doesn't seem fond of interfering with others' problems when he doesn't need to. He has a kind heart though. He is shy and has a weak personality, and his "friends" often talks him into trouble.

Finnian is very calm when dealing with his problems despite some of them being almost grave. He handles situations calmly and with a smile on his face. Because he is a servant, he tends to be very punctual and doesn't like being late to his appointments. Finnian is a dutiful and dedicated servant. He follows every order even the most ridiculous one. He always tries that the (undecided) house runs smoothly.

Finnian is diligent and is a hard worker. His words are very polite. He loves studying and reading. He often likes being alone too as he can think freely when he is by himself. Sometimes, Finnian has this air about him that distances himself from others.

However, when Finnian's loved ones were in danger, his personality changes completely, he will lose the shyness and slightly takes things a little more seriously than what he would have been. He cares for those that he loves very deeply.

So, would you like him to be a best friend of some sort? :lol:

I'm also wondering if you would like, since your character is rich, maybe, that's the place where he works too? Just wondering... I think that it would be a great plot if the master and the servant becomes great friends eventually... :)
I have Giovanna, who is also in the one RP with you. :) If you want to read her bio and then see if they could be friends, let me know :D
Undeveloped, but that will hopefully change soon! Meggie has no friends at the moment, and I would love to see how she would interact with Amber. She may be a friend, or even best friend for Amber?

"Meggie is a little anti-social, partly owing to the fact that she is a muggleborn witch who didn’t know about magic for most of her life and always thought that she was just the 'weird' kid that nobody liked. She views the world as being full of naive and uneducated people, who are amusing to watch nonetheless. If approached, Meggie will attempt to be friendly towards the other person, but will quietly wish that they’d leave her alone. She is a little rude, often without meaning to be. While she isn't good at making friends, Meggie really wants to have a friend or two.
Meggie doesn't come from a rich family, but is not at all envious of people who do. She is mostly accepting of others, regardless of who they are. Unless, of course, they are so horrible annoying that she simply has to wring their necks."
I have Andy Hydran who I have recently made Here is his CD
And I also have Drew Handler Here's his CD
They are quite similar but different in their own ways, but they are both timid and extremely shy, Drew is a pacifist while Andy is scared of everything :p Im quite sure Andy and Amber have met in an RP too, which would make it easier ;)
Im also making another boy character as well, but he is not as timid as those too so yeah :)

Drop me a PM on Andy or Aussie here and we can talk about it and fine tune the details :woot:

How about Danielle?
Lets Talk about her...
Danielle Nicolette Warbeck said:
Danielle is very weird and sometimes oblivious, she loves nature and all it has to offer. Danielle likes to be outgoing and is not afraid to stand up for someone. She can be calm but mostly is the one running around like crazy. She can really be a good friend and can feel peoples feelings, and is good at giving encouragement. Many people say she is Mad.

She does not have many friends because people think she is mean, or weird. Her sister Pavarti hates her because she is jealous of her magic, and her Father hates her because he hates magic, so she needs someone to talk to about that.

So mabye Danielle and her could be friends? They met a couple times!
Thanks for posting everyone :) I am not sure who to pick. Theres so many choices. :/ I don't want to reject anybody.
I actually have Jordan Trace who is from NZ as well, which means they could have met on the playground when they were younger before coming to school :)


feel free to read and take your time with your decision :)
Thanks for posting! :) I would like to do RPs with everyone. They all sound cool. Sorry i haven't posted on this thing in a while :shy:

Giovanna: I think they could be friends, but it might be a little awkward considering she seems quite shy. But i think Amber could help her come out of hr shell. It would work :)

Megara: She seems really sweet and really shy. How do you think her and Amber could meet and stuff? They dont really see how they could meet. They seem like very different people, but opposits do attract :)

Andy: Since they hve met before they would know a little about eachother so it would start off okay. Amber is scared of quite alot of stuff too, but she can be brave... Only when she needs to be. Otherwise she is kind of a coward. An RP of them both being scared of something sounds funny. I will PM Andy about it :)

Danielle: Her and Amber seem very alike. They could bond over how they don't get along with their families :)

Jordan: He seems adorable, they could be good friends. I have read his Bio, they have really different pasts so they wouldn't be able to understand what it is like for eachother. They could be friends based on how nice Jordan sounds though :p
I will PM all of your characters soon to discuss RPs and what their futures as friends could be :)
I know a lot of people posted here already but:
This is my character that I'm hoping to become a Gryffindor. Aimee lived in the U.S.A. until she was 5 years old. Then she moved to France and lived there until she was 10 years old. Now she lives in New Zealand with her mom. She only recently found out she is a witch. She had yelled at her mom for making her move again and she had explained everything.
Now, on to her personality. She speaks French and English (having lived in different countries). She is confident and kind (if the person deserves it). She has a quick temper. She cracks jokes when she's happy, and isn't afraid to dance around and be crazy. She is loyal once she gets to know someone really well. Aimee can fight if someone so deserves. That's the basics.

I saw some similarities between them.
Hey there! This is Rapunzel Frost! She gets along with pretty much anyone! She's only been in New Zealand for a few months but she's just now meeting people because she's always busy around the house with her mother's work. Her father left her fam when she was two and they barely ever talk and she's never seen him. He was once a Slytherin at Hogwarts. Rapunzel is a half-blood. She can be adventurous at times and she has no preference on Hogwarts houses. She doesn't like to judge people by looks or first meeting. They don't have a lot in common but sometimes it's better to be opposites :D !!!
Let me know if you wanna RP!

Aimee: She sounds nice, she also sounds like fun :D They would get along well.

Rapunzel: She seems fun. Her life sounds pretty messy though. Amber wouldn't be able to relate to her but You're right. Opposites do attract. xD

I will pm you both. :) Thanks for posting.
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