Friend or Foe?

Adriana Clarke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Adriana was walking in Obsidian Harbour, not really caring for the people around her. It seemed as if there was really no new gossip for the day, let alone good conversation. In an irritated huff she sat and observed her surroundings. On her left there were two women, talking about their husbands. Boring. To her right, younger kids were playing good wizard vs. bad. Wasn't there going to be anything interesting? The curly haired girl took out her notebook and sighed, scribbling down her thoughts and huffing often. She just hoped that some entertainment would come.
Rapunzel blew a strand of hair out of her eyes. She kicked at a few stones lying in the cobblestone streets of Obsidian Harbour. She held her hands behind her back as she strolled down the road. Sighing, Rapunzel glumly read the shop signs. She was upset about leaving Val, her best friend/sister. The hug that Val had given her was one she would never forget.

Rapunzel was in the most frustrated mood she had EVER been in. She saw a girl her age that was writing something down in a notebook and a few kids close by. Rapunzel bit her lip then found a good sized rock. I think I can make in between them... Rapunzel's leg extended, sending the rough edged rock flinging towards the girl's arm. Her eyes widened and she held her hand to her mouth. It bounced off the curly-headed girl's wrist and Rapunzel rushed over to apoligize.
Adriana was still scribbling for a long while. She didn't even notice Rapunzel. By the time that she was there, the first year was just writing down 'I am so bored. I am so bored.' over and over and over. In any other circumstance she would find it funny, but it was just annoying by this point. After all, no one would be happy with just sitting somewhere without somewhere to go.

The rock hit her skin and the girl dropped her book. If she had just gotten hit, it wouldn't have been a big deal. But, her book's pages were now spread across the ground. Those were the pages that she spent forever writing on. "Ow!!" The cry escaped her lips and she looked to the supposed perpetrator. "Um, excuse me!? Be more careful!!" She groaned and held her wrist. This girl was definitely not on her good side. But, she could try to act civil to her.
Rapunzel suddenly turned angry at the girl's reactions. Normally, she would have apoligized politely while gathering her stuff up for her. Rapunzel was often polite and considering, but she wasn't known to take crap from people either. She was also in a particularly bad mood. "Whatever," Rapunzel said boredly, giving a swish of her hand to show the girl she had no interest in apoligizing for her mistake. She was prepared to come back at her with some sort of rude insult, but instead she decided to just let it go.

Rapunzel's fists were clenched tight by her sides. She mumbled under her breath, "Sheesh, the nerve of some people." She knew it was clearly her fault but she wasn't about to admit the truth. She took a few mind-cleansing, yoga-type breaths and began to stomp past the curly-haired girl.
Adriana huffed at her and snorted. "Wow, you have wonderful manners. I suppose you were raised out in a barn somewhere." She bent over and picked up her papers, then sat back down. Rapunzel was just not going to get along with her, was she. Even through the anger in her tone she could at least think of a way to embarrass the poor girl. "You know, it's nice to say I'm sorry. Or did they not teach you that? Wow."

As she trudged past, Adriana stuck out her leg innocently, just enough so that the other would trip. It was a very old trick, but no matter what people always fell for it. Then, she just waited for the impending spill and possible confrontation. Today actually did turn out interesting.
Rapunzel scoffed at the girl's rude comments, but she wasn't about to start a fight.... that is, until the girl stuck out her leg at just the right time and Rapunzel fell to her knees. Luckily she only got up with a skinned knee, but that little act had sent her over the edge. She turned on her heel to face the girl who was sitting down and put her hands on her shoulders and shoved her back on the head of the bench, "I'm Rapunzel Frost. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Rapunzel let go of the girl's shoulders and tried to end the unfriendly meeting by leaving again but she had a slight pang in her stomach that told her she wasn't quite allowed to walk away yet.
The girl let out a little groan as she was shoved back, but smiled almost instantly. "Adriana Clarke. Nice to meet you, Frost." Adriana knew there was a bruise forming on her back, but she didn't really mind at the moment. But as she walked away the girl let out a small giggle. It was mostly her pride that made her so mean, not like she minded at all. "Wow, really.. Not even going to try having a conversation, are you?" Her chin was now resting on her palm, elbow situated on her knee. Messing with this girl was actually fun... You know, in a sadistic sort of way.
Rapunzel sighed irritably and paused her swift movements headed in an opposite direction from Adriana. Her eyelids rested atop her eyes and she clenched her teeth together as tight as her fists. Then she looked over her shoulder at the rude girl, then she turned around completely, glaring at her. Then in a cruel tone of voice, Rapunzel replied, "Yeah, fine... Let's talk."
Adriana smiled at her, obviously being fake sweet. "Okay Miss Frost, how're you?" Of course she didn't care at all, but she just felt like aggravating her more. "Having a nice day? Not getting rocks thrown at you, right?"

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the bad post, I'm studying. :lol:
Rapunzel bit her lip, holding in all the rage this girl was causing. It was obvious that Adriana could tell she was bugging Rapunzel. "Oh, you know, same old, same old!" She said with a smirk, "And of course not! Why would somebody through a rock at little ol' me!?!" She put on an innocent face and frowned. Then she continued glaring, racking her brain for a rude comment to throw at her but nothing came to mind so she tossed the question back at her, "What about you?"
OOCOut of Character:
haha that's okayy
"See... My day was actually pretty boring." Adriana twirled a piece of hair, acting absolutely uninterested. Then she shot her an ice cold glare, but smirked. "Uh. Until, that is, an obnoxious little girl threw a rock at my wrist." It was actually getting fun to do this, at least to Adriana. After all it wasn't like she was going to do anything. "But hey, now I'm talking to a delightful person!"
"Ahh I see," Rapunzel gave her a bored stare. This girl's sarcasm was good, real good. Rapunzel could never match up to the rudeness of Adriana... But then again she didn't want to. Rapunzel shook her head in a disappointed fashion and finally took her seat on the bench. "So do you think you'll be getting a bruise on your back?" Rapunzel smiled, almost proud of herself for the cruel deed she carried out, then when she realized the pride in such a horror, she was startled and began asking herself questions like... What in the world am I doing!?! Why are you being so mean today!? You're not making an ENEMY are you!?!?!?!?!
Adriana smiled at her, almost genuinely. Yet at the same time, she didn't want to give the girl satisfaction in knowing that her back actually hurt a lot. "Yeah probably. I bruise easily, though it doesn't hurt at all." She flicked her wrist back and forth, well, the one that wasn't hit by a rock. Her eyes rolled, and she faced the girl in boredom. "Do you think you got a skinned knee? Or does it 'not hurt in the least?'" That's what she would say if she was in Rapunzel's position... But then again the two girls seemed too different to really have the same way of doing things.
Rapunzel harrumphed at Adriana waving it off as if it were nothing. "Oh of course it hurts, but it's nothing I haven't handled before. I'm not the type of person who would be so much of a baby to complain of as little a thing as a silly skinned knee," Rapunzel yawned then stood up, "Well I really should be going, making a few more friends before I begin my year at Hogwarts!" She rolled her eyes, straightened her shoulders, and stuck her nose in the air. She tossed one side of her hair over her shoulder and blew her dark brown bangs to the side then bid Adriana farewell.

OOCOut of Character:
I ended it right here since we're bout to start at Hogwarts!

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