Open Fresh New Beginnings

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
Set on the first day of classes in Y45

Matt always loved the start of a school year. It truly felt like a new beginning, a year full of possibilities. He enjoyed seeing the students reconnect at school and settle back into their routine. He was proud of how well things went generally, and how the older students helped the younger ones on their way. Matt stood in the Entrance Hall, hands folded behind his back as he watched students go in or out of the great hall. Some had eaten breakfast early and were already looking for their first class, others were a bit later and were looking at their schedules as they headed into the great hall to eat. Matt smiled at the passing students, greeting a few by name as they passed. He had noticed over the past three years that he had distanced himself a bit from the students, especially compared to when he was a teacher. This year, one of his goals was to bridge that gap and be more approachable. He nodded at another group of passing students, wondering if he could help anyone or just have a little chat with any of the kids here at school before their first class.
((apologies I couldn't resist))

Sixth year was almost a breather year in between fifth and seventh. Almost. It was still going to be rough, Aine knew, and she couldn't exactly stop working hard. Not that she would, if she stopped at the pace she was at she thought she might never start again. But she could relax a little, focus more on general self-improvement and the like. Be a better person. The same thing she said every year, but this time she was sure it was for real. She would be pleasant and manifest the idea that she was completely normal and knew exactly how to talk to people.

"Professor?" Aine asked, her footsteps coming to a halt as she saw Professor Alcott-Ward hanging around the Entrance Hall. It was rare to see the headmaster around the place, and immediately all her positive affirmations and regurgitated self-help faded to be replaced by irrationality and paranoia. "Oh shi-vers. Is something wrong?" The badge on her chest weighed like an anchor. If she looked properly, she'd see he seemed totally fine, and her limited exposure to the headmaster had shown her he was a friendly person who tacitly approved of the History Club. "Do you, uh, need me to help rally the troops or something?"
Teddy had been strolling to breakfast with @Amodeus Jones when he noticed the headmaster and a prefect talking, and Teddy picked up on the air of panic from the prefect. Intrigued and slightly alarmed, Teddy approached to eavesdrop. The prefect was speaking about rallying the troops and Teddy assumed they were preparing for something big. Now, come to think of it, Teddy had never seen the headmaster just casually standing in the entrance hall, and his mind raced with wild possibilities. He didn't need to hear any more, he quickly returned to Amodeus and whoever else was nearby and said, "I just heard that prefect and the headmaster talking, apparently they are evacuating the castle!"
Amodeus was having a great time, he alwyas loved being back at school. He'd just been wondering around aimlessly with Teddy when suddenly the boy ran off without him. He blinked, and hesitated a moment. Was he supposed to follow? He didn't really have to think long, though, as Teddy came rushing back. Amodeus gave out an audible gasp as the boy spoke. "What? Really? Why?" He whispered back loudly, trying to wrap around Teddys arm so he could hide against him. @Teddy Pirrip
"I don't know," Teddy began, his voice filled with a hint of excitement. "But it must be serious. They said they're rallying the troops!" The adrenaline surged through him as he mentally prepared for what could be a significant event. He did feel a bit concerned, especially for the first years who were living their very first day at Hogwarts and didn't yet know any spells to defend themselves with.
@Amodeus Jones
Benicio was just behind Teddy and about to say hello when he overheard what the two boys were talking about. His heartbeat quickened, both with excitement and fear. "Maybe there's another basilisk loose" he whispered loudly, "or another dangerous creature." He'd overheard his grandma and mother talking about it before his first year when they'd been considering if Hogwarts New Zealand was right for him.

@Teddy Pirrip @Amodeus Jones
Morrie had finished breakfast and was heading back to fetch her things for lessons when she overheard a conversation between three boys. "A basilisk? What's that? Are we safe?" she asked, her voice tinged with an undercurrent of concern.

@Benicio Matos
((well, this topic took a glorious turn))

Matt had known some students might look at him a little weird for just standing around like this, but he generally saw himself as a pretty approachable guy. He was still getting used to the fact that he no longer was just the goofy History teacher in the student's eyes. Nothing had shown that to him as clearly as the concern on Aine Thompson's face as she stopped next to him. He blinked at her, then shook his head quickly. "Oh, no, Miss Thompson, not at all." He said lightly, waving her concern away. "I was just enjoying the atmosphere of the new school year. It's nice to see everyone so eager to start again." He told her with a smile. "Though if I did need to rally the troops, I would be glad of your help. I think you would be quite good at that." He mused out loud.

It was then that he noticed a small commotion nearby. A group of young boys, either second or third year, were whispering together. Matt watched them for a moment, puzzled. They seemed either excited or worried, but it seemed to lean more toward excitement. He hesitated, then lowered his voice as he spoke to Aine. "Do you know what is going on over there?" He murmured, wondering if it was a cause for concern. He saw a young girl stop there too and ask a question, which made Matt squint a bit. Had she just said basilisk? He hoped not, but he was failing to come up with a word that sounded similar enough for him to be mistaken about it. Asterisk?
Aine's mouth had worked before her brain, as usual. Or, perhaps her brain had just jumped in completely the wrong direction and she'd gone along for the ride. She shrunk in place, feeling a little guilty for jumping to the worst conclusion and looking even more embarrassed at the comment. Compliment? No, it seemed more like it was poking fun at her? Most likely, she figured - evidently not learning her lesson at all. "Oh! Sorry, Professor, it was just unexpected..." she trailed off, reaching up to fiddle with her hair. She vaguely heard mutterings of younger students, and turned to look at them in confusion. They seemed to be concerned and/or excited about something, but she hadn't quite caught what it was they were saying as she'd been focused on the headmaster. She pulled on the hair she'd been fiddling with in mild consternation.

"I have no idea," Aine admitted, looking a bit sheepish. She was supposed to be a good example and she wasn't looking anywhere near confident or cool. Surely the students weren't taking any notice of her, though. She had been told that she needed not to think everyone was paying attention to her, so clearly it couldn't be the case. "Something about installing magical lifts? No, they don't look like Ravenclaws..."
Amodeus was looking wide eyed at everyone that had gathered. He was stuck close to Teddy's side, chewing on his lip as he worried. "Should we ask?" He whispered, glancing over. When he saw that the two were now looking at them he let out a little 'meep' and hid a bit more in Teddy's side. "Teddy," He whispered, reaching out to tug on the hem of the boys shirt.
"It's like a giant snake thing. You'll be fine, just don't look it in the eye," Teddy quickly assured the first year, offering a reassuring smile. His attention then swung back to Benicio. "Another basilisk? You mean this has happened before?!" Teddy inquired, glancing around at the headmaster who was also looking at them, and then at the prefect, who was also looking at them too. Something was definitely up and they both had puzzled looks about it. Teddy wondered why there wasn't more action since an actual fricking basilisk was on the loose! Amodeus suggested asking but Teddy wanted to hear Benicio's thoughts first before making a decision.
@Benicio Matos
Benicio nodded firmly as Teddy explained to the girl which became a more fervent nod at Teddy's question. "Remember how I told you my grandma said the forest was dangerous when we first met? That's the big reason why. It was in the papers if you don't believe me. I think it ate a centaur" Benicio explained in a hushed voice, excited for the attention and knowing something perhaps the others didn't. He couldn't remember all of the details, but he was sure it ate something.
@Teddy Pirrip @Morrie Ayre
Morrie's eyes widened at the description of a basilisk, and the thought of one being on the loose worried her greatly. "So, you're telling me that a basilisk is like a giant snake, right? And it actually ate a centaur? And now it's in the castle? What's it doing here?" Her voice quivered with increasing concern, and her breath quickened. She tried to maintain her composure, but the idea of a basilisk in the castle was undeniably alarming. Surely someone should be doing something about that!
Amodeus tucked himself more behind Teddy, the idea of a giant snake frightening him. He swallowed hard, feeling the tears welling up in his eyes. "Teddy," He was more insistent now, trying again to tug on his friends shirt. "We should really talk to someone," He offered, his voice breaking as he started to tremble, sniffling a bit. "I don't want to be snake food." @Teddy Pirrip

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