free world please?

Stephanie Cramwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Stephanie went to the North Tower for a change. The views there are refreshing and she was tired reading. Later that morning, she had an owl from her mom. Her mom was asking if how's her school days going and about her new friends. Stephanie didn't answer her mom's letter because she haven't had anything to say. What is she going to say about school? School is nice and very interesting, it would be fair to answer that way but how is she going to answer about friends? Hi mom ! I've got no friends here but my books! I hate this life mom ... she sighed. After she received her mom's letter, she felt very lonely to be Stephanie Cramwell the girl who transferred because her parents thought that she's ready to face the outside world. But she's now facing the consequences of not attending school when she was in the right age and not in her present age that everyone in this school knew each other and she was totally left behind. Because of 'socially unwanted' -that's how she termed it- Stephanie made her own small world and she was mistaken to assume that she'll get used to it. She want better. She is hoping that before school year ends, she'll have a friend that she could stick with.

While having things in mind, she enjoyed the wind. She leaned on the wall and closed her eyes. She thought that she was alone and jumped when she was mistaken ...
Nearly the end of the year was coming and Victor Crimson felt like these days will never end with so much to do and so much to catch up too. He swear he was drowning in his own assignments, with so much piling up one after another, Victor was just close to giving up all together. But everyday he woke up with a few letters of encouragement. Letter after letter after letter from his aunt who lived near by, Victor felt more at ease to know he had someone supporting him at least to send him a few encouraging words. Still, he took times like this to relax and think about summers and vacation. To know in just a few weeks he would be bathing all over California's sun and the upcoming competition would keep him busy till vacation last. That's encouraging enough to keep going, but for now Victor race up the flights of steps till he reach the north tower.
He expected a few students to be around, maybe star gazing or completing an Astronomy assignment. He found it rather weird that no one occupied the castle's tower, except one lonesome girl who seem to recognize his appearance at once, his shoes touching the stoney grounds of the Towers. "Am I interrupting you? Sorry if I am? I just needed a place to relax and thought of the Towers tonight. Maybe I can come back later..." he paused before he turn to leave. He notice she didn't have books or assignments out on the sills. He guess he hadn't walk in on her, except she may wanted to be alone. Victor respect that no matter what, sometimes being alone helps. Especially when his arm broke into place, he kept alone for a while till it heeled in three weeks.

Stephanie's eyes widened and processed the boy's word. She don't even know if she wanted to be alone or give the boy the right to relax with her; but she wants some company though an unfamiliar company. "No. You may stay, if you don't mind to relax with me around." she said and move a little to give way for the boy. "So you need a place to relax huh? is it a haggard place out there?" she asked. Maybe they have the same world. A world with a centralized surrounding. Maybe they both want to have peace and to clear their mind from all the school stress. Of course,she could only conclude that. She don't even know who the boy is. She leaned again on the wall looking at the unfamiliar boy,she sighed and sat on the ground.The ground was a little dirty but she don't mind. She closed her eyes once more waiting if the boy would talk to her or will treat her as if she's invisible
"Thanks, and no its not that bad out there. Not lotta students but still not bad" Victor knitted his eyebrows in a slightest frown. He wonder if he heard correctly and if that's what she meant by 'hagged?'. He would think she meant if the night was lonely or something? Or if everyday life to complicated for him at the moment? He could say both, still he wouldn't pinpoint what she meant NY her words. "Are you okay? What's your name? You seem a little...put out?" he stride his direction towards the window sill. He had to say so himself, the towers was relaxing no matter what. Victor didn't come here much and for the reason alone would probably why he found it relaxing. It didn't hold much meaning, he never done anything up here but star gaze. He like it that way, for a place not to hold any meaning. It just means he feels comfortable around here and okay, if okay means relaxing. "I'm Vic, short for Victor. Its cool if you don't want to say, I don't wanna invade your privacy" he explained right after, a slight smile accompanied his relax posture.

Stephanie laughed and was relieved that the boy wanted to talked to her. Maybe a conversation wouldn't make her feel bored. Vic,as he introduced himself,noticed that Stephanie was a little put out. Hmm .. a little? she thought but didn't dare to say it instead she smiled politely. She opened her eyes and looked at Vic, "hm .. I'm Stephanie but you can call me Steph since Stephanie is a long name," she smiled. It became silent for a moment. It's a little awkward to be silent when you know you want to converse with somebody but Steph was shy to ask the boy questions and to start a conversation. She hoped that the boy wouldn't mind talking to her. She suddenly thought that maybe she was boring to talk with that's why she don't have many friends. Steph stood and walked toward the window and saw the qudditch pitch from there. She suddenly asked Vic, "You're a qudditch player, aren't you? Well, don't ask how did I know it's just that I saw you once playing"she smiled and continued,"How it feels like? to be a quidditch player? Is it fun?" she asked. She really wanted to play quidditch but haven't had a chance.
"Nice to meet you Stephanie, either one fine with me. I haven't met a Stephanie before,
Its cool"
he sounding a little annoying the way he was talking. Maybe he was just readjusting himself once again, back to the way he had use to be. Before his messy breakup with his ex girlfriend had gone wrong. Before he always knew what to say and now he didn't so you could say he seemed a little stuck. Turning his eyes towards the qudditch field, Stephanie happen to mention it when the silence brew in. Funny when he thought he didn't have anything good to say, she came out with qudditch. "Really you saw me play?" a big smile plaster his face, only because qudditch possibly the one thing he's good at here. Or just something that built confidence when he wasn't always so sure of himself at times. "Its great, I didn't expected to be chosen for it. But I love it. Do you play? If you do, you should really go out for it" he replied with a grin, saying just how much he felt about qudditch really. The whole point of the game plane outstanding really to him. Its not what he would do in California, but its certainly his thing here.
Stephanie smiled brightly,the boy seems a little energetic when the subject was brought to Quidditch. Unfortunately, Stephanie didn't play but she was very eager to learn it. "Nah, I don't play. I really wanted to play but my parents won't allow me, they think it is "dangerous"" Stephanie said exaggerating when she said the word 'dangerous'. She smiled and thought about what Victor said earlier when he said that he haven't met a Stephanie before, she thought if her name was a little unique? she didn't mind having a unique name "When did you start playing? You look really good at it. I wish I could play" she said as she look at him
Victor sighed, if his parents knew what kinda sport he played here in New Zealand, he'd be dead meat by now. He hadn't actually went over details of the sports to them. They just know he plays and it requires him chasing ball. Just not him flying or forgetting to mention he did all this in fast speed. "My parents would probably be saying the same thing too. Its not bad, just gets a little hetic up there" he shrugged. Qudditch a bit more entertaining than the rest of the school. Everyone just seemed brainless or dull. All living their own lives and not just stopping to smell the air around them. He curled his hand into a fist, that just made him annoyed. Everyone completely change and its not for any better. "Not for long, I think a year or two" again he shrugged. "Tell me about yourself? What are you into?" he turn his way over her. It didn't bite to ask, Victor just wanted the attention on her now.
Stephanie nodded to show that she was listening. The boy was interesting to talk to and she hoped that he's not getting bored while talking to her. She sighed and answered the boy, "Me?" she said sarcastically and laughed a little,"I'm no one" she said and looked outside and back to the boy, "I'm doing nothing really. You'll just be bored" she said and explained it. The boy must be curious,"I just read books and I'm always alone. At first, I like it, being alone, I mean, 'cause I thought it gave me some privacy but as day passed by, I hate it." she said "My life is boring and I don't know how to spice it up" she said honestly. It's nice to have someone to talk to. "I told you it's boring." she said and smiled.

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