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Larissa Sedgwick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Beth / Bethy
Sexual Orientation
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
It's should come as no surprise that I have far too many characters to take care of, though I have always held them close, being all possessive. I've only ever given one character away (I'm that attached to my people) so it is with a heavy heart that I have made the decision to give up some more characters: They deserve a good home and someone who will give them a chance.
I may continue to add to this list, but here are the currently inactive third years (I've requested for them to be reactivated).

Ezekiel Smith: Of the three on offer, he is the one I have done the least with, originally created for a plot which was then cancelled upon the other person's leaving of the site. He has had little development to his name, and all that I know about him is that he's a little unsure of the wizarding world, his father owns the family business (a funeral parlour) which Zeke is due to work at when he's done with school (of course, since finding out he's a wizard, his ideas may have changed, so this is all up to you).

Daichi Hiroto: Twin of Noboru, older brother of Sakura. The more energetic of the two twins, and a lover of Quidditch. He is blind in one eye after an accident in his childhood, but he is still a brilliant flyer and does not let his disability get in the way of his dreams. He's quite the charmer with the ladies, and whoever takes control of him, should be prepared for his confidence to shine on through, alongside his cheek. You can read about him and the other Hiroto's in the family bio. They also have an aunt played by KR.

Noboru Hiroto: Noboru is the artist of the family, often just sitting down to sketch life as it passes him by. He almost had a relationship with a Ravenclaw third year, but Noboru was too shy to ask the girl out. Noboru prefers solitude, though he will thrive from a single close friend or two. Unlike his brother, Noboru is incredibly shy and he tends to let people push him around. He will, someday, stand up to people and gain confidence, but when that day comes, is entirely up to you. Noboru is loyal and would settle down quite easily.

If interested, please reply here or PM Larissa Sedgwick. I will PM, anyway, with the passwords.</S>
Simon Wilburn: This young man is my squib character though, yet again, the bottom fell out of that plot as people left. I can't remember who the PB is :( (Can't remember most of the PBs) but anyway, Simon knows nothing of the wizarding world, though he comes from a wizarding family with a witch sister (see Rosemary). Never really got a chance to develop him, and though I have tried many time to sort something out, things just keep going wrong. So, here he is: Mr. Squibby. You can mold him into whatever sort of person you like. At the moment, he's into skateboarding and he has quite a few NPC muggle friends. Is he ever going to find out about the wizarding world? Your choice.

<S>Rosemary Wilburn: Rosemary is home-educated by her father. She knows of the wizarding world, though she has never really seen any of it. She loves dancing and has a couple of NPC muggle friends. Rosemary hates her name, though I haven't thought of her nickname. She lives for music and, yeah, that's pretty much all I got on this one. Develop her as you will.
You should both have the passwords PMed to you. :)
Thank you, guysies ^_^
I was just wondering about Noboru's family and history and stuff, could you PM me some info about his history and family and stuff so I can get a picture please and thankyou :)
Ezekiel Smith please!


- Brock - :hug:
The password should be in your inbox :)
Thank you for taking him on ^_^
Brock Germanotta said:
Ezekiel Smith please!


- Brock - :hug:
D: only just noticed yours :p Sorry xD
Password will be in your inbox. Thanks for helping :)
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